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Big Waves Like The Ocean

You vs. inner child

By dr.versePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

There’s something about being the protagonist. We love an underdog. We cheer for Ironman and can relate to Spiderman. The person that everyone expected to lose, wins in the end. That’s hope right there. It is the common belief that “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!”, in the best Kevin Garnett voice I can fathom. The “bad guy” isn’t the smartest, he lacks heart, he believes in numbers while we believe in positive vibes. That’s why characters like Harry Potter are our favs. It is the end of suffering. A state of union with eternity. The pain was just a set up for success. The trials and tribulations were the journey to the top. We gave it one more last try and we made “it”. The “it” is anything we have desired. These stories make great storylines for books and movies, but what about the average joe. What happens when we fail in real life. Where is the extra chance, the come-up stories for the poverty, and the blessings for the weak? We leave these stories and theaters feeling like we could do the same things they could. Like life will just align us with us our own destiny written on the back of a golden coin. We seek our existentialism in the lull of everyday life. We clock into our 9-5’s looking for the unexpected twist that lands us rich. The mouse wheel keeps spinning because we still have to eat. Those dreams can wait for the weekend because today is Monday and we have responsibilities. But just imagine if today was our last day. If today was the last day to live, would we just clock into work and leave our dreams for nighttime? I doubt it. How do we achieve mindfulness when yesterday we were depressed and anxiety about tomorrow is demanding overtime.

When did dreaming become a childish task. We ask our children what their dreams are and then dismiss them when they are old enough to read. We place them into boxes and categories that we find fit. We take away the “fun” and replace it with “reality”. Whose to say what reality really is. Who created these social norms and whose gonna check me? Like really, try it. Be exactly who you always wanted to be. Be your most authentic person. Don’t know how, stop trying, just be. Who cares who sees you dancing, who cares if they don’t like your poetry, who cares if there are a million similar items on the market. Imagine if you no longer gave a fuck what “they” thought. You don’t really need their validation. The only validation you need is your own and that’s plenty. Ultimately, at the end of the day, they’re not actually concerned about your wellbeing. Honestly, they’re not thinking about you as much as you think. Everyone’s posing like someone is always watching to see them trip but so what if we trip. We might just trip into our destiny. That one mistake might actually be a sign from the universe that we are made for so much bigger. And if you fall, well darling, create big waves like the ocean.

Now get out of your head. That loop of thoughts that you replay all day. You are enough, you do deserve, you are exactly where you need to be. You are not a summation of your failures. You deserve more than you settle for. You deserve to be happy, you deserve peace, you deserve the life of your dreams. Feel it all, the pain, happiness, loneliness, and nothing at all. Then be curious about it. Like think about why you feel like this and remember that you are not your emotions or thoughts. They are warnings and indications of your subconscious. Analyze them, heal them, and then conquer them. I do recommend therapy, because we all need some. Just don’t give up on you. You got this.

Love always,

your inner child

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About the Creator


My words are sweeter than syrup, stronger than whiskey, cut deeper knives, but the bloodshed is only internally

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