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A Date Worth Preserving, Wines Worth Serving

Red Wines and Blue Felines

By E.L. MartinPublished 3 years ago 16 min read
A Date Worth Preserving, Wines Worth Serving
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

It had been a long time since a woman had tickled Henry's fancy. He was known for being quite selective. After all, these days you must be. Months of quarantine and regulations had frustrated him. He was used to being a corporate figurehead. Where once he enjoyed attention, prowess, and occasional flirtatious glances, he now had only the virtual world to recognize him. His life had changed drastically, and he found himself filling the void with new hobbies.

He had found his home was too large to live in all alone, and he was all alone. Well, except for his cat Mortimore who wasn't much of a noisy cat nor a good mouser. Despite this, Henry had come to adore the large, beautiful fellow. He remembered picking up the smoky blue and white kitten. He was so playful back then. He may have cost a pretty penny as he came from a well-known breeder, but he was worth the price. When he met Mortimore, he knew he was his cat. It was the closest he had ever been to love at first sight, and ever the opportunist, he refused to lose out on that experience.

By Sergey Semin on Unsplash

Kailin was a natural born leader. She had risen to the top of the corporate ladder through her own independent making. She frequently laughed at women beneath her who fooled around for promotions only to be made the fool. Kailin had enough skills, confidence, and charisma to attract much attention. Had seduction been her aim, she would have been triumphant with minimal effort. While she had heard men frequently refrained from interacting with strong women, she found this to be a fallacy. Frankly, she found their impudent stares and gawking eyes an abhorrent sight. Had she encountered a woman of her caliber, she had once thought she could fall in love with her; at least a woman like her could be inspiring and participate in intellectual conversation. Such thoughts crossed her mind frequently, which was why she wondered why she had been so captivated by an online profile for Henry McDaniel. Something about the man fascinated her.

As she sat reading over his page, she stroked Griselda's blue and orange fur. "Such a good, kitty" she murmured, and offered the cat a genuine smile. Her smile was pretty, but not something many people had seen. She was thought incapable of having emotions with the machined efficiency in which she organized every article of her life. The woman was gorgeous, but rather stone faced and expressionless. Had gambling been an interest of hers, she would have excelled. Precision was an old friend of hers, and probably the closest aside from Griselda.

By Sergey Semin on Unsplash

Kailin wondered how she had gotten to the point in her life where she was viewing online dating profiles. She had everything didn't she? Covid-19 and the government's shenanigans were irritating. Her once organized, in control life felt as though it had been put off balance for a while. She had considered hiring an in-home maid, but most personalities she found off-putting, and unequivocally incompetent by her standards. Still, her large home seemed empty. She had been a long proponent of the phrase, "I'd rather be alone than in bad company." However, in her current situation, she had questioned her resolve. Most conversations she had with her virtual suitors had been bland or distasteful, not in between. It was lacking. "Why do people do this?," she wondered.

Shortly after that thought, she had caught a glimpse of Henry's profile. What attracted her was that he had more kitten pictures of his cat Mortimore than of himself. Mortimore was a Main Coon just like her Griselda; but unlike Griselda, a tortoiseshell variant, Mortimore was a blue smoke type with subtle white undertones. She found it an amusing and humbling experience that two successful business savants had now stooped to the level of virtual interaction discussing their cats. How pitiful. Still, she couldn't help but continue conversing with him.

When Henry found Kailin's profile, he found her incredibly attractive. Attractiveness though was not enough to keep Henry's attention. It was one attribute, one characteristic. Henry was captivated by still life portraits just as much as he was by real physical people. He could liken the beauty of a person to an inanimate object or appreciate a statue as much as the real being. Sometimes the warmth of a body was appealing and necessary, but overall, Henry still felt the need to disconnect from life's realities. It was part of how he felt sane.

When he spoke with Kailin, somehow, he felt better than ever before. With Kailin, even if there was a hole in his heart it didn't matter. They seemed to have more in common than not. He enjoyed seeing pictures of her once kitten, now grown. It seems she felt a similar connection to her multicolored feline. Aside from their mutual taste and experience in cats, they had more things to talk about, art, music, literature, theatrical performances, food and wine pairings, and their prospective travels, and vacation homes.

By Simon Migaj on Unsplash

One would have thought that neither of the two would have been nervous to meet. They had excelled at all social situations prior to their virtual meeting, but something was different this time. Although both parties wanted to meet, they also did not. They weren't prepared enough. This meeting would be the meeting of a lifetime; the perfect first date. Perhaps that is why each of them neglected to speak of it, and perhaps that was part of why they had each other hooked. Who would initiate the first in person move? Who would make that first call? The anticipation created angst between the two parties, unbeknownst to one another. Without either of them realizing it, a competition had brewed on who could make the perfect preparations and beat the other to the draw.

Henry searched his wine cellar. He knew he had the perfect vintage year somewhere in his extensive collection. He needed something that matched her personality. He struck her as a dark red type of woman. Maybe a Bordeaux? No, that wasn't quite right. Merlot? Of course. The very name of the wine was reminiscent of his newfound lover. Merlot: derived from merle. French for blackbird. It wasn't her figure that made it fit, nor her voice, but something about the look in her eyes. Her favorite poem, he recalled, was The Raven. He found it fascinating that she chose such a bewildering poem by such a damning author. Yet somehow it suited her. He had been captivated by the author's works in early childhood. Perhaps, that was something he should have waited to read. Maybe that would have changed things, but he rather liked how things were. Had he been different, he wouldn't have found this intriguing woman.

The intriguing woman was making plans of her own. She had one vintage wine at the top of her wine shelf she had been dying to try. The right occasion was required; she needed something worthwhile to justify its celebratory opening. Red wine made her think of romance, something she had not yet experienced. She was experienced in what the definition of romance could be by many, but their definition was not hers. Sure, she had romped in the bedroom for animalistic, natural needs. She may have even enjoyed it, especially when she had the upper hand. She was amazed at the level a man or woman would stoop for her to fulfill her barbaric desires. She had many playthings she desired and obtained, but they were of no value to her. She considered those experiences less than noteworthy, and nowhere near the level of romanticism she desired. The wine and dinner she had with others was nothing but mere pomp and circumstance. Although she impressed them with her extensive wine knowledge, and made them feel as though they were receiving her best, she knew they would never have the best she could offer. None were worthy of toasting the glass of fine wine atop her custom cabinetry. That wine was much too precious to her. She took the bottle off her wine cabinet and rolled it around in her hand a few times. She smiled at it brightly, chuckled, and said out loud to herself "Maybe, it's time."

Henry paced. Should he just ask Kailin where she would like to meet? That seemed too simple of a task. She would think he didn't put enough effort into the date's planning. He knew her well enough to know she would find that displeasing. His past acquaintances had always picked the location and activities. Lovers didn't seem the right word to use to Henry. Lovemaking did not equal loving and did not necessitate the prestigious name of lover. Truthfully, he hadn't cared what had been done prior to achieving his agenda. He knew the right things to say without meaning them. He didn't mind the cost of money.

For prestigious events, he hired escorts and rarely used their end services. Somehow, he gave them a bit more respect. He supposed he admired their manipulative qualities and the mutual business agreement. It was all for the sake of professionalism. The idiotic bimbos who fawned over him for the sake of money, his good looks, or their own self-promotion because of his reputation, he despised most of all. He despised them until they paid their dues. Their chitter chatter and gaudy make-up made them hideous. Silence from them was a beautiful thing; and the fact he could cause it made it even better.

By contrast, Kailin's beauty radiated the more she spoke. He had a nagging feeling her silence could be foreboding and ominous as well as beautiful. It was something that drew him closer to her. Where could you take a mystical creature like that? Where would be the best location to preserve her as she is? He thought of the various beach houses he owned. None of those seemed to fit. Did she seem the type to enjoy secluded mountains, and spiritual enlightenment? He knew a few people in those locations. That didn't seem right either. He thought of all the mystical lands and wonders. He had a single property in Romania. It wasn't as grand as his many other estates, but it was still substantial. Somehow, he felt this seemingly dark, brooding landscape suited her. What type of person would find joy in a place like that? Then again, who would feel comfortable knowing the "real" Henry McDaniel? Kailin was a unique find. A unique find he was prepared to make his own as much as she was compelled to make him hers. They could be each other’s property.

Spring seemed like the best weather to meet, at least Kailin thought this was what the majority of people wanted. She rather preferred cold winter scenes. She imagined hot saunas on an outdoor covered patio. Naked bodies and toasting beverages. She thought of the fire that flamed with passion and quelled with embers. She chuckled at the thought, "like most lovers." She never wanted to feel the same way as those fires. She wanted to continue to burn with passion until the very end, if there had to be an end. Maybe those flames would continue, and they'd challenge hell together as one. Many said they felt the same but had proven they didn't. Eventually, most want to settle down. Most crave a sense of calm. She would rather be in the middle of a storm, tornado, or hurricane wreaking havoc. True, they caused much destruction, but aren't we fooling ourselves to believe that humans do anything aside from that? Filthy, disgusting creatures. What sickened her most is the lies they tell themselves about it. They pretend, for the sake of what? What she enjoyed about Henry was that there seemed to be a lot of things that he left unsaid. What he left unsaid spoke honesty. There was no pretending. It was a paradox, she knew; however, she understood paradoxes. She had been considered an enigma herself. Perhaps they were two wonders bound by destiny.

Kailin as genius as she was, had to believe in destiny. She considered too many things to be beyond mere coincidence. Fates, she could not determine to be good or evil. She understood it was not in her wheelhouse of judgment to determine such universal things. She pondered them, yes. Damned them, equally so. To celebrate them though, would be another occasion entirely.

It was January when Henry initiated the request to meet in person for their first date. For once, Kailin was caught off guard.

"Why would you ask to meet in the middle of winter?" she asked.

Henry laughed, "To liken your visage to a spring flower would have been a substantial error on my part. The rarest flowers bloom in winter."

Her face upturned, not quite a smirk and not quite a sneer.

"Oh, did I figure out an unknown about you?" he smirked arrogantly.

"I wouldn't speak so confidently Mr. McDaniel. There is much you don't know. Are you coming closer than others before? A bit, but that doesn't mean you've figured me out. Become overconfident for an instant, and it will come back to bite you." she replied.

Her eyes pierced him, but he was rather enjoying this.

"Sharp as ever." he smiled, pleased that he had guessed accurately. This sort of cat and mouse game he rather enjoyed. The banter between both parties felt natural.

"Shall we meet at the airport?" he pressed further.

"Do you think I'm an incompetent woman who needs to meet in a public space? Misjudge me just once and you will regret it." she said outstretching a long-nailed finger.

For a moment, Henry's mind flashed with images of Yuriko Oyama, more commonly known as Lady Deathstrike, from the Marvel comics he read as a child. He preferred to call her Yuriko, and although lethal he often thought he would enjoy her company. Some boys had Sports Illustrated swimsuit models for inspiration, he had Yuriko. It was yet another fantasy Kailin entertained for him without realizing. He fancied the strong, independent, and often villainous type. He just hadn't met many that fit the description in the flesh. He tried to contain his momentary excitement.

"Would I misjudge you if I offered a private flight to an estate I own in Romania?" he inquired cleverly, adding a smirk.

"Have you no beach houses or mansions for rent? You offer me Europe of all places?" she chuckled, "wise decision."

One week later, in the dead of winter, the two met at a small airport for their private international flight.

Dark, gorgeous, hair flowed from the top of Kailin's head to the small of her back, hued in dark red. Voluptuous curves elongated her body along with the dark stiletto heels she wore. Her long, clawed fingernails were painted a stunning amethyst, metallic in sheen. He had suspected she wasn't the type to use filters, but he did wonder momentarily what her black face mask concealed. Soon enough, they would be on their private flight, and he would find out.

Kailin didn't mind the sight of the man she saw waiting for her. She nearly didn't recognize him in person. Their meeting seemed surreal. He was a broader, taller man than she'd realized. She was thankful she had worn the heels, though he wasn't too much taller than her. She supposed it was a comfortable kissing height, if he was even worth it. The mask he wore could still be hiding a canker sore or wart for all she knew. She wouldn't take any chances on being too forward until she saw under his mask.

A simple "hi" ,"hello", "nice to finally meet you" seemed a little silly for someone Henry had talked with for so long, so he instead offered her help with baggage.

"Yes, concierge." she rebutted, and handed him her things, "careful with the cat."

"Yes ma'am, I will ensure she is in good care along with Mortimore."

"I can't wait to meet him, Mr. McDaniel."

They were swiftly on the way to their destination. Henry seemed to have the staff onboard wrapped around his finger.

"Would you like some wine for you and your guest, Mr. McDaniel?" the attendant offered after the couple had barely been seated.

"Of course, Mischa, bring the Bright Cellars Ladro d'Uva followed by their Jetbird Merlot." he responded.

"As you wish, sir." she nodded and rushed to obtain the two bottles.

"Bright Cellars?" Kailin inquired, "isn't that a wine subscription anybody could order. Why would you choose that for our first meeting?"

"Forgive my presumptuous nature, but I felt as though a woman of your caliber would refuse to try them on your own. Personally, I am a fan of their Barbera. It is nice on occasion to try something the masses enjoy as well. Sometimes, there is merit to things the general public has access to. It keeps things fresh."

"Says the man on the private plane." Kailin rolled her eyes. She wasn't sure if it was her nerves or if she was genuinely irritated, but she felt a bit of both. Did he really think she was a cheap date? How frustrating. She had already agreed to spend three days with this man, and had begun to reconsider her choice already. Maybe things would end quicker than she planned, just like all the rest.

"I have more wine in store for you, Kailin but we have three days. Do not cheapen what I have to offer. I know this is an unusual experience for both of us."

When Mischa brought the wine, Henry removed his mask first. Kailin peered.

"What, did you think I had a canker sore or something?" he smiled. His pearly whites glinted above his chiseled jaw line.

"I was just noticing your unnaturally whitened teeth; did you pay some celebrity's beauty manager?"

"Only in preparation for our date. Now, have a glass of the Ladro d'Uva, it is the Barbera I was telling you about that I am quite fond of."

"I'm more of a Merlot woman myself." she responded.

Henry's smile widened; he had guessed correctly.

"We will have the Jetbird Merlot afterward. We have plenty of time."

She dropped her mask down slightly and took a sip of the Barbera he offered her. She sneered at first, and said "People's wine, huh? Horrid creatures."

Henry laughed wildly. She found herself snickering as well.

"Now, when are you going to remove that mask of yours? We're on a private plane for God sakes, and you're drinking wine!"

Kailin finally pulled her mask down. What she revealed, matched Henry's suspicions: she wasn't the type to use filters, she was naturally beautiful. Plump, luscious, purple-painted lips pouted at him, and drew him in. She had a soft gentle complexion in contrast to her piercing, dark eyes. High cheekbones set her face in complete balance. The computer had created a smoke screen for her true beauty, it was something that only an in-person experience could capture.

"I'm tasting...anise?" she asked, "and possibly fig?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

She chuckled, "the wine suits you," she said, offering him a smile.

"That doesn't answer my question." he grinned.

She gave him a peck and extended her long fingernails up along the side of his neck. He shuddered with glee as he felt them claw alongside him.

"Now, the merlot. We still have hours left before we reach our destination, and it's awfully cold in Romania." she murmured.

Henry caught his breath, taken aback, gathered himself, and said, "as you wish."

"How is it?" Henry asked, pointing to her glass of Jetbird Merlot.

"I'm tasting violet. Subtle. It makes me think I have a more refined palate from most. Floral notes have always captivated me, violets even more." she stated.

"Violets, one of the few flowers that can bloom in winter." Henry murmured softly.

When they arrived at their destination, they enjoyed many of the usual couple activities. They rested, dined finely, and relaxed in the hot springs and sauna. There was connection, lovemaking, and of course more wine. Their date had quickly seemed to become paradise on earth for the two. Mortimore and Griselda watched out the windows at the city scape stretched out before them as Henry and Kailin sat down for dinner on their last night.

"They would have gotten along well." Kailin told Henry, motioning her head toward the cats' direction.

"Like you and I." Henry responded.

"Who did you go to?" she asked.

"A good friend of mine is a well-known artist, he happily offered before Mortimore passed."

"It's tough finding a good taxidermist. I suppose it is a form of art. I tried to think that about Griselda's too. Artist. Huh."

"They try to preserve beauty, so my friend prefers the term artist. He doesn't look at it as a dead item, but a collectable piece."

"What does that say about us?" Kailin inquired.

"We enjoy preserving and maintaining beautiful things." he responded, like this wine I've brought.

"Petrus 1990?!" Kailin asked, shocked.

"Yes, I've been saving it for a true special occasion, another memory and life worth preserving."

Kailin pulled out her bag, "Funny, I've the same one! Let us pour each other a glass from one another's bottles. How rare!"

"Agreed!" he murmured. After two full glasses, one from each bottle, they noticed little variance between the two. Both stepped away briefly with their prospective bottles.

"The last glass from my bottle, I give to you." Henry declared.

"And I, likewise to you." Kailin responded.

They took a brief look at their cats by the windowsill, then stared at each other.

"I'm smelling and tasting almond in this last batch." Kailin said.

"As am I." Henry smiled, sickly sweet.

"We both are in the business of preserving things, aren't we? Just alike, we two." she added.

"Are we entering hell together as one another's murderers, as equals, or as one?" he asked.

"I wasn't your first murder, was I?" she asked.

"You will be my last." he said.

"Likewise," she smiled.

The sweet nutty flavor of cyanide caressed their lips. It wouldn't be a beautiful murder nor a painless death, but it would preserve them as one another's. They would go into hell together, as both had wished. Fire would continue to burn either for or against them there. When the seizures ended, and before their last breaths, the couple who held each other, uttered one last word together, "Nevermore."


About the Creator

E.L. Martin

Powered by Nature, Humanity, Humor, Food, Lifestyle, Fiction, and Culture; Oh, and a questionable amount of coffee.

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Comments (1)

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  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    I love how the cat fit in the story. Love the pictures,too.

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