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Breaking The Silence

Period Shaming and The Path to Empowerment

By Eliza HerrickPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
Breaking The Silence
Photo by Aunt Flow on Unsplash


Menstruation, a natural and physiological process, has been clouded by a veil of shame and secrecy for centuries. Period shaming, the act of stigmatizing menstruation, has not only forced women to conceal their menstrual cycles but has also perpetuated harmful stereotypes and hindered progress towards gender equality. Despite strides in challenging societal norms, women still face the impacts of period shaming today. This essay will explore the historical context of period shaming, how it continues to affect women, and the evolving efforts by society to address and rectify this issue.

Historical Roots:

The roots of period shaming can be traced back through the annals of history, where menstrual cycles were often associated with impurity and inferiority. Cultures worldwide have perpetuated the notion that menstruating women are somehow unclean or cursed. In many societies, women were isolated during their periods, prohibited from participating in religious ceremonies, and even ostracized from their communities. This historical foundation has contributed to the enduring stigma surrounding menstruation.

Hiding in Plain Sight:

As societies evolved, the narrative surrounding menstruation began to shift, yet the stigma persisted. Women, conditioned by generations of shame, developed a tendency to hide their periods. Whispered conversations about "that time of the month" and the discreet passing of sanitary products in public spaces became ingrained behaviors. Women learned to navigate the discomfort of concealing a natural bodily function, fostering a culture where menstruation was regarded as a topic to be avoided at all costs.

Contemporary Challenges:

In the contemporary landscape, period shaming persists in various forms, manifesting in workplace discrimination, social ostracism, and the imposition of unrealistic beauty standards. Many women still feel compelled to mask their menstrual experiences, viewing them as a source of embarrassment or inconvenience. The shame associated with periods is perpetuated by advertisements that depict menstruation in a sanitized and unrealistic light, further distancing women from an open and honest discussion about their bodies.

Society's Response and Progress:

In recent years, a collective effort has emerged to challenge period shaming and foster an environment of openness and acceptance. Menstrual activists, social media campaigns, and advocacy groups have worked tirelessly to debunk myths and dismantle stereotypes surrounding menstruation. The push for menstrual equity, which aims to ensure that all individuals have access to menstrual products, education, and a stigma-free environment, has gained momentum globally.

Governments and institutions are also beginning to recognize the significance of addressing period shaming. Legislation has been introduced to eliminate the "pink tax" on menstrual products, acknowledging the financial burden placed on women for a basic necessity. Educational initiatives seek to normalize conversations about menstruation in schools, empowering young girls to embrace their bodies and educating boys to foster understanding and empathy.

Room for Improvement:

While progress is evident, there remains room for improvement. Society must actively work towards dismantling the entrenched attitudes that perpetuate period shaming. Firstly, media representation must evolve to accurately reflect the diversity of women's experiences. Advertisements and cultural depictions should move beyond sensationalism and embrace authenticity, portraying menstruation in a manner that respects the dignity of women.

Moreover, fostering open conversations about menstruation within families, workplaces, and communities can contribute to breaking down the stigma. Encouraging a supportive environment where women feel comfortable discussing their periods without fear of judgment is crucial. Men also play a vital role in challenging stereotypes and fostering understanding, creating a more inclusive space where women don't feel the need to hide a natural and essential aspect of their lives.


Period shaming, deeply rooted in history, continues to exert its influence on women today. As society endeavors to dismantle this culture of silence, it is imperative to acknowledge the impact on women's mental and emotional well-being. By challenging stereotypes, fostering open conversations, and creating a supportive environment, society can contribute to a paradigm shift where menstruation is not hidden but embraced as a natural and vital part of the human experience. The journey towards eradicating period shaming requires a collective commitment to dismantling age-old taboos and creating a more inclusive and empathetic society.

Secondly, media representation needs to evolve to reflect the diversity of women's experiences. Advertisements and cultural depictions should embrace authenticity and challenge unrealistic portrayals, fostering a more inclusive narrative that empowers women instead of perpetuating shame.


Period shaming has deep historical roots that continue to affect women today. While progress has been made in challenging societal norms and dismantling stereotypes, there is still work to be done. By fostering open conversations, promoting comprehensive education, and challenging media representations, society can contribute to breaking the silence surrounding menstruation. Empowering women to embrace their bodies and experiences will not only eradicate period shaming but also move us closer to a world where gender equality is truly realized. It is time for society to recognize that embracing the natural, biological process of menstruation is a crucial step towards building a more equitable and inclusive future.


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