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Fateful Crossings

A Bond Forged to Spite Fear

By L.S. StuartPublished 7 months ago 5 min read

I could compose an entire novel comprised of a tapestry of anecdotes detailing adversities overcome with my fraternal brother, Lucas. Likewise, I could craft an equally extensive opus delineating my execrable experiences with my father. Neither narrative would singularly captivate, but the moment their fates converged, the story virtually composed itself. I never intended for their trajectories to intersect, nor did I envisage turning Lucas's Saturday into a police interagation. Yet, it seemed the universe's designs superseded my own intentions. Blame the cosmos for our arrival at my father's residence during one of his frequent vacations, young, naive, and brimming with the hubris of invincibility.

Lucas was not my chosen companion by some divine calling, but rather a pragmatic choice. We had collaborated seamlessly in the past, our shared interests fostering engaging conversations amid the silence of our labor; we weren't specifically close and our conversations reflected that. Lucas, situated across the room, meticulously sorted through my garments, while I, more gingerly, contemplated the various trinkets adorning my shelves, deliberating the worthiness of each to accompany me. After nearly an hour of toil packing everything into my Subaru, we decided to undertake a leisurely promenade through the opulent neighborhood. My mind basked in a newfound serenity, relieved of the exigencies imposed by my father's tyranny. The text message confirming our permission to retrieve my abandoned possessions had sent my spirits soaring, marking an end to this torment.

To my astonishment, despite prior correspondence with my father and Tara, both having granted written consent, an air of suspicion had enshrouded our activities, evoking concerns of illicit pursuits, such as theft or property damage. This suspicion first manifested as we spotted a police car stationed along the roadside during our jaunt—a peculiar sight given the neighborhood's upper-class nature and near-nonexistent crime rate. The police car continued to intermittently advance several houses ahead of us, pausing each time. This unusual behavior persisted, and as we concluded our walk and ascended the hill leading to my former residence, the police car, in a somewhat unsurprising turn of events, pulled in behind us.

Lucas and I had never encountered law enforcement in this manner, and we found ourselves becoming increasingly tense and paranoid. The police car parked at the top of the driveway adjacent to us, while another police vehicle arrived and positioned itself at the driveway's base, blocking access from the road. A female officer emerged from the closest vehicle, bearing a notepad and pen, and her smile carried a disarming quality. Simultaneously, a male officer exited his car and began striding uphill, devoid of any smile. They approached us nearly simultaneously, with the female officer politely requesting Lucas's identification, while the male officer directed the same inquiry toward me, his demeanor lacking the soothing charisma of his female counterpart.

My hand trembled as I fumbled to retrieve my wallet, handing it to the man who meticulously scrutinized my identification. The female officer elaborated that they had been urgently summoned to the residence by Tara, my stepmother, on the grounds of a potential break-in and property damage. In a voice quivering with unease, I managed to articulate, "I have proof from the homeowner that we are allowed to be here at this moment." However, this assertion provided scant comfort in the face of my escalating fear.

With unsettling alacrity, the male officer retorted with an unprecedented degree of malice, contrasting starkly with his partner's respectful and non-confrontational tone. He replied, "That doesn't matter to us; save it for civil." My subsequent feeble attempt to explain and rectify the misunderstanding was met with similar venom and impatience in the male officer's tone.

"Save it for civil."

Recognizing that further discourse would prove unproductive, albeit with the inaudible fear it might be detrimental to our innocence, I lapsed into silence and inched closer to Lucas, seeking solace in our shared apprehension. The female officer calmly requested that we guide them through the house, showing them the rooms we had entered. Nevertheless, I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability. My attire, a tank top or “wife-beater,” and the towering presence of the officers as they trailed us through the basement left me feeling exposed in a way I had never experienced. Although terrified, we demonstrated the undisturbed condition of the house in the rooms we had occupied, sticking close together and using each other's company for reassurance.

Our last destination was my bedroom, where we had spent the majority of our time. Lucas and I had no choice but to sit on my bed while the officers conducted a search of the empty room. Throughout the tour, the male officer had maintained an unwavering glare directed at us, intermittently commenting on the alleged severity of the situation or disparaging our demeanor. He seemed oblivious to the fact that we were two scared teenage boys, regardless of our physical stature, facing such a situation for the first time.

As the officers concluded their sweeping search of the room, the female officer continued to inspect my closet and the space beneath my bed while the male officer positioned himself between the door and the two of us. He gazed down upon us with a demeanor that could be likened to a god's disdain for the condemned. In the eerie silence, Lucas and I both discerned a distinct tapping sound emanating from the officer standing sentinel over us. My gaze traveled over his form, searching for the source of the disconcerting noise. What I observed made my stomach churn, nausea consuming me as a wave of coldness washed over me: the officer, standing above two unarmed and highly cooperative teenage boys, was rhythmically tapping his fingers on his holstered firearm, seemingly with the intent that we should notice. I have no doubt he wanted us to know, to revel in the power he held over us. His demeanor exuded a sense of invincibility, with fear of Darwinism etched into his fragile facade.

Upon the completion of her search, the female officer rejoined her partner. She began delivering routine instructions, such as refraining from returning in the near future and departing once our current engagement concluded. As she spoke, the male officer ceased his tapping, opting instead to rest his hand on his weapon's holster, a gesture hardly instilling confidence.

We concluded our interaction, responding to a final series of inquiries, and with my thoughts still in disarray, we swiftly found ourselves ensconced in my car, embarking on our departure. Our journey back to our respective homes was a silent one, marked by our pallor and persistent tremors. Any sense of invincibility had been sweated and wept away, marked by the dampness of our palms, and the glistening remnants of facing death shining beneath our eyes.


About the Creator

L.S. Stuart

An artist.

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