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Covid-19 Should Unite Us

Or 1 thing we should learn from covid-19

By Tom StasioPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

The new normal should evolve into a positive term. What we are experiencing because of the pandemic is temporary. This should be more apparent now that a vaccine seems to be soon on its way. Also, consider that each of us have our own "normal". So what does it really mean "new normal"? Social distancing and masks will not be our new lives. They are not normal. They are fleeting as far as the bigger picture goes.

I am certain there are people who are more frightened by the behavior of our fellow citizens here in the US than of the virus. Compassion and empathy seem to be foreign concepts to many. The necessity of masks seems to feel like shackles to others. We are all tired of being tired. We are all ready for life to go back to how it was. I think we should ask if that is what we really want.

I have lived nearly five decades. I can remember what social movements and pop culture dominated 4 of them. I was young for the 70s so most of what I know about them is only in pictures and stories and music. I suppose Star Wars is about the only thing I remember clearly from the 70s. Also, oddly enough, Jaws. What I'm driving at, however, is that in all those memories I do not recall a more divisive time. The 70s I think probably were, but I was a kid. I didn't really see it, and if I did, I didn't understand it.

It is my hope that, regardless of your opinions on the pandemic and the health mandates, you keep reading until the end. If my thoughts not align with yours, I ask that you push through and so with as open a mind as you are able. I ask this because this virus, this current national climate, should be the opportunity for our citizens to come together. We can make that change, but it must be the people that do so and not national leaders. I feel like none of them are interested in leading this change.

I could bring up several topics to discuss that have led or are leading to a significant and dangerous split in our country. I know that doing so will invite anger and debate, if that is what we call internet commentary these days. I am going to commit to the readers that I will do my best to avoid attempting to break down our different view point or offer an solutions for them. I don't believe we, as a nation, are there yet. Let's stick with unity for now.

I do not care about your thoughts on masks or quarantines for the purposes of this essay. I care about how you feel about your family. Consider those you love. Include everyone in your consideration. Family can be more than just blood. I know I have many friends that are my brothers and sisters in my heart. I'm sure many if not all of you do as well. This love is what I would ask you to keep in mind as you read.

I am not naïve enough to believe I'm about to share deep insight to the human condition. I don't believe what you will read will somehow touch all of you in a way that makes think... this guy is on to something. While I would like to spark in change your lives, I also expect this to be a tiny spark and I know for some it will fail to even do that.

You may have guessed at what I'll discuss. I already mentioned love. Yes, I believe it has the power to heal and unite. I do not believe it is all we need. I'm not a Beetle and I'm only a part time optimist. For my part, I usually think the glass is half empty or I'm just happy to have a glass. I do know if we try to approach one another with love, it will make things better. We may not feel it in our hearts, but we should try just the same.

Why should this covid-19 unite us? How is it possible when it seems government and health officials want us to distance ourselves? It should unite us because the loss of American lives should be something we all wish to avoid. It should unite us because the health of American citizens should be something we want to protect. Tragedy in this nation has united us in the past. That was when it would seem Americans were at their best. Putting aside differences for the good of our nation. Being there for each other as citizens, not only as patriots is closer to what the idea of America should be, could be, if we consider freedoms to be universal. If consider our fellow Americans to be family, not just some slob down the street.

This nation has its flaws. They are deep in some places. It would seem as a populace, we have allowed leadership to pick at our scars and use them to their advantage. We only need to reach out to one another and share our stories to see that the triggers like racism, socialism, and "radical left and right" are used to embolden some who will never feel empathy nor compassion for anyone who believes something different or is perceived as someone unworthy or less than. Leadership needs us to remain apart for them to survive. They are creating a black and white world where one cannot care about one thing without wanting to destroy another.

We are the power in this land. We have to be the ones to listen and discuss. Our lives are short in comparison to the age of this planet. It will spin on long after everyone reading this has left this world. Why waste that time trying to put so many similar things in one end or the other of an extreme spectrum? The only reason is those who have power can use our fear and anger to get our support and our votes. We can do better.

This is a high ideal, I know. I don't expect it to be an easy task. I don't think that all it takes is for us to start loving each other. It will take so much more and so much longer. We need a place to start. That place is with the people. It starts with us talking to each other and ignoring what those in power tell us to believe about the "other side". We have to be willing to let go of most of our past. I am not saying forget it, but we can do with out much of it if we focus on what we can do right now to come together for our common good. The common good needs to be for all of us. Religion, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation... none of these things should be reasons for division. Freedom is believing we all have the right to live and pursue happiness. These words are old words and they divide us.

While we are in a situation that many of us must be apart, we should look at what we will do with our selves when we can again be together. Covid-19 is a reason to think about what we can do to achieve unity, not why it has pushed us apart (because some politician would rather we stay apart). This is a time we can consider how to have a conversation with those who we are told are so fundamentally opposed to our ideals. It shouldn't be a conversation about who is right with the intent to convert someone to believe as you do. It should be a conversation meant to understand what the other person believes. I think we'll find something. I think we'll find many of us want the same things. We all feel the same things. Yes, there will be bigots and racists. We do not have to listen to them. They will be easy to see because their language will be hate and anger or acceptance within their pre-determined guidelines. They will be things like, love the sinner, but hate the sin. No... just love the person. The sinner is a concept meant to imply there is only one way to be a good human being. I suppose there is, though. That one way is love.


About the Creator

Tom Stasio

I have always wanted to write. Covid-19 caused me to be unemployed and with plenty of free time. I hope what I share is relatable and/or entertaining.

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