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15 New Year's symbolic gestures and superstitions

Older generations took certain precautions on December 31 and January 1 that did not change their year, but gave them something to hope for and much to think about.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

There are a number of traditions and superstitions surrounding December 31 and January 1 that have been a part of society for hundreds of years. Each year at this time older generations would put certain actions into practice which they believed would bring them a better life in the coming year or prevent misfortune. I don't know of any situation where avoiding certain actions or implementing others on the first of the year made one bit of difference during the next 365 days. Folklore, myths, superstition, and symbolic gestures do give one a sense of focus or purpose even if they don't bring good luck or cause anything bad to happen. Some of these superstitions are pure nonsense but others, when implemented might give you a good start to the beginning of a new 12 month period. Following are 15 New Year traditions and symbolic gestures.

1.Burning the old year out and a new one in

My grandmother would leave up the Christmas tree and candles in the window until after New Years Day. She said she was burning the old year out and the New Year in. It sounds good in theory but had little effect on the coming 12 months as did other traditions.

2. Open a window

Some people opened windows just before midnight to let out the old stale air and bring in a fresh wind of the coming year as January 1 comes around.

3. No women allowed

Both my husband and I had family members who would not open their doors to women on New Year's day until a man had first visited them. These individuals believed that a man coming in the house first meant that the rest of the year would be full of blessings.

4. Whatever you do when the New Year arrives

There are those who say that whatever you are doing when Jaunary first roles around is what you will be doing for the entire coming year. I've heard people say that if you are arguing or fighting as the old year passes you will be embroiled in controversy for the entire year. If you are engaged in something meaningful then the rest of your year will be the same.

5. Blackeyed peas and salad greens

I can recall neighbors and family members who for all of my life lmade sure to cook and eat blackeyed peas with some type of salad greens on New Year's Day. This was to ensure that the rest of the year would be filled with good luck.

6. No Laundry

In some cultures, it is believed that you should not wash clothing between Christmas and New Year's Day. The superstition is that if you do laundry you will cause a loved one to be washed away or in other words to die.

7. Make some noise

There is a Chinese New Year's tradition that you make lots of noicewhen the old year passes on. Perhaps this is why in American we blow horns, cheer and make a lot of noise as Jamuary 1 arrives. The Chinese believe that the noise will run away evil spirits so that your year will not be affected by them.

8. Go to church and give money

During the past few decades there has been a new twist on number 4. There are some who teach that if you desire devine blessings and favor all through the year, you must be in a house of worship and give money on New Year's Eve.

9. Make room for the new

Some people believe that if you clean your home and get rid of unnecessary items on Devember 31 you will be making room for new and better things in the coming year.

10. Wear something new

Another Chinese tradition is to wear something new on January 1 as it is supposed to indicate that you are setting yourself up for something you have never experienced before in the coming 12 months.

11. Kiss a significant other

Kissing the one you lobe at the stroke of midnight i suppose to ensure that you will be loved and cherished the rest of the year.

12. Don't sweep

Sweeping on New Year's Day is supposed to indicate that you may be sweeping away the life of someone you care about.

13. Have food in the cupboard

It is believed in many cutures that if your cupboard is full on January 1st then you will not lack or be in need for anything throughout the incoming year.

14. Don't visit a hospital

If you visit the sik on New Year's Day then you are supposed to deal with illness all year long.

15. Don't wear black or white

Another saying from China is that the colors black and white are what are traditionally worn to funeral. For this reason you should not wear these colors on the first day of the year because it will indicate you will be going to many funerals during the year.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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