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3 Barriers That Prevent You From Relaxing

And How to Get Rid Of Them

By Leona RhodesPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
3 Barriers That Prevent You From Relaxing
Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

When was the last time you remembered yourself and your needs? When was the last time you took a break, did you have a chance to catch your breath?

How often do you listen to your inner voice, trying to hear the internal barometer and appreciate the level of stress - aren't you on the verge of the limit? In today's world, we face stress daily, but not everyone is aware of this and does not understand clearly how necessary it is to take a break.

Some relax by reading a book by the fireplace, under a soft blanket, with the cat twisting and sipping ginger tea with biscuits. Others regain their strength in the middle of nature, during the tourist marches with the tent, with a guitar and food made by the fire.

Each of us has our way of remembering ourselves, when you stop, relax your facial muscles and throw away your face masks. And you just rest.

If it is so simple, then this article is useless. No, when choosing the relaxation method, there are usually 3 impediments, which we will try to unravel further.

1. You don't understand what's right for you - try to listen to your inner voice

Get to know yourself, launch the process of self-analysis. Identify what you do with pleasure, and what you are simply used to, why you do not need and do not receive any pleasure from it.

For example, you practice boxing. Why? Do you work on fitness, improve endurance, self-image, aim for a specific purpose, temper your character? Or do you grit your teeth, force yourself to go to workouts, and get out of there exhausted and bruised?

If you find yourself in the first option, then boxing is your passion. If the second option characterizes you, then this should warn you. Maybe it would be better to paint or draw, in the sky, stretches of clear water, for example.

This will charge you with energy, giving you soul satisfaction. Listen to yourself, try something new, step out of your comfort zone and watch your reaction to what is happening. This way, you will understand what you like. Spend the weekend in noisy companies or read a book, quietly sipping your tea and listening to the cat spinning around.

By the way, at different times in your life, your preferences may also differ. It is important to perceive these changes to satisfy them as much as possible.

2. For some reason, it's impossible to do what you love (you don't have time, you don't have the power, or "this is stupid!") - set your priorities

We all have excuses like "summer is over and I'm going to the gym", "after I'm promoted" and so on. True, there are objective reasons that prevent you from taking action. But have the courage to admit if this is not your case.

Often people cannot afford to take a break, they have not become accustomed to taking care of their mental state, their inner harmony, they do not understand what the vital and pressing needs are.

Sometimes a break in the middle of the workday, in the surrounding hustle and bustle, is a necessary respite, after which the quality and speed of work will improve! Then why isn't this rule working so well in life?

You have time and energy for everything, but not for what charges your batteries, although your soul needs do not take up too much time. Instead, how useful it is! Most of the time you don't appreciate them at the fair value, saying "it doesn't matter, it's not worth the effort and time lost, I'm a trifle".

No one has taught us to give ourselves the right to rest. All our business is very "important" until there is a factor that goes beyond them - a heart attack or a stroke. values, you will do all this in the fresh air while walking in the hospital square… Unfortunately, some can only stop this way. Don't be like them, take precautionary measures!

3. You don't have the feeling of relaxation and recovery, even if you know what to do and you're already doing it.

This barrier is generated by the previous two points. All together they form a vicious amalgam. If you have not yet determined what suits you and what does not, then you need to do this first. This is also where the feeling of guilt can overwhelm you, which forces you to give up, being halfway there. Do not forget the depreciation of the set goal.

In this case, it will be very difficult: you have to gather your thoughts "here and now" and forbid them from wandering elsewhere, forcing you to stay inside yourself. Sometimes the impression is that man has made a decision, he is already applying it in practice…

But it is not a deep decision. That is why it is difficult to regain your strength, to relax, because the inner decision-making process continues, and this requires a colossal amount of energy.

Of course, the problems are not limited to the three described above. An important place belongs to the entourage, who should provide support and with whom you should communicate. Or it is just as beneficial for recovery to unload the soul of a loved one or to share the joys with him!

There must be mutual understanding. If this does not exist, then you need to analyze the relationship, see how the person interacts with other people, how they ask for support, how others around them react, and so on.

When people talk about support, they usually expect it from the outside, from those around them. But if you have already had such a positive experience, when you have been supported and helped to restore your strength, then you will gradually learn to do the same, remembering those moments and the positive experience you had.

For example, after the phrase "I'm tired," you won't hear "get your hands on it, there's so much more to do," but you'll remember the words of encouragement, "Of course, take a break, you've done a lot already." Thus, gradually a healthy, positive attitude towards yourself will be formed, which will help you in the most diverse life situations.


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