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5 Ways We Practice Willful Ignorance

An attitude with consequences

By Lynda CokerPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Ignorance has many synonyms, some positive and some negative. I’m focusing on the negative in this article because this is the one that will kill you and me!

What is ignorance? Disregard, insensitivity, blindness, callowness, oblivion, shallowness, and empty-headedness.

Taking a Close Look at Willful Ignorance

How is willful ignorance most often manifested

  • We form a fortress around our mind, protecting it from new ideas and perspectives.
  • We build a shield that blocks out the truth, allowing only false beliefs to pass through.
  • We put a veil over our eyes, preventing us from seeing reality clearly.
  • We wander in a labyrinth of self-delusion, leading us further and further away from the truth.
  • We wrap ourselves in a cocoon of complacency, shielding us from growth and learning.

The results of willful ignorance

  1. Limited perspective: By ignoring new information and ideas, a person limits their understanding of the world and the ability to see things from different angles.
  1. Poor decision-making: Willful ignorance leads to poor judgment, as a person is not considering all the facts and perspectives.
  1. Resistance to change: When someone is willfully ignorant, they may be resistant to change and unwilling to adapt to new ideas and situations.
  1. Confirmation bias: Willful ignorance perpetuates confirmation bias. This is when you only seek information that supports your existing beliefs and disregards information that challenges them. How many times have you encountered this in others or yourself?
  1. Stagnation: Willful ignorance can lead to a lack of personal and intellectual growth, as a person is not exposing themselves to new experiences and learning opportunities.

Overall, the result of willful ignorance is a narrow and limited view of the world, leading to a less informed, less flexible, and less productive life.

In what areas of life can willful ignorance harm us

  • Relationships: Ignoring or denying problems in a relationship can cause them to fester and grow, leading to hurt feelings, broken trust, and eventually, the end of the relationship.
  • Health: Willful ignorance about health-related issues, such as the importance of exercise, the dangers of smoking, or the benefits of vaccines, can lead to serious health problems and even premature death.
  • Finances: Ignoring financial problems, such as debt or overspending, can lead to financial ruin, bankruptcy, and other serious financial consequences.
  • Career: Ignoring opportunities for career development or advancement can lead to a lack of progress and potential setbacks in one’s career.
  • Spirituality: Ignoring the responsibility to develop a meaningful relationship with the Creator, the One responsible for the universe and everything in it, will lead to expulsion as a lawbreaker.

Can willful ignorance become a crime against society

Willful ignorance can become a crime in some specific situations where there is a legal duty to know or investigate certain information.

For example, a business owner who deliberately ignores safety regulations can be charged with a crime. Similarly, a medical professional who willfully ignores a patient’s symptoms or fails to provide appropriate treatment may be guilty of medical malpractice.

In the legal system, willful ignorance is often referred to as “willful blindness” or “deliberate ignorance.” In criminal cases, the prosecution may argue that the defendant should have known or investigated certain information, and their failure to do so constitutes a crime.

How to overcome willful ignorance in ourselves

Overcoming willful ignorance requires a willingness to confront our own biases and beliefs, and to seek new information and perspectives. Here are some tips for overcoming willful ignorance in ourselves:

  • Acknowledge the possibility of bias: Recognize that everyone has biases and blind spots, and be open to the idea that your own beliefs and assumptions may limit your understanding of a particular issue.
  • Challenge your assumptions: Seek information and perspectives that challenge your assumptions, and actively engage with people who hold different beliefs or perspectives. This can help you broaden your understanding and develop a broader view of the world.
  • Stay curious: Cultivate a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn more about the world around you. Seek new experiences, read widely, and ask questions to deepen your understanding of the world.
  • Be open to change: Be willing to change your mind when presented with new information or evidence. This can be difficult, but it is an important part of overcoming willful ignorance and growing as a person.
  • Practice critical thinking: Learn to evaluate information critically, considering the source, evidence, and potential biases involved. This can help you develop a more discerning approach to information and better decision-making skills.

Overcoming willful ignorance is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection and a commitment to learning and personal growth.


About the Creator

Lynda Coker

Grab a chair, turn a page, and read a while with me. I promise to tap lightly on my keyboard so we both can stay immersed in our world of words.

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