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7 Black People With Real Super Human Abilities - Born Once In a Thousand Years

Unleashing the Power Within: Meet the Black Superhumans Born Once in a Thousand Years"

By ianPublished about a year ago 5 min read

i won't ask a second time

we all love superhero movies but the

characters in these movies are so

exaggerated it will take humans

thousands of years of research and

medicine to recite superhuman


luckily we have superhumans living among

us today

the people onto this list do have

remarkable powers that will blow you

away here are seven black people with

real superhuman abilities you have never

seen before


number seven alonzo clement's

photographic memory it's believed that

his head injury somehow rewired his


he's coming along

damaging cognitive abilities but freeing

up extraordinary artistic gifts alexa

clem was an artist with a remarkable

background when alonso was a child he

suffered a bad head injury resulting in

surveillance syndrome savant syndrome is

a rare condition in which someone with

significant mental disabilities

demonstrates certain incredible powers

which in alanza's case is sculpting

or art

you're probably thinking dude i know a

guy who does this no you don't what

makes alonso special is he doesn't use

references to make his sculptures just

name the animal and he will sculpt it to

the t

alonso does his sculptures with amazing

speed great accuracy in form and

artistic beauty that took you

15 minutes at most alonso cannot

describe how his cups and why his

ability mostly relates to animals but

considers his ability to be a gift from

god an inner urge that enables him to

show how he sees the world whenever he

is asked how he does it alonzo will

simply smile and point to his head he



how to do any of this leave a thumbs up

if you are impressed with his gift

number six ben underwood real life

daredevil marvel's daredevil got his

powers through an accident but in

reality this is quite a rare phenomenon

meet ben underwood the real-life

daredevil and i can tell where desks are

in the classroom and stuff like that

i can hear the wall over there the couch

over there i can hear the wall behind me

i can hear the wall over there and the

tv and the computer and lost both his

eyes to cancer at the age of three but

with his mom relentless encouragement

and ben's reckless hope he developed his

own form of echolocation and learned to

see again

he used it to do amazing things that

blind people don't normally do he was

determined to live his life to the

fullest using only his extraordinary

hearing he could walk around without a

cane or a guide dog so his parents

treated him like any other child his

little brother didn't even know he was

blind at first i didn't really know he

was blind i just knew he was my brother

unfortunately the cancer that took away

his eyesight when he was young returned

again when he was 16 to take him away

number five a niece the child with

healing powers and this is not your

average girl she is said to possess the

power to heal people from every kind of

illness what makes any story quite

unique is while normal children are born

after 9 months she spent 3 good years in

her mother's womb and started talking

when she was only seven


many have traveled from far near to

witness the power of the three-year-old

super healer according to her parents

they started experiencing unexplainable

miracles ever since their daughter was

born and her power seemed to get

stronger as she gets older according to

her parents again anise has experienced

several visitations by the holy mary and

she is capable of reciting the hail mary

prayer without having to learn it she

refers to mary as her mother and jesus

as a brother this isn't the first of a

marian apparition but it is definitely

the most unusual especially when it

involves a three-year-old who has the

powers of healing do you believe in

miracles let us know in the comment

section below number four troy james aka

twisty the contactionist troy james

that's a rare ability only a few people

are lucky to have

when troy was little he thought everyone

else could bend their bodies like the

way he did only to find out his ability

is a rare one

what is he thank you

he has a rare condition known as ls

download syndrome people with these

gifts usually have very flexible joints

and stretchy skin


according to troy he has always been

this flexible no training or practice

required in fact when he was a child he

took it for granted thinking everyone

else could bend their body like the way

he could it wasn't until other kids

started teasing him for being weird he

got super embarrassed and hit his

ability until high school where it

suddenly became the coolest thing ever

this unique ability has given him roles

in several hollywood movies

like the void and the strain one of his

iconic appearances is in the flash where

he played ragdoll

number three steven wilshere wilshere's

gift is one you've probably never seen

before he has an insane memory with

intricate details

wilshere was muted when he was young and

at the age of three he was diagnosed

with autism and at the age of five he

expressed interest in drawing and when

he was about seven he became fascinated

with landmass and landscape while still

being mute the instructors at his school

would punish him for his lack of verbal

communication skills by temporarily

taking away his art supplies initially

stephen will respond by making inaudible

sounds and eventually uttered his first

word paper while it is true many people

are blessed with such gifts what makes

wilshere super special is he can look at

a subject once and then draw an accurate

and detailed picture of it he frequently

draws entire cities from memory based on

single brief helicopter rides

number two elude kipchoge the first band

to run a marathon in under two hours

one final long-busting stride for kim


one giant leap for human endeavor for

those of you who don't know elite

kipchoge is very good at marathon with

two olympic gold medals nine major

marathon victories and perhaps the

greatest vr stunts in the history of

sports so what makes kipchoge special

you ask well kipchoge uses 85 to 90

percent of iran's aerobic capacity that

is twice the capacity of an average man

and a sustained heart rate of about 160

to 170 beats per minute which is only

possible in humans who have hearts that

can pump like a machine lead kipchoge

became the first human to run 42

kilometers in less than two hours for

people like me who don't run it can be

hard to put that time in perspective it

is fast yes but just how fast is it

exactly and how hard is it for other

athletes to be well the answer is simple

it is undoable

number one saful katanka the engineer

engineers a pastor is perhaps an

unlikely candidate to become one of

africa's first car manufacturers but

that's what kojo safo who is locally

known as the star of africa has done

zappos started his family business

katanka 20 years ago making electrical

devices from tvs and sound systems to

musical instruments he did all this with

virtually no background in engineering

or manufacturing whatsoever his company

now manufactures any type of vehicle you

can imagine according to cody sappo he

gets his design engineering and ideas

from a divine being which one exactly we

don't know which of these people have

the most intriguing superhuman abilities

Young AdultShort StorySeriesScriptSci FiMysteryFantasyFan FictionfamilyClassical

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    IWritten by ian

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