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A Dream

A Lucid Dream Experience

By Colin GleasonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=3713835">jplenio</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=3713835">Pixabay</a>

Have you ever had a Lucid Dream? For those who might be unaware of what a Lucid Dream might be, it’s a dream where you know you are dreaming. Some have said that they could control what happens in this type of dream. According to an article in – “5 Techniques to Try for Lucid Dreaming”, it’s estimated that 55 percent of people have had one or maybe even multiple. To be honest, I was quite intrigued by how low the percentage is for this kind of dream. Fortunately for me, I can count myself in that percentage of people who’ve had a Lucid Dream.

The most interesting thing I can say about having a Lucid Dream is that I still remember a good chunk of what had transpired in the dream. Now, I’m not sure how common it is to remember a Lucid Dream, but I’m certain that lucid dreams have a higher chance of sticking with a person because of how unique the dream is.

Now, I don’t remember how the dream began, but the first thing I remember was doorways. Not like in the second Matrix movie. It was more random, as if I was in a house but not in a house. I went through a few of these doorways, but I have little memory of them besides the last one I went through.

The best way I can describe the scenery is from a movie called, “What Dreams May Come”. I have not seen this movie, but I know that the imagery in the movie is very vibrant and colorful, and that’s what this place was when I passed through the doorway – vibrant and colorful.

I was on a sandy beach with the water in front of me completely flat and unmoving. I couldn’t tell you if the waters were tropical in nature, meaning a clear blue, because the waters were a total reflection of the skyline. The colors in the sky were mostly yellows, oranges, and reds, but there were also hints of purple wisping throughout the sky and clouds.

The most unique feature of this place, however, was that the same waters that were in front of me were also above me as well. I was in awe of this place. It was something I had never seen, in terms of the overall beauty of the colors within the place I entered. Also, because I knew that this whole thing was a dream, I consciously thought that my mind would have never had conjured/imagined a place like this.

As I strolled down to the waters, I couldn’t help but continuously stare up into the waters above me. As I moved, the water would ripple slightly in response to my movement. All of this by the way was in third person. I was watching myself do all of this as I did things in the dream.

When I finally reached the water in front of me, I noticed that a co-worker I worked with once was there beside me suddenly. I asked them why they were here but unfortunately, I don’t remember their response to the question. To this day, I still don’t understand why they were there. They didn’t have a profound impact on my life, nor were we great friends. It was completely random.

Whatever their response was, afterwards I felt compelled to sit down and just take in the moment. The feelings I experienced were pure bliss. I was filled with tranquility and happiness. After some time spent in silence, I got up, walked back to the doorway, and exited – waking up right after. It was profoundly a magical experience.

I don’t know if I’ll ever experience a Lucid Dream ever again, but I hope and… well, pun intended, dream of having another one.


About the Creator

Colin Gleason

I'm just a writing rookie looking for ways to expand my writing abilities and become better.

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