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How Anger Destroyed a Young Boy's Life

By John memonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Michael was only 10 years old when he first began to feel the pangs of anger within him. It started out innocuously enough – a stray comment from a classmate, a teacher's reprimand for not turning in his homework on time – but with each passing day, Michael found himself becoming more and more irritable, more prone to outbursts of rage.

At first, his parents tried to shrug it off as just a phase. They thought that perhaps Michael was going through some changes and that it would pass in time. But as the months went by and his behavior grew increasingly erratic, they began to worry.

It all came to a head one evening when Michael's little sister, Emily, accidentally knocked over a vase that their mother had been given as a gift. The vase shattered into a million pieces, and their mother was understandably upset. Michael, however, flew into a rage. He began to scream and shout, his face contorting with anger as he lashed out at Emily.

Their mother intervened, but Michael was beyond reason. He pushed her aside and continued to shout at Emily, telling her that she was useless and stupid and that he wished she had never been born.

The damage had been done. Michael's parents were horrified at what they had just witnessed. They knew that something had to be done before it was too late.

Over the next few weeks, they took Michael to see a therapist. They hoped that talking about his feelings and learning some coping mechanisms would help him to control his anger.

But it was already too late. Michael's rage had taken on a life of its own, and it was slowly but surely destroying him.

He began to withdraw from his friends at school. He no longer found joy in playing with them or spending time with them. Instead, he spent his days alone in his room, brooding and fuming over the slightest perceived slight.

At home, he became increasingly hostile towards his family. He would snap at them over the smallest things, and his anger would quickly escalate into violent outbursts.

His parents tried everything they could think of to help him. They took away his video games, they limited his TV time, they even tried to talk to him about his feelings. But nothing seemed to work.

As the years went by, Michael's anger only grew worse. He dropped out of school and refused to get a job. He spent his days drinking and smoking, numbing himself to the world around him.

His parents were at their wits' end. They had tried everything they could think of, but nothing seemed to help. They watched as their son's life slowly spiraled out of control, his anger consuming him from the inside out.

And then, one day, Michael's anger finally got the better of him. He got into a fight at a local bar and ended up killing a man. He was sentenced to life in prison.

As he sat in his cell, Michael finally began to understand the true cost of his anger. It had destroyed his relationships, his career, his future. It had robbed him of everything he held dear.

In the end, Michael was left with nothing but his rage. It had become his entire identity, consuming him completely.

The moral of the story? Anger can be a powerful emotion, but it can also be destructive. If left unchecked, it can consume you, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. If you find yourself struggling with anger, seek help before it's too late.


About the Creator

John memon

I Just like to write............

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