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6 Tips to Becoming a Crazy Productive Morning Person (Even if You're a Night Owl)

Learning to sleep has become my secret weapon

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

If you're anything like me, you're definitely not a morning person.

Especially if you're really like me and have been a night shift nurse for the greater part of your career.

I used to think something was wrong with me because I could never get out of bed before 9 am. But after doing some research, I realized that I'm actually a night owl - and there's nothing wrong with that.

In fact, plenty of successful people are night owls too. Winston Churchill, for example, famously said that he "never worried about anything until after breakfast."

So if you're struggling to become a morning person, don't worry - you can still be successful!

Here are 6 tips to help you become a morning person (Even if you're a die-hard night owl like me.)

Set your alarm for a reasonable time, like 7 am, and stick to it

Get up and get going! If you want to be successful but don't feel like waking up early in the morning - turn the tables and let success come to you.

Setting a steady wake-up time of 7 am is a great way to ensure you'll always arrive at the starting line ahead of the pack. Even if it means briefly missing that extra 10 minutes of snoring bliss, once you set yourself on a morning routine like this, you'll thank yourself later when life goes much smoother. So don't drag your feet - it's time to hit the alarm clock before it hits you with another day of regrets!

Get out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off - no snoozing!

Stop hitting the snooze button and get out of bed.

Allowing yourself to linger just a few minutes longer might sound like an easy way to start the day. Still, it sets a bad precedent and throws your schedule off balance. Those precious moments of comfort are not worth sacrificing yourself to the snooze gods every morning; get up when that alarm goes off, and you'll be surprised at how much energy you gain from knowing that you have taken charge of your day.

Don't let yourself become a victim of your procrastination - own the morning and watch your life transform!

Make a to-do list for the day before you go to bed

Going to bed without making a to-do list for the next day is always a recipe for disaster.

After all, how many times have we woken up only to realize that we totally forgot what we were supposed to do that day? Sure, it's not the end of the world - but it can certainly feel like it when you're running late or feeling overwhelmed. Taking a few moments before bedtime to organize your thoughts by making a pre-sleep list of tasks and responsibilities can save time, headaches, and general frustration when the morning rolls around.

So go ahead - lay down, set yourself up for success with a concise checklist, and get some rest; after all, tomorrow's victories start with tonight's preparation.

Have a Bulletproof breakfast to jump-start your day

If you want to rule your morning rather than be ruled by it, start the day with a Bulletproof breakfast.

Yeah, I'm literally talking about the brand name. But specifically adding ghee and MCT oil to your morning coffee. The added (and healthy) fats taste great and give you raw energy for many hours.

All this flavor, fuel, and fun are assembled in one place - guaranteed to turn any morning into an adventure. Start your day with a Bulletproof breakfast, and show that morning who's boss.

Exercise in the morning to get your blood flowing

Get up, get out of bed and get your morning started off right by exercising.

Cut out all the excuses - while it can be hard to make yourself do something, you know that you'll feel much better once you've done it. Burning some energy and getting your blood flowing will jump-start your day unlike anything else. Don't wait for motivation; create it yourself; 10 minutes of exercise in the morning can impact how you feel all day long.

Spend some time outside in natural light - it will help wake you up

Step outside for a break: natural light is nature's best stimulant.

Better yet, get exposed to the sun first thing in the morning, which will help put a little pep in your step. Don't just take our word for it; why not see if you can prove us wrong? If you're feeling a bit draggy in that 9 am Zoom meeting, try chugging a cup of coffee beforehand - or better yet, commit yourself to a few minutes of soaking up some natural vitamin D.

Believe us - you don't need another cup of coffee to start your day when there's bright sunshine around and ready to greet you with a natural wake-up call.

The final word

If you want to start your day off on the right foot, try following these tips.

They may seem like common sense, but when it comes to getting out of bed and being productive, common sense isn't always so common. By setting your alarm for a reasonable time, getting up as soon as it goes off, making a to-do list before bed, eating a Bulletproof breakfast, and spending some time outside in natural light, you can jump-start your day and be more productive.

And who knows - maybe you'll even have enough energy left over to squeeze in a quick workout.

Join our merry band of Outlaw Writers. For the creators who are tired of playing by the same old boring rules.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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