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Chivalry Isn’t dead but it is dying.

Threatened while recycling…

By Alexis NichelePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I went to recycle some bottles and cans today. It was just over 100° outside and I had two of my dogs in the car. The first time I only passed by the recycling center because it was too crowded so I went to the grocery store first and then I circled around and came back to the recycling center about 30 minutes later. The first time I passed by I noticed a man talking to someone in a car which was blocking the street. I was surprised to see that the man was still there when I returned 30 minutes later.

I entered the recycling center and grabbed a large container as well as two small containers for plastic bottles, glass bottles and cans. There was a child in line and a few people around sorting their bottles. I only had three bags so I put the contents of two of the bags into the container and I proceeded to drag it to the line behind the child. As I completed sorting, a man approached and cut in line right in front of me. I said to him “I’m in line” which he replied “but you’re not done sorting”. Normally it takes 10 to 15 minutes of standing in line waiting for the employees to separate and weigh the bottles so I knew that I had time to finish sorting my last bag before it was my turn. Had I not been finished when the child in front of me had completed his interaction I would have let the person behind me go ahead of me without issue. But I was not given that chance or opportunity instead this young man decided to be very rude to me and my animals and make up rules to justify his disrespect. No chivalry.

Granted, I stood in line for another 10 minutes after I had finished sorting all of my bottles. I told the young man that he was using semantics against me and that there were no rules posted that I needed to finish sorting outside of the line. I told him that he cannot just make up rules to justify being disrespectful. We got into a disagreement obviously and things escalated to the point where he threatened to call his girlfriend and have her come there to inflict upon me physical harm. I told him “IDGAF you’re obviously 12“. What I should have told him is that it is illegal to threaten people and I would call the police.

Then ironically what looked to be about a 12-year-old child in front of me chimed in taking the young man’s side. Of course this did not fare well for the young child because I swiftly told him to mind his business. I later told him that it did not feel good for me to fuss at him because he seem like a good kid but I was mad and so I apologized. But in all honesty he really did need to mind his business. The good news is that I overheard the manager of the Recycling Center tell the young man that I was in line before him. I allowed him to go ahead of me but I told him that God is watching.

I found it interesting that he had been outside of the recycling center for at least 30 minutes prior to my second arrival yet as soon as I get in line he was suddenly in a hurry and could not wait three minutes for me to recycle first. I find it disheartening that any young man speak to and treat women in such a way. Especially a young black man speaking to an African-American woman. it says a lot about the TV god that has been raising our children in this country and the immoral & disrespectful music and media content that is plaguing America today. And unfortunately much like a virus, the rest of the world.

I cannot stand blatan disrespect or injustice in any form. It is an emotional trigger. However, I realize that even though I was in the right, I do not need to get into altercations with strangers. Especially over such trivial things. I’m always working on being a better human being. I just wish all of my fellow Americans would meaningfully say the same thing.


About the Creator

Alexis Nichele

Writer/Director of Mandela Affected. I was raised in Hollywood around many influential people and have lots of stories to tell. I love story-telling! I wrote a book about several different other worldly encounters I’ve had.

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