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5Reasons, Excuses, and Examples for How to Stop a Guy From Texting You

Buzz, buzz—the it's persistent texter again. Here's how to stop a guy from texting you without damaging your friendship.

By berry liPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

It's simple to pass judgment severely on someone who texts too much, especially if you're not as into them as they are. But it's crucial to keep in mind that dating is a process and that we were all fresh to it once. Unfortunately, the majority of us also understand what it's like to be rudely rejected. This makes you wonder how to stop a guy from texting you without using the nuclear option just yet.

We should all be able to comprehend why some people texted excessively. But nobody has a right to your time, especially not a guy you don't like.

Common reasons guys don’t get a text back from a girl

If they are being rude or a creep, the answer for why they aren’t getting a text back is obvious. You are well within your rights to just block and report them. For other persistent texters, you could out and out say that you don’t like them and ask them to leave you alone.

This option, while excellent, may be too harsh for some. There is also the possibility that they will blow up at your rejection and have an immature meltdown. This reaction is not your fault but something you may want to avoid anyway.

But there are many other reasons why someone would avoid picking up their phone. Here are the most frequent motives for which guys text people against their will.

1. They lack conversational skills

The development of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, has improved communication. Unfortunately, it has been awful for those with poor social skills, making it even harder for them to interact with others. Many people today have no idea how to start a conversation or how to have a good one.

Part of why these guys don’t get a text back and girls stop texting them is that they are BORING.

No one wants to carry a conversation by themselves, especially with someone they aren’t interested in, to begin with.

A conversation, even via text, involves two people both talking and listening. If you refuse to ask questions and only give one-word answers to the questions asked of you, that is not a conversation– that is an interrogation.

2. They are subtly being strange.

It is acceptable to tolerate inappropriate, harassing behavior even if it is not overt. Some people make you feel uneasy by saying things that are inappropriate. Some people make you feel uneasy by saying odd or unclear things. You should trust your instincts if a guy just gives you the creeps.

You don't have to try to understand why this individual is texting you if you have a cellphone. They can simply be weird, or they might be trying to make you feel uneasy.

Whatever the cause, you should stop messaging a guy who gives you a strange feeling.

3. They refuse to accept defeat.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the texter should accept that the recipient's rejection of their advances is total and final.

Do you really want to date someone who rejected you by text, even if they say otherwise? heed the warning.

If the texter doesn’t get the memo, you are well within your rights to block them.

Someone who doesn’t respect a “no” is not someone you should spend time with. Even if they are harmless, they will ultimately resent you for rejecting them *or not “giving in” like they assumed you would*.

It is nearly impossible to maintain a platonic relationship with someone who wants more from you. The best course of action is to rip off the band-aid and end any kind of relationship with them.

4. They are annoying

If you like someone, you will be excited to hear from them. If you don’t like them, you will be annoyed.

Maybe they are a multi-texter, blowing your phone up all day long with every single detail of their lives. Maybe they use a weird shorthand you don’t understand. Whatever the reason, you want to get this guy to stop texting you.

If you are the texter and you get the feeling that the person you are texting is annoyed, the only thing you should do is back off.

Don't inquire as to whether or not you are bothering them or the reason behind their silence. People will approach you if they want to talk to you, which is the brutal reality of life. If they don't, you already know the solution.

5. The individual dislikes texting

Many people view texting as impersonal and dislike having to constantly touch their phones. A female may not reply to a guy's texts for a variety of reasons, including the fact that she dislikes texting.

But that does not imply that he should continue to text her. He can inquire as to if the other person has a preferred method of communication.

But really anyone should take this statement for what it is – a subtle rejection, and a polite ask to be left alone.

Start with these subdued techniques if you want a guy to quit texting you permanently. But if these fail, don't hesitate to try any of the more drastic measures as well. After all, you're giving the proper signals, and you have every right to exclude a man from your life if he chooses to disregard them.


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