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Breaking the Chains of Poverty

Strategies for Governments and Communities

By Nikk Published about a year ago 4 min read

Poverty is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects individuals, families, and entire communities. According to the World Bank, over 700 million people worldwide live in extreme poverty, which means they survive on less than $1.90 per day. Poverty is a significant barrier to accessing basic necessities like food, healthcare, and education, and it can have lasting effects on individuals' physical and mental health, educational attainment, and economic opportunities. In this blog, we will discuss some ways to deal with poverty.


Education is an essential tool to break the cycle of poverty. It provides people with the necessary knowledge and skills to increase their earning potential, improve their economic status, and achieve better health outcomes. Governments and nonprofit organizations can invest in education programs that provide quality education to children and adults who live in poverty. Such programs can include scholarships, school feeding programs, adult literacy programs, vocational training, and job placement services.

Access to Basic Needs:

People living in poverty often lack access to basic needs such as food, clean water, and shelter. Governments and NGOs can work to ensure that basic needs are met by providing subsidies, food banks, and affordable housing. Local organizations can also work to provide basic needs through community gardens, water purification systems, and affordable housing projects.

Job Creation:

Creating jobs is another way to address poverty. Governments can create job opportunities by investing in infrastructure projects, such as building roads, bridges, and schools. They can also provide tax incentives to businesses that create jobs in impoverished areas. NGOs can work with local communities to develop small businesses and entrepreneurship programs that provide jobs to those living in poverty.

Financial Inclusion:

Access to financial services can help individuals and families living in poverty to manage their money more effectively and build assets. Financial inclusion programs can include opening bank accounts, providing microfinance loans, and teaching financial literacy.

Social Protection Programs:

Social protection programs such as social security, health insurance, and unemployment benefits can provide a safety net for those living in poverty. Governments and NGOs can work together to develop and implement effective social protection programs that provide support to those in need.


Empowering those living in poverty can help to break the cycle of poverty. Empowerment programs can include providing education and training, promoting gender equality, and building leadership skills. Empowerment programs can help individuals and communities to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and advocate for their rights.

In conclusion, poverty is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address it. Education, access to basic needs, job creation, financial inclusion, social protection programs, and empowerment are some of the ways to deal with poverty. Governments, NGOs, and local communities can work together to develop and implement effective poverty reduction strategies. By working together, we can create a world where everyone has access to the basic necessities of life and the opportunity to live a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.

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What goverment could do

Governments play a crucial role in addressing poverty, and there are several actions they can take to reduce poverty levels. Here are some of the things that governments could do to help:

Increase investment in education and job training programs: Investing in education and job training programs can provide individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to secure better-paying jobs, and in turn, lift them out of poverty.

Provide social safety net programs: Governments can create social safety net programs such as cash transfers, food subsidies, and public healthcare programs that can help individuals and families meet their basic needs and reduce the impact of economic shocks.

Increase the minimum wage: Increasing the minimum wage can help ensure that workers earn a living wage, and it can help reduce income inequality.

Implement progressive tax policies: Governments can implement tax policies that reduce income inequality by making the tax system more progressive, with the wealthiest individuals and corporations paying a larger share of taxes.

Invest in affordable housing: Housing costs can be a significant barrier to those living in poverty, and governments can invest in affordable housing programs to reduce housing costs and provide a stable and safe place for individuals and families to live.

Support small business development: Governments can invest in small business development programs that provide training and financial assistance to small businesses in impoverished areas. Supporting small businesses can help create jobs and economic opportunities in communities.

Promote gender equality: Gender inequality is a significant contributor to poverty, and governments can take steps to promote gender equality by investing in girls' education, supporting women's economic empowerment, and addressing discrimination and violence against women.

These are just a few examples of the actions that governments could take to address poverty. By working to create policies and programs that address poverty and inequality, governments can help create a more equitable and just society for all.

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