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A Baby Cries

One Is Everything

By Brian FurphyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read
Everything Is One

A baby is crying, but not one person can hear the cries. There is one who hears the sound and at first becomes curious, then terrified, then angry as hell. Fire shoots and pours out of his mouth like lava erupting from a volcano. This is not a metaphor, literal fire bursts and liquid magma blazes from his mouth as his eyes turn red with rage built up for an eternity of suppressed anger. You might find this hard to believe until you understand this one is a mighty dragon of old. He is the last of his kind. He is the last of all kinds. He has been on this planet, alone, for what can only be described as an eternity. He’s been here so long, lost in meditation since his last meal, that was eons ago. And it was a great feast of many.

Okay, back to the crying baby. After the dragon blew off some steam, again, literally smoldering thick smoke turned to steam as it began to rain, and he opened his awesome mouth to let the water put out the fire. His brows raised up and his eyes returned to their natural colors. One eye was gold and the other was silver. His overall color was a dark grey or so it appeared until he slowly stood up and his massive wings opened, and he started to shake off the caked on crust that covered him with a dark, stone-like, complexion. As he shook, the hard outer coating began to fall away like a mountain rockslide with bolder size rocks and debris falling all around him. He stomped his feet and the ground trembled. After some time, this clumsy looking spectacle reached with stretched out arms to reveal bright and shining scales of crystalline quartz ranging in colors from pale lilac and deep reddish purple to a diamond like array of colors that began to move in graceful motions with the increasing intensity of the rain washing away all the anger, shifting, to radiant colors and vibrations of love that flowed like the source of wind itself. Words cannot describe it fully. The entire dance can only be described as a raging storm with the deepest thunder and the brightest lightning ever described. Then it was calm, still curious, not quite tranquil as one eye looked off in the distance as if to ask a question of the cosmos itself. Was that a human baby cry that woke me from my peaceful being? Morning crickets began the reply. He looks around and with the sunrise in full effect, he lets out a sigh of relief and only says one word. “Dreams” with an amusing tone to his deep voice. This new day is realized as spectacular with nature all around and the smell of forest green in the air. He turns on his left heal as if to begin a morning walk. He pauses and listens carefully. He hears the wind blowing through the trees, birds singing and a nearby waterfall yawning spring. The dragon smiles and turns in utter disbelief, and a noticeable restraint from becoming scared and angry again…sure enough, a baby is crying in the distance.

There it is, laying in a meadow and to the dragon’s eyes, we see a baby looking up at us. We suddenly feel as small as the baby’s gaze coupled with wide eyes that stop crying. Our heart is beating through our chest as the infant gaze begins to look down on us. That is the feeling we get. We try to block out the memories that stir a sorrow so deep that regret begins to darken our being. A flashback occurs with a roaring echo in our head, and we feel utterly naked as though this baby is reading our every thought while piercing our understanding of life and we cannot block the horrors of our past. What did we do? We attempt to latch on to what we know is true, but, like a strobe light the images of death and destruction reemerge, and we remember the war that ended it all.

The war that ended it all. As if before time began, we see a past where dragons honorably served mankind as protectors, as teachers, as gods. Mankind was at the peak of perfection. To her delight, Mother earth had never known such peace and harmony. This was so for eternities, until it happened. The exact time was unknowable in the confusion that was flooding our mind with memories of fear, uncertainty, and doubt about what was, let alone what remains. What was a truth, long forgotten, reared up to show a scene from the middle of a massive battle between humans and dragons. It truly is indescribable only because the pain is too great to find the words. The weight of everything was felt on our shoulders as the final battle showed one dragon who summoned a forgotten magic to end all wars, and it did. Everything was obliterated with nothing left to stand on. Whatever life remained was scattered in bits and pieces throughout space. A galaxy of star dust was all there was left, and time ceased to matter.

Our awesome dragon, with only his wings to carry him spent several millennia finding life pieces among the star dust that remained. Eventually forming a rock to sit upon and rest his tired wings, he was able to feel something again. After billions of years gathering star dust and putting something together from vast nothingness, this rock was the first something in a long time. By now, his heart had grown cold and hard. No sooner that he was able to sit and rest his wings did he find, to his amazement, tears rushing from his eyes and out of the darkness of sadness and regret, as the tears fell around him, this rock began to produce the first light seen in ages. A star was born with only a glimmer of hope. That was enough, as it turned out.

From that release of the saddest tears ever fallen from any eyes that have ever cried, overwhelming relief conjured a rebirth of new life. New life was forming from the elation that came from these tears. Life was born out of a seed of hope. Another was growing on its own. The sadness turned to willful determination and sad tears became happy tears. A new class of dragons were being born from these tears.

Our dragon did rest well and continued to make one star after another. Each star would then begin working to shine light on creation itself. We were working so hard that time was ticking again as if each moment of progress melted eternity away into the plans for rebuilding the universe. We were driven from day to day to find the right thoughts, words, and actions to make what was lost anew. We had no doubts that the most favored creatures to ever exist would be alive again. To see humans again, this was our goal. We were so busy that we would forget to sleep from time to time. From massive accomplishments including crafting galaxy formations to little things including naming celestial planets to minor things that made all the difference including trying new creations of life from the flowers and bees we remembered to a multitude of new flowers and scents to accompany each one uniquely.

Billions of years were counted by the many stars who followed our dragon, and the excitement was felt throughout space and time. Life was happening again. Still, from time to time, shreds of doubt could be felt, and progress would slow and sometimes even stop. Our dragon would travel each star, looking for signs of humans and if none were found, he would keep moving from star to star injecting more magic and with that magic more life.

We would like to think that the happy ending was coming soon, yet, it seemed hopeless despite the greatest gift given to us, endless hope itself. So, it was, and our dragon was beyond what we can say is old and it became deeply tired and sat on one of the more beautiful planets created by one wee star. Deep rest took over his meditation to the point that all the other stars mourned the death of our hero. Most of the stars we created together had dragons who continued the great works, but the long suffering of the one was revered with great reverence and every emotion ever known that was once lost was shining wonderment among all things again.

The planet chosen by our dragon to die was the closest to the perfect earth ever remembered and the most hopeful one for human life to emerge again.

You can tell where we are now. Our dragon was not dead at all. Seeing from the gold and silver eyes, we can see that we are alive again and our greatest hope is realized in this moment. We are in the moment that the first human baby is found. This little one crying in the meadow.

Our dragon called out for the first two dragons created by those miraculous tears. They were called to be responsible for helping to raise this child. These two dragons are known by the rest as the Dragon of Awareness and the Dragon of Cognition. Our dragon is known as Bliss, but he is remembered for suffering. This human child was raised to be a teacher of the ways of the dragons.

What we do now should be obvious and so it is. Every bit of life and star dust through what can only be described as the multiverse is now feeding this baby with all our hopes and dreams. This one human was born with something our great dragon could never have predicted, all the memories and imagination of human life. The baby was raised by these three dragons to learn how to master this powerful combination of memories and imagination. The baby struggled to recall more humans like itself and with a little help from all the star dragons, whenever we found another human baby, that human life was brought to this planet. The dragons tried not to interfere with the process as much as possible to be sure human life would be pure human once again. The humans struggled to find meaning and purpose as their combined memories could only show faded memories of other people. Behind the scenes of this human growth, the star dragons would bring every human born throughout the cosmos back to this planet until the mere memories of humankind was filling out with the real deal. Real human beings, each with their own sense of individuality and free will. Human beings were walking on earth again. This went on and the human life cycle was thriving again. New stars were being born from each death of a human being. This time, our dragons rarely revealed themselves to humankind, however, when a human died, they would be carried by the hands of one of these mighty dragons to a resting place among the stars.

Unlike the difficulty dragons have with creating, anything was possible for humans because their lives are a culmination of all life that ever was, is and ever will be. This is the greatest secret that rarely a human is found to discover and when he or she does, they’re gifted with a dragon’s eye to know the unknowable for a period and to pass it on to their own kind. This guarantees the future of humanity according to the rule of the suffering dragon who is truly about to retire from existence because his dream has been fully realized. Those who know, know our dragon is leaving soon. So, the elders of humanity plan for and bring about a great feast in his honor. And it was a great feast of many.

The End.


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    Brian FurphyWritten by Brian Furphy

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