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ALittle Black Book

Diggas' Dreams

By Chanequa Chavez-WilliamsPublished 3 years ago 6 min read


Digga was 35 years old whom lived in New York City and always took the train home too Queens; from work in lower Manhattan for the last five years. Even though Digga worked full time and mostly overnight is the reasons why it would take two hours ten minutes to get home every night. See there was a dream that Digga was passionate about and wanted to make the world a better place where happier people overpopulates’ the gruesome takeover of mental health disorders, homelessness, sadness, and most of all loneliness that is affecting our mass energy of life and mutating the people. As Digga thinks to herself she finds that her train is nearing, and she finds herself a seat when she noticed and older man having troubles finding his way down into a seat of his own. Digga asked if he may need her help by moving over or need help in general, the man chuckled and said “no” by the waving motion of his hand, he finally sat down. As the elder man and Digga pursued a conversation that had them ponder on questions that they would love to ask or find answers too about what the word alone holds as secrets, Digga noticed how the other people on the train were looking at them both.

Suddenly the tightening of the train breaks screeches and a giant jolt that send every one-on-one direction rapidly; and then returning as if all were made from rubber for a few second in time. “The train has to wait for the other train to move from in front of us” says the elder man, but due to the train jumping in restart Digga witness his mouth moving but not hearing a thing. As the elder man looked back at Digga he stated, “there’s something special; like different about you.” Digga giggled with such comfort as if this moment were being shared with her grandfather she never gotten to meet because he died before she was born. Digga helped the man land the right term as she says “Unique”! “I’m unique”, you mean to say. When the word hit the air between them both, it caused the man to knowingly agree as if the quenching of thirst happened as he nodded in a yes manner.

Before Digga knew it, the train has now announced “next stop is the last stop; all passengers please leave the train”, seemingly noticing that the same elder man is going the same way, again. The next step now would be to board a bus to take her across the bridge. Even so, in Diggas’ mind she is wondering what made the man express to her that she was special. Throughout Diggas’ whole life she felted that way “special”, “different”, but also in her whole life it was not a regular life that she would have liked to share if asked, or even cared to stay in it without change. she wanted something much more different which included the whole world in her happiness as well. Heading to the bus the stares continued, lasting the whole bus ride. Digga now sees that even though she was sharing an honest conversation with a person “The Elderly Man” he was vagabond, dingy, smelted of trapped Brooklyn restaurant cooking grease and looked as if homeless. Digga really have not viewed the world or the people of it in this aspect, but she picked up on how it was making the other riders uncomfortable. Digga looked over and heard the man say that no one would have noticed him, but that day for some reason Digga seen him as broad as day.

The bus jerked, preventing from hitting a pedestrian, sending Digga into a DeJa’Vu setting, she heard the back bus door snapped back into a closing position. Looking around it seems the man have disappeared into thin air. The next stop is home,Before she reached out to push the door open, she sightly kicked a little black book that looked to be an address/ phone number book, she quickly picked it up and headed out the bus back doors into the winter morning of 2:25am heading to her Bronx apartment building she hated.

Soon as she exits the shower and sips her tea and cinnamon, she reaches for the book she found on the bus. Feeling as if it could have been the old man’s she just would peek thou it to see if she could return it somehow. Holding the book, it felt different, Digga even though she may have heard it speak in a faint whisper. Shaking her head, she thought this is one of those times that being so exhausted had her seeing and hearing things. Until she rubbed on the black threaded stitched words of little black book, is when she heard, in a faint ghostly tone” what would you do if you could live your dreams”? Digga opened the book by allowing it to unfold itself and she could not believe it, a bunch of jumbo handwriting as of someone was just learning how to write. Digga in tiredness tossed the book to the center of the table and eased her way to her bedroom, off to sleep. It’s now 4:15am and all throughout Diggas’ apartment you can hear something calling out to Digga screaming out “change the world”, “change the world”. It must have screamed out about a million times before Digga got up and witness the glow from the book.

What energy surged though Diggas body when the book was near, had only enticed her to open the book once again and when she did, the words arranged into many different numbers, and under different categories giving Digga special days that she would experience greater odds of luck. These days will also tie her into a special lasting gift before having to also find someone else to then pass the black book down too. Days went into months as Digga really utilized her new book of luck. All the days that Digga happened to get lucky she invested the tidings into real estate, which she made into group homes, shelters, salons, restaurants, clubs for children, clubs/lounge for adults. Digga built homes to help decrease the high numbers in homelessness. Providing jobs for a lot of people becoming less fortunate in maintaining a proper income based off skill and knowledge. Digga made a lot of people happy for many years and for many years Digga was also happier by promoting the joy of love and unity. Seeing the world around her enjoyed her dream of helping all people, she wondered If she had already missed the moment when to pass the little black book down.

That Night the old man came to Digga in her sleep. Digga was not surprised by the visit because the man had looked different. His presence was just how it were when they first meet, very loud without words, Bold, Seen, Heard. This time cleaned up moving without walking and to a shocking pause, Digga witness angel wings. Lights coming from the skin of this old homeless man. He reached out and said” my child You will inherit twenty thousand dollars, and with that please continue to be happy with life for life is happy with you”. “Those that bless others have a heaping blessing themselves”. As those lights that shimmered off the elderly man’s skin is also when he started to fade away in vision until when Digga woke up she looked for signs of the man in her apartment. She did not find anything, nor did she find out how she would have obtained the twenty thousand dollars because when she investigated the little black book it was empty, not even a writing of any sort was seen. Digga continued with her day, she still worked at that same job that took her two hours ten minutes to get home at nights. That job she loved and would have not changed it unless she could work for herself.

The night was nearing for Digga to close shop down and clock out when the restaurant’s’ doorbell rang. Looking out the window Digga does not see the mailman or delivery man, so what was the doorbell for? She opened the door of the store to see a small package lying there in front of the door. Again, Digga finds herself picking up the small package taking it inside, finding twenty thousand dollars inside. with a note attached saying “This is your final gift now pass it on”.

Digga finally brought her own home and made drastic positive changes within people’s lives she encountered though out the remaining time she lived. She considers all walks of life and contribute to the positive networking of helping thy neighbor. Having a dream that brought millions of people together creating a huge family, where no one could ever be lonely, hungry, homeless, or ever sad. This system cured all illnesses, helped empowered the world where the world has never been greener.



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    Chanequa Chavez-WilliamsWritten by Chanequa Chavez-Williams

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