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Aliko Dangote and Olusegun Obasanjo Open up About Voting Experience

Here's what both men had to say

By Jide OkonjoPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Nigerian businessman and one of the richest men in the world, Aliko Dangote, as well as the former president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, made their way like so many Nigerians to the polls today.

After casting their votes, both Aliko Dangote and Olusegun Obasanjo spoke about their experience with voting and the entire process of it. Here is what both Aliko Dangote and former president Olusegun Obasanjo had to say about the voting today.

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Olusegun Obasanjo

Speaking about the voting process, former president Olusegun Obasanjo said:

OLUSEGUN OBASANJO: What I have seen here is okay. I think this will get it through and maybe number of what may be apparent for improvement in future can then be talked about. But I came in, I was given, I was checked, then they asked me to remove my glasses and I removed my glasses and then my picture appeared, that's a new one. If that will happen all over the country, I think we are making progress in that regard. And of course, election is the beginning of good governance in any country. The BVAS is a new thing and any new thing that will help the credibility, the integrity of the process, must be encouraged. I saw it and it worked with me because they put it and they asked me to look at it and I looked at it and my photograph came out, so that's new. So the point I am making is that anything that we do that helps the integrity, credibility, openness and transparency of election is good and that is what I've seen.


Speaking about his own experience voting, Aliko Dangote said:

ALIKO DANGOTE: The process for me is quite good. It has been well arranged and I think I must thank the President, INEC and everybody for making this election to be totally different one you know because of the use of technology. The turnout is very very impressive, I am very very impressed with what I have seen. I have been voting since 1999 when we returned to democracy. I have never really missed, but this time around you know, I have seen quite a lot of people much more than the usual time. Yes, there are one or two complaints about somebody not seeing the party of his choice on the senatorial ballot but I am sure they are going to sort that out. It's quite good, it is very peaceful, nobody is making any noise. So I think you know we must really congratulate everybody. You know this is a very very special election you know, so I encourage everybody to perform their civic rights. There is no point of people going out there to register and then on the day of election, you just go to bed.

What do you think about what both Aliko Dangote and Olusegun Obasanjo had to say? Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment either below or on my Jide Okonjo Facebook post.

That's All.

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