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Are You an Introverted Writer? 5 Characteristics Which Can Be Used to Your Advantage

How this personality type can be an advantage to your work

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Are you an introvert who also happens to write or loves to write?

If you are, you're not alone. In fact, many of the greatest writers and creators throughout history have been introverts. We keep to ourselves. We generally like to work alone. We can become intensely focused on our work, often to the exclusion of all else.

But being an introverted writer isn't always easy. You may be faced with a lack of inspiration or difficulty connecting with others to market your work. It's important to remember that being an introvert is not a disadvantage. In fact, there are many advantages to being an introverted writer.

And there are plenty of advantages to being an introvert that you can use to your advantage.

Here are 5 characteristics of introverts that can be used to your advantage.

You're not shy; you're discerning - take the time to think about who you want to talk to and why rather than just talking for the sake of it

When it comes to conversation, boldness isn't always the best approach.

Instead of jumping into conversations with strangers just for the sake of talking, it can be much more rewarding to take a step back and decide which conversations are worth investing in. Knowing when to pause and think about who you want to connect with is a bold move that shouldn't be underestimated - by being discerning, you can have more meaningful interactions that leave a lasting impression and help further your goals.

Being discerning involves understanding yourself and what resonates with you; once that knowledge is explicit, take the bold step of engaging in conversations based on an underlying connection rather than simply making noise.

You're a great listener - use this skill to really understand people and build strong relationships

As humans, we all need someone to listen and understand us and be there for us in our times of joy and sorrow.

For those who have the skill of being a great listener, you also have the advantage of being that person for their friends and loved ones. The key to truly understanding individuals is taking the time to engage in active listening—listening to truly understand what they're saying, as opposed to simply waiting for your turn to talk. Crafting relationships based on this level of mutual understanding will bring you much more than just companionship—you'll gain unconditional love and trust.

So use this skill however it may present—be it informal settings or professional conversations; listening is an invaluable asset we can use to build solid and meaningful connections, so capitalize on it.

You're independent - don't be afraid to go your own way or do things alone

Being independent is a great way to truly live your life.

Go beyond what society expects of you and not be afraid to blaze your own trail. Don't follow the herd; don't be shy about embarking on your own journey, and don't be scared to try something that has never been done before. If it doesn't hurt anyone, don't limit yourself or be ashamed of thinking outside the box. It can feel daunting to do things alone, but it can also be incredibly empowering. As you push beyond what you're "supposed" to do, you will develop a sense of self-assurance not everyone dares to acquire.

Daringly go your own way - success awaits.

You have a rich inner life - use your imagination and creativity to fuel your passions

It's extraordinary how many dreamers live among us, and the inner lives of each dreamer can be filled with unique passions.

We can make our deepest dreams a reality by tapping into our imagination and creativity to fuel those passions. If you feel something is missing in your inner life, use your curiosity and creativity to explore new ideas and worlds that haven't been discovered before. Execute on those creative sparks, be unlike anyone else, believe in yourself - do it all with enthusiasm.

No dream is too big.

There's nothing quite like being able to say, "I dreamt it, so I made it happen."

You're sensitive - this can be both a strength and a weakness, but if you use it wisely, it can be an asset in both your personal and professional life

Being sensitive can be tricky in personal and professional relationships, as empathy is often mistaken for weakness.

But having empathy allows us to truly understand the needs of others and speak in their language, creating meaningful connections. When used wisely, sensitivity is a true asset that can help build meaningful relationships while allowing you to remain authentic and stay true to who you really are. Knowing your limits and drawing boundaries when needed is critical in the journey of learning how to use your sensitivity as a strength – whether it's within yourself or with those around you.

The final word

The next time you wonder why you're not like other people, remember that it's because you possess rare and valuable qualities.

Use your discernment to choose the right friends and colleagues, listen deeply to understand others, follow your independent streak, stay true to your inner life, and use your sensitivity as a strength. Understanding and valuing your unique characteristics allows you to embrace what makes you different from everyone else.

Join our merry band of introverted writers for the creators who are tired of playing by the same old boring writing rules. (We create our own).


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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