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Embrace the Uncomfortable - Life Advice for People in Their 50s

The decade of taking back control

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Guerric de Ternay on Unsplash

There are a lot of folks who view their 50s as a time to settle down and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

As we get older and closer to our 50s, it’s easy to start feeling like life may be coming to a standstill—that it’s too late to make any changes or do anything new. That’s why I’m here to tell you that this is not the case. In fact, your 50s is the perfect time for taking back control of your life.

I should know, after all, I am 55 as I write this.

This decade is proving to be a great opportunity to break away from the status quo and embrace the uncomfortable. This could mean taking time to explore different career paths, starting a business, traveling the world, or simply trying something new that you have always wanted to do but never allowed yourself.

The beauty of your 50s is that you now have the experience and knowledge that allows you to take risks in a smarter way. By this decade you know yourself better, have a more comprehensive understanding of the world and what you want, and don’t feel as compelled to obey all societal norms.

So are you ready to get or feel uncomfortable?

Here are a few ways to rattle that 50-year-old cage of yours.

To heck what others think about us

Let's call a spade a spade.

There was likely a time when we let other folk's opinions shape us. When their opinions impacted us. And yes, a time when we craved approval from others, whether due to a job, status, or goal we were striving for.

Yeah, well, fuck that.

As we age, we tend to become more aware of what other people think about us. And also, as we age, we tend to care a hell of a lot less. I mean, you made it this far, so does it really matter what the hell they think of your new hobby, abode, or glasses?

So look, if you've never thought of this before, now is the time when making choices is about what is best for you and your life, and not to please others.

Don't be afraid to make a bold move

It's never too late to try something new or make a big change in your life.

Go ahead, pack it up, and move to L.A. Or better yet, write that damn book you've been putting off. Always wanted to work as a barista? Do it...just Do It!

In your 50s, you have the benefit of experience and wisdom on your side, which makes it easier to make bold moves with confidence.

Look, it’s easy to get into a comfortable routine when you’ve been doing something for a while. But if you want to make the most out of your 50s, don’t be afraid to take risks.

Whether it’s trying something new or taking up an old hobby again, don't let fear keep you from exploring new opportunities.

Focus on health, and you

You may have been putting other people first for years, but now is the time to focus on yourself and what makes YOU happy.

Most likely, the kids are already raised. At least mine are. So spend time doing things that make you feel fulfilled and give yourself permission to enjoy life without feeling guilty about taking time for yourself.

When we reach our 50s, health becomes even more important than before. You may need to start exercising more or eating healthier foods—or both. Make sure you take steps to maintain your good health so that you can continue enjoying life in your golden years.

But whatever you decide, make sure you're looking out for number one...YOU!

Stay in that job

The truth is, we're living longer.

And another truth is that many of us in our 50's really like the job we're in. So don;t quit. Stick with it for twenty more years.

There's not a damn thing with working a job that is fulfilling and keeps you focused five days a week. Nobody says you must retire at a certain age. So do what fuels you, especially if it's sticking with a job that so many folks say to ditch.

There's a lot of honor in staying out, as long as you do it for the right reasons and have zero regrets.

The final word

No matter where you are in life, embracing change can be daunting but necessary if we want to grow as individuals and continue living life on our terms instead of settling for status quo expectations set by society.

Your 50s can be whatever kind of decade you choose it to be—you just have to be brave enough to embrace these (perhaps) uncomfortable pieces of life advice. So go ahead—challenge yourself, travel far and wide, focus on health over all else, trust yourself when making decisions, and take risks—the possibilities are endless.

You have control over how this decade will look like—make sure it's one full of adventure! Go ahead—own this decade and the rest from here on out.

And if you wanna really step out, join our group of Outlaw writers and take that passion to whole new heights.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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