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25 life thoughts at 25

A few thoughts just passing on by

By The Jealous GirlfriendPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

1. Your relationships aren't perfect and they'll never be. What you focus on will grow so try to see the best between the flowers and thorns.

2. You also suck, a lot and in a lot of ways. Maybe not in ways you're even aware of. But sucking doesn't mean you're a bad person - you're just a person. Try to laugh at how badly you can suck, and then learn from it.

3. Bad moments are bad but they aren't forever.

4. Don't hurt your mom. She's not perfect, but she's your mom.

5. Grudges will always lead to regret, especially if the person dies before you can make amends. Call them today.

6. You'll never regret showing love, even if it's against your own ego.

7. Winning feels great. Most pursuits (e.g. career/writing/art/producing something) are games. You can learn the ropes, set a goal, and level up.

8. I'm not sure if there's anything else out there but there seems to be consensus around a really beautiful ray of sunshine having the capacity to bring people from various walks of life to tears.

9. Being really honest with yourself can only do you good.

10. Kids are a joy.

11. Attraction and love are different but connected. Learn the difference.

12. The memories that stick with people, even people with "abnormal" lives like celebrities, are ones of funny moments of human connection and love - perhaps that's the most important thing.

13. Substances/actions/outcomes affect people differently. Just because your friend didn't get addicted to something doesn't mean you won't. Be careful and monitor your body.

14. It's never too late to start exercising.

15. Anger, sadness, guilt, jealousy, etc. aren't bad emotions to experience - it's what you do with the emotions that matters. But don't feel guilty for feeling.

16. That being said, things mellow out over time.

17. Fact is stranger than fiction - the craziest stories I've ever heard were the ones that were true. And they're closer to home than you think they'll be.

18. Reaching the top of your career at the sacrifice of your mental health will never be worth it.

19. There is something you are not doing. In the recesses of your mind, you know you must do it and you'll be better for it. Do it.

20. Talking to people in the elevator can make their day.

21. "This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel." - Horace Walpole

22. Set your default browser to Google.

23. Learn to make 5 "bases", 5 "protein" toppings, and 5 salads and you'll be fine. Then, mix and match them as you see fit. Once you get good, learn how to make soups and desserts. In a few months, you'll be able to combine different combinations and enjoy the art of cooking for the rest of your life. Also, buy a blender, air fryer, toaster oven, and coffee machine. You'll be able to make your own dips, smoothies, and fried goods at home all while saving a bunch of money.

24. Nobody is coming to save you/craft your life. It's up to you to make it however you see fit.

25. Music can free you from the pressure cooker of "another day". Dance to it, cook to it, and cry to it whenever you feel like nobody else understands, not even you.

Thanks for reading!

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A little more about The Jealous Girlfriend:

A place where you're not insane for feeling intense jealousy in a romantic relationship. A place for a tribe to muse over and manage the same intensity, frustration, and inescapable feelings of romantic jealousy with stories, poetry, and posts.


About the Creator

The Jealous Girlfriend

The tribe aiming to understand and manage the red-hot, green-eyed monster in romantic relationships. Jealousy management tips, poems, & stories to turn "crazy" into "human".


Insta: @thejealousgirlfriendtribe

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