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Cursing In The Workplace Is Ok Here

And other reasons to become a freelance writing nomad

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Yolanda Suen on Unsplash

Nowadays, there are plenty of reasons to want to become a self-employed freelance writer.

It's more than just to be free of a boss; it's to be in control of your destiny. And yet, it's also more than being in control of your future. It has much to do with not having a cap on your earning potential. But the truth is there's even one level deeper as to why freelance writing is so darn appealing.

It's because so many "modern-day" workplaces have a mentality based on not offending other people's feelings.

And therein is one of the most potent reasons nobody talks about for becoming a freelance writing nomad. The simple fact is that cursing in the workplace is just fine when you work for yourself in any location in the world.

At least for me, that was a big driver.

Yup, one of the most powerful reasons to become a freelance writer is because you can curse in the workplace without worrying about offending anyone's feelings.

Every workplace these days is trying to be politically correct by tiptoeing around people's feelings. But this can be really frustrating, especially if you like to swear a lot. Heck, it's not even about swearing; it's about being natural and open without fearing someone taking it to HR.

It's not just that workplaces are too PC. It's that they're often dull and stifling. You don't want to have to censor yourself all the time just to avoid offending someone.

The freedom to curse in the workplace is one of the many benefits of freelancing

For example, I often work on projects with a lot of strong language and counterculture themes. Can I do this in the workplace? Not likely.

However, when you're freelance writing, you can express yourself as freely as you'd like without worrying about offending anyone or getting into trouble. You don't have to worry about HR showing up and lecturing you about your language.

In addition to not worrying about offending people, freelancing also allows for a lot more creativity than a traditional job environment. You're free to write whatever you want, and no one will question it.

This freedom can unleash your creative potential and make it easier to produce quality work.

No need for office politics or drama

Those darn office politics always creep up when you least expect them.

A comment to Martha about her hair may sound nice, but if she/her is having a bad day, then you can surely expect your butt to get an email from HR. Maybe even a call from the boss. Who wants that?

But when you freelance, you don't have to worry about dealing with office politics or drama. That alone is worth more than gold.

And don't even get me started on the drama that goes along with having a boss. You don't have to worry about dealing with any of that as a freelance writer.

It all comes down to expressing yourself freely and controlling your destiny without worrying about offending anyone's feelings or falling victim to office politics.

That is the real power behind becoming a freelance writing nomad.

You're your own boss so you can be creative and expressive with your work

Isn't that what writing is truly about, though?

The ability to express yourself freely and create something people can relate to. I realize that "being your own boss" can be a scary topic. Still, as far as I'm concerned, it's not talked about enough in terms of escaping the crap that goes on in a traditional office.

Especially nowadays with this whole "woke" movement.

I'm not down for wokeism. I'm down for creation. I'm down for living, creating, earning on my own damn terms, and letting someone else deal with all this new-age junk being shoved down our collective gullets.

Not me.

Not now.

Not ever.

The final word

I believe in freedom of expression and a release from the constraints of a traditional J-O-B.

While it's not necessarily all about cursing, it's about being free to create and earn on one's own terms. And all without fear of repercussion because Sally overheard you say something about Labradoodles.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Sign up here to get your free freelance writer starter kit and learn how to earn money by writing about what you love.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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