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15 People Who Are Only Born Once in a Thousand Years


By ianPublished about a year ago 12 min read

with a world population growing at the

rate of four births per second each with

a solitary identity but once in a

millennium nature stuns the World by

bringing some unusual Souls let us learn

more about the people who are only born

Once In A Thousand Years

Shiloh Pepin

known as Kennebunkport's mermaid girl

Shiloh was one of only three people in

the world living with mermaid syndrome

she was born with legs fused

only one partially working kidney and no

lower colon or genital organs her

parents were told their daughter would

live only for a few days but Shiloh

divide the odds and received her first

kidney transplant at age two that one

lasted until she was five and following

two years of painful dialysis Shiloh

received her second kidney transplant in

2007. She was on the path of recovery

when unfortunately she lost her life

while battling pneumonia at the age of


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in stanza Mana Ellie

a Rwandan lady got her prayers answered

after losing her first five children and

a boy named Ellie was born with unusual

features and learning disabilities he

spent most of his time alone in the

bushes as villagers targeted him by

calling him monkey or gorilla moreover

he fed on the grass and didn't like

regular food

just after his story went viral people

around the world started contributing

money to him and his mother he went to

school learned to communicate with

people and now is a superstar and rolls

in suits and designer clothes in his


Abigail and Brittany Hensel

Abigail and Brittany Hensel took their

first breath in 1990 as the rarest case

of conjoined twins in which two

different heads share a single body and

main organs each twin controls one arm

and one leg which requires a lot of

participation to finish their everyday

job their strong family assisted them

with going to school and finishing their

education running life together and

conquering difficulties isn't an issue

any longer for them and now they work as

instructors at a school and are an

incredible Wellspring of motivation for

small kids

romesa gelge

meet romesa gelge from Turkey the

world's tallest girl who stands at seven

feet due to a rare condition called

Weaver syndrome which usually starts

before birth and is sometimes

accompanied by increased muscle tone

wide eyes foot deformities and unusually

large ears the condition's exact cause

is unknown but some researchers think it

can be inherited although none of

gelke's parents or older siblings have

the syndrome the 24-year-old mostly uses

a wheelchair but she can walk if she's

using a walking frame since she won her

first world record title for being the

tallest teenager she has been using

her platform to advocate for others with

rare conditions

Rodriguez Hernandez

Jason Hernandez set the Guinness world

record for the largest feat on his right foot

measured 1.31 feet long and his left

foot reached 1.30 feet which are even

bigger than the feet of the world's

tallest man in his childhood he was

often teased for the giant size of his

feet and finding shoes for him was not

easy so he had to wear sandals made of

old tires and fabric to reach school

when he couldn't find any in his

hometown that fitted him he contacted a

Shoemaker from Germany who creates shoes

with special materials for him his feet

have grown further although he has been

undergoing treatment in a bid to stop

them from growing

Isaac Johnson

Isaac Johnson from Minnesota may look

like a normal teenager until he opens

his mouth

his mouth gape of more than four inches

made him a dentist's dream after seeing

the width of the former record holder

Isaac was determined to be the next

Guinness World Record holder and

ultimately succeeded in his endeavor he

can open his mouth so big he can

fit objects like an apple a soda can and

even a baseball with room to spare

keeping his mouth open for a long period

of time doesn't hurt but it can get

tiring for him

Nick voyage

Nick Voyage was born with Tetra Amelia

syndrome a rare disorder characterized

by the absence of arms and legs and

faced tremendous obstacles in his life

yet he drove forward through life's

difficulties and found key standards

which empowered him to track down his

motivation and transform impediments

into amazing opportunities making him

one of the most pursued featured experts

on the planet presently he has turned

into an incredibly famous speaker

top-rated Creator and businessperson

Nick's passion is to tell the world that

we can all overcome every disability

with our dedication

Devendra sugar

maximum fingers and toes on a living

person belongs to Devendra sutar of India

who has 14 fingers and 14 toes he is

suffering from Polydactyly a birth

defect that occurs when the paddle

splits too many times and can range from

an oven to a completely working finger or

toe while working as a carpenter the

extra fingers and toes often trouble him

and he has to be careful when cutting he

also has to wear special shoes so that

the toes on each foot remain comfortable

but he doesn't want to cut his

additional fingers and toes as he

considers them lucky for him because of

the extraordinary features he has become

a famous man


shocked his parents when he was born

with a body blanketed in hair as he was

born with a rare werewolf syndrome and

became a focus without delay here's up

to six centimeters in length cover his

face making it difficult for him to

breathe or even consume food the

Specialists reason that his condition

was hopeless and he had to tolerate his

peculiar features tragically he was

caused to feel isolated and strange due

to his abnormal appearance although he

has a caring and supportive family it

still requires some time for others to

accept him in the community

Matthias schlittel

Matthias schlittle surprised by his parents

when he was born with a rare genetic

defect that made the bone in his right

arm 33 percent bigger and stronger than

his normal size left arm

he went through his entire youth being

harassed by other kids because of his

abnormal arm at the age of 16 he won an

arm wrestling tournament despite a lack

of any previous practice which made him

realize that his Popeye right arm could

turn this imbalance to his Advantage so

he decided to pursue a career as an arm

wrestler over the past decade this 27

year old has won several championships

at the national and international levels

he has also defeated a specially

designed arm-wrestling robot

Luna Fenner

Meet Luna Fenner a baby girl from

Florida whose birth was both a joyous

and a shocking moment for her parents

this little girl was born with a rare

skin condition called congenital

melanocytic Nevis in which a huge

birthmark covered her nose and eyelids

that resembled a Batman mask this girl

was often bullied by people who used to

call her ugly but they didn't know that

she was suffering from a serious type of

skin cancer this toddler made several

trips with her mother to Russia where

after six spearheading medical

procedures her pigmentation had been

eliminated yet she sometimes faces

difficulty closing her left eye properly

because of her stretched skin

Jeff Dave

the enormous size of a man's hands with

a 4.78-inch ring finger has left the

netizens are shocked Jeff tape an arm

wrestler from Minnesota USA has been

competing in arm wrestling tournaments

since the 1980s with his monster

forearms that measure 19 inches in

circumference and giant Paws huge enough

to fit a basketball in each hand however

he uses only his left arm during

wrestling because of an old injury

several medical tests have been

conducted to see if he was born with

gigantism that makes his arm so peculiar

but no disease or abnormality was

discovered he was just born that way

with big arms and hands that keep

growing with him

Adrian Lewis

most of us have seen at least one person

in our life flaunting how long their

tongue could be but I'm sure no one can

defeat this 18-year-old Lewis from

Michigan has an incredibly long

tongue of about four inches

she wants to become a record holder for

the world's longest tongue which is

currently owned by Nick stoberl with a

3.9-inch long top she shows off her

weird tongue tricks by posting several

videos and thousands of people tuned in

to watch her twisting flipping and

rolling tongue she can even stretch her

tongue to her eyeball with a little bit

of help and can also lick her elbow and


Byron schlechner

still wondering about the longest tongue

ah just forget about that because I'm

gonna show you the world's widest top or

should I say the weirdest tub


schlechner generally realized his tongue

was a significant piece however he had

never assumed it was a record breaker

one day he was assisting his daughter

with a school project when looking at a

copy of Guinness World Records and he

saw the previous record for the whitest

tongue was 3.1 inches and he wanted to

Beat It key was right as his tongue was

measured at 3.37 inches even broader

than an iPhone 6. Since then he has

gained the title of a man with the

world's widest tongue and now has become

a star in his town in New York

Kim Goodman

this lady seems to be a normal person

until she pops her eyes out of their


oh yeah

Kim Goodman a lady from Chicago can pop

her eyes .47 inches out of her eye

sockets which could cause your stomach

to churn she holds the world record for

the furthest protrusion of eyeballs she

was unaware of her skill until she got

hit over the head which caused her

eyeball to pop out much further than

usual this was the perfect time for her

to discover her hidden talent and ever

since that day she could pop them out on

Cube as well as whenever she yawns

Sam Burns

Sam was born to a couple of

Pediatricians were shocked when

their two-year toddler was diagnosed

with progeria a fatal disease that

causes the body to age rapidly his

parents established a Research

Foundation to increase

awareness of the condition and also

offered resources for the support of

those with progeria and their families

Sam supported his parents through his

inspirational talks from a very early

age Sam knew he'd be facing more

obstacles in life than most but this

didn't stop him from taking charge of

his happiness this Brave and innocent

Soul before leaving for heaven at the

age of 17 Left My Philosophy for a happy

life which was recorded in 2013 and has

been viewed over 49 million times

Mehmet and Kareem Selman

a couple in Turkey was surprised when

they had their first child Mehmet who

was born with one blue and one brown eye

a condition called heterochromia their

second kid Kareem was born with the same

condition Fortunately this condition

does not impair vision and is simply

caused as a result of different

concentrations of melanin a pigment that

determines the eye and skin color of the boys

we're happy with the attention they got

when they were young but gradually they

started feeling uncomfortable so they

shut their eyes in public to avoid

people's attention however their mother

feels lucky to have these special kids

Zion Clark

abandoned at Birth raised in foster

homes beaten and starved but a world

record holder meets Zion Clark a

successful wrestling coach who opened

his eyes with caudal regression syndrome

which meant he was born without legs and

was given up for adoption from a very

early age he faced bullying because of

his missing limbs but his story took a

Happy U-Turn when a lady adopted him

when he was 17 and with love and support

from his new family, he released his book

Zion unmatched and set a world record

for the fastest 20-meter walking on

hands with a time of 4.78 seconds

Isaiah Acosta

Isaiah was born as a jawless child with

all his major organs are on the wrong side

according to the doctors the survival of

this child was a miracle due to a

strange look he was bullied sometimes he

wanted to become a popular rapper but it

was impossible for him to even pronounce

a word however he didn't let this

obstruct his path to success he shocked

the entire world when he dropped his

first rap song which was sung

by a professional rapper but written by

him and now he has become the first

jawless rapper a songwriter and a true

symbol of inspiration for the world

cyclops baby

a woman in Indonesia shot the doctors

when she gave birth to a Cyclops baby a

baby girl who weighed five pounds was

born with only one eye in the middle of

her forehead and a missing nose although

her other organs were complete the

newborn was given an oxygen hose from

the mouth but she tragically passed away

the same night doctor suspected the

cause of the baby's disabilities was

Mercury exposure and the Rubella virus

as her parents work in one of the mines

in the village

Lindsay Hilton

Lindsay Hilton a lady born without arms

or legs didn't let her disability affect

her dreams so she got her start in

swimming soccer and hockey to defeat the

fear of impairment then she was

introduced to rugby in high school and

now is a dedicated CrossFit athlete many

people call her an influencer to their

fitness journey but for her she is not

different and she just wants to be good

as a person and is held to show the

world that limitations are just a state

of mind

Trace Johnson

Trace Johnson was born with a zero

chance of survival with a large cleft

eyes spaced further apart separated

nostrils and at abnormally shaped head

and suffered seizures he has undergone

numerous operations to reshape his skull

to relieve the pressure on his brain

Trace has amazed the doctors who didn't

expect him to live as this miracle boy

has reached the age of 13 and is

believed to be the only Survivor of this



Mario Vera De Oliveira

doctors in Brazil were astonished when a

baby was born with an autopsy-turvy head

and seriously disfigured appendages and

so they advised his parents to starve

him to an end but they refused the

specialist's recommendation and started

covering up his disability despite his

Affliction he became a certified

accountant and made trips in

different nations to convey motivational


Mandy seller

Mandy Seller was born with an uncommon

hereditary change that caused an

abnormal development in both of her legs

and her legs alone weighed 95 kilograms

making life even more difficult for her

she kept a free way of life by utilizing

bolsters and were exceptionally designed

outfits and had a modified

hand-controlled vehicle after she left

leg was cut off over the knee it started

to develop at a sped-up rate however she

trusts that Specialists will find an

enduring clinical answer for her

sometime in the future

this picture is from Southeast China

where a young boy named Nong Yusui was

born with bright blue eyes not only were

his eyes blue but he could see in the

dark he experienced discomfort

in bright sunlight yet perfect and Clear

Vision in darkness so a test was

conducted by making him answer a series

of questions written on a piece of paper

in complete darkness and he responded to

all of the questions his parents also

claimed that his eyes reflect a neon

green tone when illuminated by a

flashlight it is theorized that his eyes

maybe like that of a cat having a layer

of tapitum lucidum but no scientific

analysis has been conducted to confirm

this condition

Nick dismetzik

this social media influencer was a

normal kid but suddenly he started

observing some irregular ballooning on

his face later he came to know that he

was suffering from a genetic disease

that caused tumors to grow along nerves

so he decided to share his story with

his fans to raise awareness and got 180

stitches after having two critical

surgeries he has his third most

significant surgery upcoming which he

hopes will remove some of the excesses

weight from his face and help contribute

to the research of NF1

param core

a model life coach and a motivational

speaker but what made a simple lady so

famous let us look at her story

core was born in 1990 and was diagnosed

with polycystic ovary syndrome at the

age of 12 which causes excessive facial

and body hair growth as a result of

which she was able to grow a full beard

initially, she attempted to remove her

facial hair due to constant bullying but

now she has grown to embrace her

unconventional appearance by keeping her

beard and step forward against society's

expectations of what a woman should look

like today she has become a spokesperson

for the body positivity movement and

living a happy life as a young beautiful

bearded woman

fact or fiction

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