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Breaking the Mold...

5 Startlingly Original Business Ideas You Won't Believe

By Anna_K.Published 11 months ago 8 min read
Breaking the Mold...
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Breaking the Mold: 5 Startlingly Original Business Ideas You Won't Believe

Idea 1: Flying Taxis

Flying taxis, an innovative concept that seemed straight out of a science fiction movie a few years ago, are becoming a reality in various cities around the world. These autonomous aircrafts, also known as aerial taxis, offer a new dimension to urban mobility. Combining vertical takeoff and landing capabilities with electric propulsion, they aim to revolutionize the way we commute within cities.

Overview of the concept of flying taxis

Flying taxis are essentially small electric aircrafts designed to transport passengers from one location to another within congested urban areas. They are built with multiple rotors for vertical takeoff and landing, similar to helicopters, but have the advantage of being quieter and more energy-efficient. They are usually autonomous or piloted remotely, reducing the need for skilled pilots.

How flying taxis are being implemented in various cities

Several cities across the globe have already started implementing flying taxi services as a solution to their traffic congestion and environmental challenges. For example, Dubai has been conducting trials of their flying taxi service since 2017, aiming to have these vehicles fully operational by 2022. The cities of Los Angeles and Dallas are also actively exploring the possibilities of incorporating flying taxis into their transportation systems.

Challenges and growth potential of flying taxi businesses

While the concept of flying taxis holds tremendous potential, there are numerous challenges to overcome before they become a widespread mode of transportation. The regulatory aspect is a major hurdle, as aviation authorities need to establish safety standards and operational guidelines for this new category of aircraft. Infrastructure development, including the construction of vertiports and air traffic management systems, presents another challenge.

However, the growth potential of flying taxi businesses is undeniable. With advancements in electric propulsion and autonomous technology, flying taxis can greatly reduce traffic congestion, shorten travel times, and provide a more environmentally friendly mode of transportation. They have the potential to reshape the urban landscape and become an integral part of future smart cities.

Idea 2: Vertical Farming

In a world where urban space is limited and the demand for fresh produce is increasing, vertical farming has emerged as a groundbreaking solution. This innovative agricultural practice involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers or on vertically inclined surfaces, making efficient use of space and resources.

Exploring the concept of vertical farming

Vertical farming takes advantage of controlled environment agriculture (CEA) technology, which allows plants to thrive in indoor environments without relying on traditional soil-based cultivation. Instead of sunlight, special LED lights provide the necessary spectrum for photosynthesis, while hydroponic or aeroponic systems ensure nutrients and water are supplied directly to the plant roots.

Benefits and sustainability aspects of vertical farming businesses

Vertical farming offers numerous benefits and sustainability aspects. Firstly, it reduces the need for vast land areas, making it suitable for urban environments where space is limited. By growing crops closer to their consumption areas, transportation costs and carbon emissions associated with long-distance shipping are significantly reduced.

Moreover, vertical farming minimizes the use of water and fertilizers, as these resources are recirculated within the system, preventing excessive consumption or pollution. The controlled environment also allows for year-round crop production, eliminating the dependence on seasonal variations.

Successful examples of vertical farming businesses around the world

Several vertical farming businesses have emerged as pioneers in this innovative industry. AeroFarms, based in Newark, New Jersey, is one such example. They utilize a vertical growing system that maximizes crop yields while minimizing resource consumption. Their operations have shown remarkable success, with significantly higher yields per square foot compared to traditional farming methods.

Another noteworthy example is Plenty, an indoor vertical farming company headquartered in San Francisco. Plenty utilizes vertical hydroponic systems and advanced data analytics to optimize crop growth and streamline production. Their high-quality, locally grown produce has gained popularity among consumers and retailers alike.

Idea 3: Space Tourism

Space tourism, an emerging market in the travel industry, offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for individuals to explore beyond Earth's atmosphere. It opens up a new frontier for adventurers and space enthusiasts, allowing them to experience the wonders of space firsthand.

The emerging market of space tourism

Space tourism involves traveling to space for recreational purposes, either as a suborbital flight or an orbital journey. While it was once reserved for highly trained astronauts, advances in technology have made it possible for civilians to embark on space adventures. Companies like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin have been at the forefront of this emerging market, offering commercial space travel experiences.

Overview of companies offering space tourism experiences

Virgin Galactic, founded by Sir Richard Branson, aims to make space tourism accessible to a wider audience. Their spacecraft, VSS Unity, is designed to take passengers on suborbital trips, providing a few minutes of weightlessness and breathtaking views of Earth from space.

Blue Origin, led by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is also developing spacecraft for space tourism. Their New Shepard rockets will offer suborbital flights, allowing passengers to experience microgravity and glimpse the curvature of our planet during the journey.

Ethical and safety considerations in the space tourism industry

As space tourism becomes more accessible, ethical and safety considerations come to the forefront. The well-being of passengers and the protection of celestial environments are crucial factors. Companies operating in this industry must ensure rigorous safety measures and adhere to strict ethical guidelines to minimize risks and maintain the sanctity of space.

Idea 4: Virtual Reality Fitness

Virtual reality fitness is revolutionizing the way we approach exercise and workouts. By combining technology with physical activity, it provides a unique and immersive fitness experience that motivates individuals to stay active and engaged.

Introduction to virtual reality fitness concept

Virtual reality fitness combines virtual reality (VR) technology with various forms of exercise, such as cycling, running, or boxing. Users wear VR headsets that transport them to interactive virtual environments, where they can engage in fitness activities and games. This immersive experience enhances motivation and adds an element of fun to traditional workouts.

Examples of virtual reality fitness businesses and their success

A notable example in the virtual reality fitness industry is Supernatural. This fitness app offers users a wide range of workouts, set in breathtaking virtual landscapes. With personalized coaching and dynamic music, it provides an engaging experience that keeps users coming back for more. The success of Supernatural has demonstrated the potential of virtual reality fitness as a popular and effective fitness solution.

Potential impact on traditional fitness industry

Virtual reality fitness has the potential to disrupt the traditional fitness industry by offering a novel and engaging alternative to conventional workouts. It provides people with the flexibility to exercise from the comfort of their homes while experiencing the excitement of virtual environments. This convenience, combined with the immersive nature of VR fitness, may attract individuals who are otherwise less motivated to participate in traditional gym activities.

Idea 5: Robot Restaurants

Robot restaurants are transforming the culinary landscape by introducing automation and robotics into the dining experience. These establishments utilize cutting-edge technology to streamline food preparation and serving processes while providing an innovative and futuristic dining atmosphere.

Introduction to the concept of robot restaurants

Robot restaurants are characterized by the integration of robotics and artificial intelligence in various aspects of the dining experience. From cooking and serving to customer interaction, robots are taking over traditional roles performed by human staff. This automation not only enhances efficiency but also offers a unique dining experience that captivates customers.

How robot restaurants function and operate

In robot restaurants, robots handle tasks such as food preparation, cooking, and table service. They are equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms that enable them to navigate the restaurant, interact with customers, and perform specific tasks efficiently. Orders can be placed through digital interfaces, and robots autonomously execute them, ensuring swift and accurate service.

Societal impact and future growth prospects for robot restaurant businesses

The societal impact of robot restaurants is multifaceted. On one hand, automation reduces the need for human labor in the food service industry, potentially leading to job displacement. On the other hand, it opens up new opportunities for technological advancements, as well as the creation of jobs in the fields of robotics and AI.

As for future growth prospects, the demand for innovative dining experiences and efficient food service is expected to drive the expansion of robot restaurant businesses. However, overcoming challenges such as high initial investment costs, maintenance requirements, and public acceptance will be crucial for their long-term success.


Original business ideas have the power to transform industries, challenge conventional norms, and reshape our world. The five startlingly original business ideas explored in this article - flying taxis, vertical farming, space tourism, virtual reality fitness, and robot restaurants - are just a glimpse of the endless possibilities for innovation.

Entrepreneurship and innovation play vital roles in driving economic growth and societal progress. By encouraging individuals to think outside the box and pursue their unique ideas, we can foster a culture of creativity and advancement.

In a rapidly evolving world, it is essential to embrace originality and constantly explore new frontiers. These five original business ideas demonstrate the limitless potential of human ingenuity and the importance of daring to break the mold.


What makes a business idea "original"? A business idea is considered original when it introduces a new concept, approach, or solution that hasn't been widely explored or implemented before. Originality often lies in challenging existing norms and finding innovative ways to address societal needs or improve existing systems.

Are these original business ideas profitable? While profitability depends on various factors, including market demand, execution, and competitive landscape, these original business ideas hold significant potential for profitability. Each idea addresses unique challenges and offers innovative solutions that can attract customers and generate revenue.

How can one develop their own original business idea? Developing an original business idea requires observation, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Start by identifying a pressing problem or need in a specific industry or market. Look for gaps, inefficiencies, or unmet demands. Then, brainstorm innovative solutions or approaches that address these challenges. Conduct thorough research, gather feedback, and refine your idea until it is both unique and viable.

What challenges do original business ideas face in terms of funding and implementation? Original business ideas often face challenges in terms of securing funding, as investors may perceive them as higher-risk ventures. Lack of proven market demand or limited data can make it challenging to attract financial support. Implementation hurdles may include regulatory barriers, technological limitations, and public acceptance. Overcoming these challenges requires strategic planning, resourcefulness, and perseverance.

Are there any other original business ideas worth exploring? Certainly! The world is full of opportunities for original business ideas. It could be in the field of renewable energy, artificial intelligence, sustainable fashion, or cutting-edge healthcare solutions. Continuous innovation and adaptation to evolving trends ensure a constant stream of original business ideas waiting to be explored.

Additional Resources

If you're interested in learning more about original business ideas and innovation, here are some additional resources:

The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen

TED Talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek

Harvard Business Review - Innovation


About the Creator


A soulful content writer who artfully intertwines the beauty of life, the depth of love, the intricacies of psychology, and the power of friendship in their words.

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