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9 Powerful Words That Help Him Connect With You and Remind Him Why He Needs to Love You

It's never too late to connect with your partner, don't you think?

By John WheelerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
9 Powerful Words That Help Him Connect With You and Remind Him Why He Needs to Love You
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Many women abuse love in inappropriate ways, using words that seem to accuse and reproaches that alienate men. "You don't love me anymore!", "Show me your love!" or "It's not the same as it used to be" - these denials and pretensions can't connect two people, but rather can create barriers to communication in the relationship.

Sometimes women use logical arguments because they have the feeling that men prefer a more rational and lucid communication, but this way they do not reach their hearts at all.

At other times, I think they can completely replace words with physical gestures, based on the idea that most men are obsessed with sex, and sometimes they use all sorts of scholarly or spiritual discussions to reach a man's heart.

But all these ways of communicating do not make a real connection when it comes to love.

If you want real, emotional, and mental communication with the person you love, you need to put aside accusations, reproaches, lamentations, or threats.

All this blocks communication and does not bring you any benefit. Moreover, in the long run, they can lead to an irreparable rupture, which will leave you with a broken heart.

Also, do not try to reach the soul of a man by detours, through friendship, common interests, or by showing him how intelligent, understanding, and rational you are. It may not work.

Don't get me wrong, just physical attraction is enough to conquer the one you like. Intimacy is important, but you need more than that to create love.

9 keywords to connect with your boyfriend

1. I need your help

It's great for a man to feel that someone needs him. It makes him feel that his role in your life is important, it validates him and gives him a sense of meaning. As a rule, men love to feel that someone needs them.

2. I appreciate what you do for me

Always show him a form of appreciation or gratitude when he does something for you or tells you something that helps you. Appreciation is a real spell that moves a man's heart more than any reproach you make.

3. I'm glad I'm here with you

Don't forget to always tell him how wonderful the time you spend together is and how good you feel with him. Help him understand how much you value the moments when you are both together and your activities as a couple.

4. I'm proud of you because you're so good

From time to time do not forget to flatter him, to highlight the things he does well. Especially when he is a more insecure guy, it is very important to remind him that he has many qualities and to assure him of his strengths.

5. I like how you look today

Why should only women always receive compliments? Although we are accustomed to social stereotypes that it is the woman who has to look good, a man just as much needs to be confirmed for his appearance. Don't forget to tell her, at least from time to time, that you have a great opinion of what she looks like.

6. Is there anything I can do for you?

Yes, men like to be strong and lead, but sometimes they can be overwhelmed. Moreover, they often find it difficult to ask for help. Therefore, you must always pay attention to your boyfriend's signals and show him that you are always by his side when he needs you.

7. I was wrong and I apologize

Nothing can alleviate a conflict more effectively than the ability of partners to apologize. These words sometimes work like magic, scattering storm clouds that appear in the relationship. Learn to use them whenever you make a mistake because this way you show your partner that you love him enough to swallow your pride.

8. I need your advice

Always ask for advice when you are in a difficult situation or you have to make a decision. It will feel great that you ask for his opinion and trust him, that you value his perspective and rely on him.

9. I will always be here for you

And the man needs reassurance, to tell him that you will always be with him and that your feelings will never change. Show your lover by your words and deeds that you are with him for better or worse and that he can always count on you.


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