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Cosmic Consciousness

"What star are you from?" is the new "What sign are you?"

By Erin McElroyPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Mount Shasta - root chakra of the Planet Earth

Ya know what would be really cool? I would love to track down other people born at the same time and the same date as me…that long, summer night forty years ago when the sun was sitting on the horizon for a moment…and to see what their lives are like and how they express themselves.

We may be Gemini together, which can be a lot to handle since we are known as twins so you’re getting ‘two’ of us to start with, but we would have to account for the birth location too of course. Throw that into the mix and you get an infinite number of Gemini expressions depending on what the rest of the sky was up to that night. So what are the lives like of the other babies born at the same time, same date, and same location as me? I want to know!

Of course I would get too distracted by all of the possibilities to explore and the stories to tell and hear, which makes me a true Gemini, does it not? Which desire will win, wanting to share stories or wanting to explore any and every possibility?

Now here’s what I love about the stars…when I took my first breath as a tiny human, these balls of light millions of miles away were positioned just so, like a galactic fingerprint. If that is something I can explore, I am all for it. So I learn about astrology and the traits of a Gemini. And the ones I like, I really like and I accept them into my life. Then I peek into the shadow qualities, and those are a bit more uncomfortable to explore, yet explore I do.

What I have come to love about life in this exploration is that anything and everything can be a prompt, an invitation for beautiful self-awareness, an infinite journey to wholeness. If I feel any preference, aversion, curiosity, or emotional entanglement with something, I can dig into it. I can excavate the vast root system to see what beliefs are hiding, budding, blossoming, and multiplying. I can notice how this all feels and feed the seeds that I want to give more attention to and amplify. I can yank out the roots of that which no longer serves me.

But do I really destroy the belief when I do that? Perhaps I am just relating to it in a new way, which becomes a whole new way of being to try out and play with. Each of these invitations are messengers. When the message is received, I am yet another new version of myself as I shine my light somewhere else to see what I’ll find.

There are these boundless opportunities, from the most expansive to the most minute, to witness myself, and to do so through how I interact with ‘other’. This is one of the ways I see the ‘twin’ in me…there’s the ‘me’ that is going through this human life and then there is this ‘divinity’, consciousness itself that is learning, growing, and creating in magnificent layers, in every moment.

I was camping solo around Mount Shasta, just finishing my dinner cooked over the open fire when Steve and Julia walked up. They had seen the Colorado plates on my car and struck up a conversation about their visit to the powerful Mount Blanca, another fourteener (mountain towering over 14,000 feet in height). This led to a conversation about spiritual places they were visiting in their own exploration of the cosmos and what it means to be human, or a unique expression of the universe getting to know itself.

Steve asked me, “So are you part of the ascension?” I did not know at that point that indeed I was and this would become a moment of baptism through spoken word.

At the time, my curiosity was stoked and I said, “Yes, I am.”

Then he asked, “How far down the rabbit hole have you gone?”

Hoping to open the door for him to share more, I replied, “Ya know, every time I think I know, I find out there’s more. What about you?”

Moving on and perhaps not falling prey to my open-ended charms, he invited me to come watch the sunset with them. I cleaned up my dishes, packed some things away, and wandered through the forest to an outcropping of rock that overlooked the valley. There they were.

They asked me if I had ever tried sun-gazing, and they taught me to do it as we became quiet and present with the setting sun. Some time passed and I turned around to find that they were gone. I had not heard them walk away, it was as if they had disappeared into the night.

So much for finding out more about the ascension rabbit hole!

A couple of weeks later, my road trip continued and I headed back south. I felt drawn to go to Mount Shasta once again and had a friend who was passing through there too. I walked with my friend towards the sunset spot and before we even headed up the hill, a little terrier came barreling towards us. I recognized this dog! Julia and Steve came ambling down the hill some moments later, like it was the most natural thing in the world to see me again.

We struck up a conversation that involved crystal skulls, a troll tree, light ships, and portals. Steve asked if we knew what star we were from, and my friend answered with ease, “Yes, I’m from Sirius.” I did not try the ‘fake it till you make it’ route this time. I simply said that I did not know. We spent hours together, and in un-Gemini-like fashion, I mostly listened.

The sun had long been set and our necks were starting to hurt from looking up at the stars when Steve directed me to look at two different stars. He asked which one I preferred. I pointed to one of them without hesitation. He asked me why and I shared that it felt warmer to me somehow, more inviting.

“Ah, you are from Arcturus,” he said. My friend looked at me, pondering this revelation and after a pause, she agreed. I had no idea what was meant by any of this and just relished in the delight of all the new cosmic territory we were exploring together.

The next morning, I put on a sun dress I had had for years. It was navy blue and had stars all over it, very fitting for the night we just had and yet I did not give it any thought. My friend had just come back from a morning walk and started telling me all about it, but stopped mid-sentence with a gasp!

“Look at your dress!!”

I looked down where her eyes were fixed in shock, expecting to see a giant bug or something. Instead, what I found was striking. There were two things labeled on the entire dress…the Milky Way, further down on the dress towards my left thigh and Arcturus, right there on my chest like a name tag at a starseed networking event.

What does one do with information about what star you came here from and where you are in the ascension rabbit hole? Well this Gemini has gone exploring, staying open to each avenue and possibility, as a wisdom collector of consciousness and a raconteur of delightful stories. As I mentioned before, anything can be an invitation to go exploring and it’s a good thing there are ‘two’ of me at this cosmic party!

Perhaps “What star are you from?” is the new “What’s your sign?”.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Erin McElroy

Writer and Explorer of: Consciousness • True Nature • Transformation • Human Potential

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