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6 Tips For The Ultimate Prom Night! (4 dresses included)

Prom is a night to remember. It's the first time you're going to wear a grown-up dress, dance with your friends and have a great time. But if you end up with a bad hairstyle or an ill-fitting dress, it can ruin your night. Here are my top tips for making sure that doesn't happen!

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 4 min read
6 Tips For The Ultimate Prom Night! (4 dresses included)
Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

Prom is a night to remember. It's the first time you're going to wear a grown-up dress, dance with your friends and have a great time. But if you end up with a bad hairstyle or an ill-fitting dress, it can ruin your night.

Here are my top tips for making sure that doesn't happen!

Plan Ahead

  • If you're not a fan of crowds or being surrounded by people, it's best to plan your shopping trip during the off-season. This will help ensure that there aren't any lines and you can get more personalized service from the sales associates at your favorite stores.
  • It's also important to make sure that everything fits before buying it! Having time between when an item arrives in the mail and when prom night rolls around gives you plenty of opportunities to return anything that doesn't fit right or look as good as expected in person (and trust me--you'll want this).

Choose Your Dates Wisely

Choosing the right date for prom can be tricky. It's not just about picking someone who you get along with and will make your night memorable, but also someone who looks good next to you in photos. If you choose correctly, your prom picture could end up being your favorite photo from high school.

If you have any doubts about whether or not this person is "the one," then don't hesitate to ask yourself these questions before making the final decision:

  • Do both of us look great together? (Hint: if the answer isn't yes, then it's probably best not to go.)
  • Does he/she know how to have fun? (It's okay if he doesn't know how at first--he will learn!)
  • Is his sense of humor similar enough so that we'll both laugh at each other's jokes?

Go All Out with the Dress

Before you can start thinking about shoes, jewelry and hair accessories, it's important to choose the right dress. When picking out your prom dress, keep in mind that if you're going to go all out on this special night then it needs to be something that is flattering for your body type and makes you feel amazing! If possible, try on different styles until you find one that works best for you and matches with everything else in your outfit.

As far as choosing colors definitely don't want anything too bright or bold because those kinds of colors aren't always easy for everyone else at prom night (especially when everyone else is wearing black). Keep in mind that there are lots of different shades out there so don't hesitate when searching through them all!

And look at these top picks for dresses under $200 you can get from Amazon:

(If you need another type of dress, let me know: [email protected])

Make Sure Your Hair Looks Amazing

One of the most important parts of your prom look is your hair. It can make or break your whole look, so it's important to make sure it looks amazing!

If you're planning on getting a professional hairstyle before prom day, make sure to book an appointment with your stylist at least two weeks in advance. This will give them enough time to plan out what they want to do with your hair and how long they need for each step in their process (for example: cutting, curling). Make sure that whatever style you choose doesn't require extensions because those take longer than regular braids or curls would take--and we don't want anyone having their fingers burnt by crimping irons on prom night!

Once everything has been done up properly, use products like hairspray or gel throughout the night so that everything stays put despite dancing around all night long!

Don't Forget to Accessorize (or Wear Something Unique)

Accessorizing is an important part of any outfit, but it can be hard to know what accessories go with what. Here are some tips for accessorizing your dress:

  • Add a statement necklace or earrings that match your prom dress color if you want something simple and classic. You can also wear a different colored or patterned blazer over it if you want more flair!
  • Try adding some sparkle with some rhinestone shoes (or even just the right pair of heels), which can change the whole look of your outfit! Don't forget about earrings too - they add so much sparkle too!
  • If there's an accessory that catches your eye while browsing what I listed, don't hesitate--just buy it! Your friends will be jealous when they see how great everything looks together :)

Have Fun!

Prom is a night to remember, and it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of the evening that you forget to enjoy yourself. Don't forget to dance! Prom is all about making memories and having fun with your friends--so don't let the stress of eating dinner or getting ready ruin your experience.

  • Take pictures! Make sure you have plenty of time set aside before prom so that everyone can take photos together as a group (and then individually). It's best if these photos are taken outside so that they look nice in all weather conditions (especially if it rains).
  • Go out after-hours! If there isn't anything planned after-hours at your school's prom venue, try planning something on campus or even off campus somewhere else nearby where people can go later in the night when things are winding down at school but still want something fun going on nearby without having gone home yet.


Prom is a night to remember, so don't forget to make it count!

Get a good photo. This can be with your date or with your friends, but make sure you get something memorable!

  • Enjoy the night with your friends and family, who are there to support you on this special occasion. Don't forget that prom is not just about finding a date and looking good in pictures--it's also about having fun!

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About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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