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A Super Tender Story: Even The Ordinary Is Love

Mr. St. John, a retired teacher, was hired back by his former school at the age of 62 to do some housekeeping work.

By Michaell BrawnPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Mr. St. John, a retired teacher, was hired back by his former school at the age of 62 to do some housekeeping work.

Many people had some doubts about what the school was doing: There were plenty of strong teachers, so why use an old man who had passed his prime? But soon, people's doubts were dispelled. Mr. St. John worked as well as anyone, was quick and eloquent, his desk was always organized, and the items in his care were labeled and then marked in a record book. He often reminded the youngsters, "Hey, young man, it's time to return the last book you borrowed." He had a good memory, too.

Someone soon picked up on it.

The first thing Mr. St. John did every day when he arrived at the office, was drink water, then take out a small bottle from his briefcase, poured out a handful of medicine, sent it into his mouth, and tilted up his neck, and sent it down with water. Old colleagues, who used to be familiar with this habit of his. But now we find that he walked into the office. Often first drink water, and then call his wife: "Luna, I forgot my medicine at home, please help me send it over."

Half an hour later, Luna appeared in the office. She had a somewhat angry expression and unkindly handed him the medicine. He did not care, looked at his wife's face, smiled, and said "thank you". Luna's face was a little waxy, and her hair was dry.

Watching him finish his medicine, Luna turned around and walked away, without greeting other colleagues. So someone teased him, "Don't forget to bring your medicine next time."

Another time, St. John called Luna when the sun was shining, but just put down the phone after less than 10 minutes, the sky is cloudy, and a moment clattering rain. St. John looked out the window in a panic and kept calling home, but there was no answer. He hurriedly opened the closet and took out an umbrella, and was about to go out when the door opened and Luna appeared at the office door, drenched. St. John greeted him with a face full of shame, like a child who had done something wrong. As Luna handed him the medicine, she almost snarled, "You forgetful bastard!" Although Luna was soaked to the skin, she watched St. John take the medicine, as she always did, before leaving.

After Luna left, St. John stood quietly in front of the window for a long time, and his colleagues thought that he was chagrined at his forgetfulness and that he would not forget his medicine next time.

But the next time. Mr. St. John continued to do what he did. So much so that everyone slowly got used to it: half an hour after work, Luna appeared in the office.

Some people muttered that St. John was really old. Others said that Luna deserved to be angry because he was always so forgetful. Others said that St. John's forgetfulness was a problem that Luna had spoiled and that she could have stopped delivering the medicine because he was not forgetful at work!

The truth was known two years later. Two years later, Mr. St. John resigned, then, his amnesia seems to be much better, Luna rarely appeared in the office, and occasionally appeared, not like two years ago, angry. Instead, she smiled and greeted everyone gently. Mr. St. John patted everyone's shoulders and said farewell words, and they also instructed him: take care and don't forget to take your medication on time. He laughed and told the reason for his "forgetfulness".

It turned out that Luna suffered from severe neurosis two years ago: irritability, irritability, autism, anxiety, and even committed suicide twice. No matter how carefully he took care of her, and take her to seek medical advice, but no improvement. In desperation, he came up with a solution.

He approached the principal and asked him to give him a job, either cleaning or as a janitor. Given his previous performance, the principal gave him a job in housekeeping. This way, he could take his medicine away from home every day. He had a congenital heart condition and high blood pressure and had a few attacks when he was young, but he was lucky to have Luna take care of him. After all these years, although his illness has not recurred, it has always been a preoccupation for Luna. By forgetting to bring his medicine, he got Luna out of the house and into the sunlight, using her love to reawaken her sense of responsibility and passion for life. Now that Luna had recovered, it was time for him to go home and live in peace with her.

Mr. St. John's words made everyone stare, and then, they clasped his hands, and what old hands they were!

Today, people still often see Mr. St. John and his wife walking together on the paths near the school. That pair of figures holding each other and never leaving each other, how like two maple leaves old into late autumn, with a charming luster all around them.


About the Creator

Michaell Brawn

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