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After 30 in the workplace: how to achieve a qualitative breakthrough

Career development after the age of 30

By Mccord KosmatkaPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
After 30 in the workplace: how to achieve a qualitative breakthrough
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Career development after the age of 30 should no longer be a status of standing still and stagnation. To make your career after 35 achieve a comparison. There are several points to note.

1. Complete your spespecializedanding

How to build your brand. After reaching the age of 30, then go frequent job-hopping, the biggest disadvantage is that your professional knowledge growth, is usually stuck at a relatively low level, which in turn will affect the promotion of your position and salary growth. I should have a clear and definite position on what I should do and what I am suitable to do and use the remaining 5 years to accumulate. Otherwise, the "35-year-old phenomenon" is bound to occur.

In his book "Professionalism", Kenichi Ohmae, the "father of Japanese strategy", also made this point: "What makes you a winner? In the future, it will be the competition between individuals that will shape the world. Will you be able to dominate the world stage and forge core competencies that cannot be surpassed by others? The only thing you can rely on is your profession." Are you a first-class businessman or an average office worker? Here's the difference! Positioning yourself professionally and building your brand image will add more valuable leverage to your future career development.

Of course, to support your "professional" brand image, you will need to work on two other areas.

The first area is the knowledge structure that we mentioned earlier, to move away from the specific operational level and to look at issues from a higher and more distant perspective, to become a "visionary" rather than a "mousy" person. You need to look at the best in the industry. You need to look to the best people in the industry and use them as role models for your training and growth, bridging the gap with the best step-by-step. At this time, on-the-job learning, further education, training, and so on need to be on the agenda, to learn to fill your mind with new knowledge.

The second aspect is to establish your influence in the industry. Every industry has its circle of talented people. For example, Harvard Business Review, Professional Manager Network, Businessman Network, etc. are all places where relevant talents gather. Why do some people charge tens of thousands of dollars for a single lecture? Why can some people use their power to promote the development of the industry? The reason is that they have so much influence. If you want to be a good workplace person, you must also look like the best people, establish your influence in the industry and use your ideas to influence others.

Working women in their 30s

We met a very good young man who is still very impressed. He was a college student in printing and after graduation went to work as a salesman in a printing factory. Perhaps to some people, there was nothing special about this profession or this position. But it was this seemingly unimpressive position that he built his influence in his unique way.

He has set himself the requirement of writing an article every month to be published in the most influential magazine in the industry. Of course, not every article can be of the quality to be published, but one must be written every month to ensure quality. The advantages of doing this are, firstly, that it establishes your influence within the industry; and secondly, that it allows you to develop your knowledge structure. We mentioned the issue of knowledge structure earlier, and it needs to be re-emphasized here.

The knowledge you get through learning, training, etc. is ultimately someone else's, not your own. To develop your knowledge structure, you need to apply this externally absorbed knowledge to your work practice. In the process of practice, the same theory of knowledge is felt and learned differently by each person in different situations. The process of writing your article is also the process of summarising and reflecting on your feelings and insights in practice. The knowledge structure formed in this process can truly be called "your own" knowledge.

2. Develop yourself as a good manager

Apart from those who are very enthusiastic about technology, if you want to get more space in the workplace, promotion is essential. Some people will say I don't want to be a leader, I just want to do my part and I'll be satisfied. For those who think this way, I can only say I'm sorry, it's not your choice.

The reason is simple: at 25, you can be a basic employee; at 30, you can be a basic employee; but at 35 and above, if you still want to be a basic employee, that's not very realistic. We mentioned the '35-year-old phenomenon' earlier. So, whether you want to or not, you have to make promotion an important goal on your career path and work towards it.

Getting into a managerial position is a key step in your career growth. Any room for future development is inextricably linked to this promotion. But this seat is not for everyone. Gallup once conducted a survey and found that the reason why basic employees leave so often is that very often the problem is not with the company, but with their supervisors - the middle managers of the company. In our career planning consulting experience, we often encounter such problems: because of the poor management of the middle level, the development and growth of subordinate staff caused a very negative impact, resulting in their career development either in professional ability or in professional training, are not effective growth.

Here we will not discuss the "middle-level crisis" for the development of the company and how important such a macro topic, simply from a small point of view, you must be aware of: your management will likely change the fate of your subordinates for life, is your wrong management style unknowingly hurt your subordinates, forcing them to leave the Company.

When hiring staff, managers abhor people who jump ship frequently. But as an onlooker, I have to say this: while you are complaining about the disloyalty and low quality of job seekers, have you ever considered establishing a benign talent growth mechanism so that everyone can grow? While you are complaining about the shortage of talent, have you considered how to seriously cultivate talents? Many companies will say that we have trained but can't retain, and in the end, we are doing it for others, which is a loss that doesn't pay off, so they are not so keen on talent development.

But here's the problem: why can't you keep people? If every company doesn't nurture its people and tries to take what's available, the result will be that all companies will be left with no one to work with.

When your growth is hindered by your boss, it is your misfortune and you can choose to "vote with your feet"; when you become a manager one day, we do not want to pass on this misfortune. Only then can the development of talent enter a positive cycle, so that everyone can find a place for themselves in the workplace. There are many difficulties involved, but I hope that people with aspirations will keep working hard and slowly change all this.

3、Growing together with a company

In the process of growing up, it is very important to find a company with growth potential and room for development and to grow with it.

For one thing, you can witness the growth of a company from small to large, from weak to strong, and you will have a deeper understanding of the company's operations, and you will be able to appreciate the position and role of your role in the company's growth. Secondly, as the company grows, your value will have more room to play and will be more easily demonstrated. Understandably, many people tend to look for big companies when they are looking for a job, but to grow quickly, it is a better option to look for a growing company that is not too big. This is because there will be a more urgent need for talent during the growth process and you will be promoted more quickly in your position. Thirdly, your loyalty will bring you more rewards for your development. Companies employ people, and one of the most important is loyalty. No company likes to have employees who are not loyal. Especially now that the job-hopping rate and turnover rate are high in many companies, loyalty has become a very valuable profession.

Whether you have now "run three", or are "running three" on the road, please always caution yourself: do not waste a good year, seize all the time you can seize, to accumulate more thickness for their lives. When you grow old and look back on your life, do you want it to be a life of comfort or a life of regret and remorse?

To conclude, I'd like to borrow a quote from Steve Jobs. "You can't do too many things in life, so do each one brilliantly. Your time is limited, so don't live for others. Don't be limited by dogma, don't live by someone else's idea. Don't let other people's opinions sway your inner voice. Above all, be brave and follow your heart and intuition, only your heart and intuition know what you think about yourself, everything else is secondary."

When you feel that your income is not as good as others, don't just compare yourself to others, because you can never know what others have put behind your income. Similarly, when our life is not as good as others, there is no need to be extra envious, because the quality of our life is created by our efforts, and if you feel that your life is not good enough it means that your efforts are not enough. We just need to stick to it. It's easy to stick to it for 3 days, but the hard part is to stick to it all the time!


About the Creator

Mccord Kosmatka

A so-called genius is simply someone who spends all the time other people spend drinking coffee on their work.

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    Mccord KosmatkaWritten by Mccord Kosmatka

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