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Clear signs she’s not interested - 10 Signs A Girl Doesn’t Like You

Understand the girl really likes you or not?

By Anshul Singh TomarPublished 4 years ago 14 min read

Gentlemen, let 's talk about some true signs that a girl doesn't like you. It's just as important to read the signs of rejection as to know how to tell whether a girl likes you!

The path on how to get a girlfriend is peppered in equal parts with acceptances and refusals. Having both sides of the coin straight in your head is crucial.

Today, we are showing you 10 tell-tale signs that a girl might not like you, sadly, and 3 signs unique to texting.

We're also going to give you some coaching on how to finesse your way through life's inevitable rejections psychologically and emotionally. When you get signals, scroll down to what to do, a girl doesn't like you for tips on good mental and emotional hygiene to keep up your confidence.

And because we want you to be her guy, and more than just her friend, we're also letting you know how to avoid landing in the dreaded friend zone in a powerfully simple way.

To find your absolute favourites, I recommend reading through all of these 10 steps ... but if you're looking for anything unique, you can click the links below to move to that section:

Why Is It Important To Know The Signs She Doesn’t Like You?

Guys, a well-lived life is a delicate balance between putting your heart into the things that matter most to you and knowing when to stop wasting time banging your head against a wall.

You need to know. fights are worth it and which are not worth anyone's time to fight to get what you want out of life, because there's nothing to fight for!

Just as critical is the willingness to respect a woman's boundaries. If a girl tells a guy that she's not interested in any way she can and the guy continues doggedly, it begins to look very socially inept and, at worst, creepy.

We live in the age of # metoo, where paranoia is at an all-time high among the sexes. Everyone is sensitive to how men and women communicate with each other these days, and with this awareness, there are also increased reactions to misunderstandings that can have important implications.

With wisdom and compassion towards both himself and the woman who showed signs a girl doesn't like you, a real man knows how to respond to rejection. It is what sets you apart as an exceptional man to turn what is an ego-wound into the strong personal knowledge of an average man.

Finally, understanding the signs that a girl doesn't like you is crucial so that you can walk through the world with your head held high, secure through your ability to interact at all levels of subtlety. Our comprehension of ourselves as men is deepened by mastering the capacity to read body language, sound, and energy.

How To See The Signs She Doesn’t Like You: 10 Steps

Recognizing the signs a girl doesn’t like you early will leave you with your pride intact and more time and energy to pursue women that more closely match your own vibration.

1. She’s Not Breaking The “Touch Barrier”

One of the key things a guy can look for to see if a girl is relaxed with him is to see if she breaks the "touch barrier." Because one of the ways a girl demonstrates that she likes you and likes to be near you is to touch you invitingly in places like your knee, your back, or your arm.

So if the girl you're talking to is holding back from any physical touch, it might be a major indication that she doesn't see you as more than just a friend.

Don't mistake shyness for lack of interest. You can catch a feeling of stress and shyness in a nervous girl most of the time, although there simply won't be any sense of holding back with a girl who really doesn't like you.

A girl who doesn't like you obviously doesn't try to please you and isn't worried about how she introduces herself. You can tell, on the other hand, when a shy girl thinks about approaching you, but refrains from it by averting her eyes or pretending to be busy doing something else.

2. Her Body Language Is Telling You She’s On Guard

The body language of a woman can tell a lot. It can tell you that she needs you to be closer to her, or it can tell you that she just needs you to leave. And because a woman may not always come out and say 'I 'm sorry, I'm just not into you', looking at what her body language is saying can be an amazingly powerful trick.

So, what are some of the signals from the body-language that a girl would prefer to be somewhere else?

Look for the classics: folding her arms, covering her hands, or pointing her feet somewhere other than you. When you get physically near her, she may even pull away from you or give you a wide berth.

3. You Make All The Effort To Come To Her

While it may be that she's often busy, or it's just easier for you to get to her, if it seems like you're doing all the effort to reach a person, it's another indication that you're not her priority and also means that your time doesn't really matter to her.

If she was as excited to see you as you were to see her, she would probably do whatever it takes to hang out with you.

4. She Flakes On Plans At The Last Minute

Although it's clear that things can change suddenly, one of the worst ways it could become apparent that if she bails on you and your plans at the last minute, a girl doesn't believe you are. That being said: If she cancels but tries to reschedule later, don't presume that you really don't like her yet.

5. She’s Not Offering Anything To The Conversation

Some conversations may be awkward, of course, or some girls may be shyer than others, but just as you might try to keep a conversation going with a girl you like, a girl you like will try to do the same.

Which means that if she doesn't make any effort to really keep the conversation moving, if the conversation goes anywhere, it could be because she doesn't really care.

To satisfy her curiosity, a girl who wants to get to know you will be asking you questions. A girl who isn't, really isn't going to show a lot of interest in getting to know you if she isn't inside you.

6. She Checks Her Phone Every Chance She Gets

Although it can be natural to pay a certain amount of attention to her phone, checking every notification that pops up enthusiastically is a classic sign that your talk is not really doing it for her. And that's because if a girl really likes chatting or flirting with you, she's going to be more distracted by the vibes that you put out ... than by the vibrations that come from her phone.

7. She’s Looking Everywhere… Except At Your Eyes

If a girl knows you're there, but doesn't seem to want to look at you, while some girls might playfully avoid eye contact, that's a good indication, not just that she's not interested, but that you might even be slipping her out a little bit.

Averting her eyes is one major thing. For a girl who is not into you but is conscious that you are trying to enter her through them, eye contact is awkward and undesirable.

What if it does happen? The best thing to do is just carry on like there's no big deal going on.

8. It Seems Like She’s Faking Her Smile

Would you like to know if a girl is genuinely glad to see you when she smiles?

All you have to do is look at the crow 's feet, the tiny wrinkles around the corner of her eyes. And if you can't see them, chances are she's just smiling out of politeness, and not because she's particularly excited about seeing you.

Without the smile lighting up your eyes, a turned up mouth is certainly a hint that she's only being nice and you should try your luck elsewhere.

9. She Just Sounds Bored

If you talk to a girl and her replies sound less than positive, it could be the first indication that you're missing a chance to be more of a girl. See, when a girl really gets into you, in her voice you can hear it in two main ways:

  • She’ll give you a lot more than quick, short answers, and
  • Her excitement may also cause her to subconsciously speak both louder and faster.

10. She Tells You She’s Has A Boyfriend

No, it doesn't mean that she ever plays hard-to-get. What it means is that 1) she has a boyfriend, or 2) she just doesn't care.

So, if it's real or not, if a girl has to tell you that she has a boyfriend, it's supposed to be a pretty straightforward line in the sand that tells you there's no chance.

Bonus Tips

She Takes More Than 24 Hours To Text You Back

If you're waiting 24 hours to hear back from a girl you've texted, chances are that, sadly, responding to you is not her priority. Now, it's true that this does not actually suggest that she dislikes you flat out.

But if she really cares about you, at least she 's going to make an effort to let you know that she's busy, and not just blow you off. This could be as simple as prompts such as "ttyl," "brb," or "more later."

You’re Doing All The Work To Keep Texting Stream Going

Often, we all just respond out of politeness and because we've been told that we're expected to respond when someone talks to us.

In the tone and content of the text, however, the meaning can be read. If her replies are things such as, "k" and "ic," "yes," and other one word replies consistently, she's freezing you out. She tells you very plainly that she isn't interested in more texting and hopes to die out of the conversation.

She Ghosts

No message is clearer than no answer at all. She hasn't forgotten if you take the initiative to reach her three times with no response. Somewhere, she hasn't lost her phone. It's also driven three times. In two unanswered messages, you will catch the vibe of rejection. The third is the ultimate proof. She 's simply not involved.

What To Do When You Get Signs A Girl Doesn’t Like You

It is easy to read the signs that a girl does not like you. The hardest aspects are controlling your feelings and learning how to move on with your self-esteem intact.

A two-way street is any encounter we have with another human being: it's not her fault, just as it's not your fault, either. At the same time, you are both equally liable for what went down.

Does it sound like an incredible contradiction? It is at the simplest and most black-and-white level of thinking. Now, do you believe that, at the exact same time, two conflicting claims are equally true?

Welcome to the truth. In order to find the empowerment and unwavering self-esteem that you long for, you have to keep what comes from your ego and what comes from your higher consciousness in your mind simultaneously.

We have not been taught proper mental and emotional hygiene as a culture. Time and again we are told to pick ourselves up, dust us off, and soldier on like it's nothing when it is.

Let us accept that it is debilitating and harmful to suppress emotions. This is some expired, old-world male trash. So how do we constructively process our feelings to come out better and more confidently?

She does not like you and send you the signs that a girl doesn't like you because you remind her of someone she had a bad experience with, like her dad or an ex-boyfriend. Everybody brings their luggage:

Since you remind her of herself, she will not like you. You may have something that she doesn't like about herself that, because of trauma, she didn't make peace with.

You have to note that trauma is much more profound than many people know. Ancestral trauma shapes all that we are. Don't you think so? Consider how many people without ever having had a negative encounter with them are afraid of spiders. The point is, a girl who doesn't like you always has it all to do with her and nothing to do with you.

Except when it's all about you and nothing to do with her. An infinite amount of subconscious energy moves between two persons. By studying how we react to them, we draw those individuals to learn more about ourselves.

Look closely at your own insecurities that are triggering this reaction if you find yourself calling her the b-word, out loud or in your mind. Is your attitude of scarcity causing you to concentrate on bitterness rather than allowance? Take responsibility for what your thoughts are. Don't be the one who is keen to criticise her because it takes you away from questioning yourself comfortably.

Don't be scared to take a look at yourself. Realize that you are no less deserving only because a girl was searching for something other than what you deliver.

If you get signals that a girl doesn't like you, she could be reacting to some negative energy you're carrying that you don't know about. For instance, if the negative voice within her head begins to be your voice, she won't want to keep you around.

As men, we have had very little emotional freedom in history. There were battles to fight and questions for survival. Being strong for these meant sacrificing ourselves to the weaker parts before they were deeply hidden in our subconscious.

We have not been willing, as citizens, to admit it freely. To us, at least, but all that's shifting. The more we become aware of and release our subconscious trauma, the lighter our energetic footprint is, the more optimistic our vibe, the more women are attracted to us. But most importantly, when we get the signals that a girl doesn't like you, the less pressure we experience. This is how it's going. However, you've got to do the job: accept and own your feelings. It's definitely a lifelong journey.

The Biggest Thing You Can Do To Stay Clear Of The Friendzone

A state of unrequited love and desire is the friend zone, mostly unrecognised by the girl in question. It's a zone of stress and emotions eaten up. One of the most important things you need to get a girlfriend you love, appreciate and admire is how to get beyond the friend zone.

"A dead-end for having a girl, and in an equally poor state of mind, if there's one spot a guy needs to stop while he's flirting with a girl ... that's the infamous" friend zone.

Fortunately, to stop ending up there, there is an extremely simple way:

1) don’t wait too long to make your move, and

2) make your intentions with her as painfully clear as possible.

Looking for a few quick ways to do both? If it's not made clear by a few genuine compliments in the first conversation, all you have to do is ask her if she wants to go out sometime.

More Tips On How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Shy girls communicate a little differently than outgoing girls: You’ll need to know the signs a shy girl likes you.
  • All girls have a communication style that can sometimes go over guys heads: You’ll want to know how to read what are actually very clear signs a girl likes you.
  • A healthy amount of push and pull is natural: It allows each partner to gauge how the other responds to see if a match is viable. You’ll need to consider the signs she wants you to chase her.
  • Your crush might be sending you signals that you don’t want to miss: Think about how to know if your crush likes you.
  • What if you’re a shy guy: Here are some things to know when you ask yourself, “Do girls like shy guys?”


Knowing the signs you don't like a girl can save others from wasting their time, foster respect for boundaries, and sharpen their communication skills.

From a higher viewpoint, processing the signs that a girl doesn't like you will give you the resources you need to improve as an individual. Accepting the signs that a girl doesn't like you with positivity will encourage you to concentrate on being so energetically excellent that you can't miss your fantastic vibes and it's a tiny drop in the bucket when they are.



About the Creator

Anshul Singh Tomar

I can define myself as a Design Thinker with a diversified portfolio of portals which includes Ecommerce Reviews, Job/Career, Recruitment, Real Estate, Education, Matrimony, Shopping, Travel, Email, Telecom, Finance and lots more.

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