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10 Techniques To Expose Your Cheating Wife

You'll need to be creative and determined to win this battle. Here are 10 techniques you can use to expose your cheating wife.

By Demetrius PearsonPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

You know you're married to a cheater, but you can't prove it. You've tried everything you can think of to expose your spouse's infidelity, but none of them have worked.

You might be tempted to just give up and move on with your life. But before you do that, consider these ten strategies:

They will keep you alive while also destroying their partner's credibility, which may be all it takes for the cheater to finally stop lying about who he or she is cheating with.

I'll explain how each one works below.

Monitor your wife's movements for a few weeks before starting to suspect her.

The first thing you need to do is monitor your wife's movements for a few weeks before starting to suspect her. This will give you enough time to see if she is doing anything unusual or suspicious.

If she is going out of town with friends, try and get an idea of when they are leaving and then start looking around your home for clues as well.

It’s also important not to jump straight into accusing her of cheating on you because this might upset her more than anything else so be careful not make accusations that may cause problems later down the line.

Find out if she has been spending more than usual.

If you suspect she's been spending more than usual and want to find out for sure, look at credit card statements and bank statements.

You can also ask her friends and family if they've noticed anything suspicious in the past few months. Finally, if all else fails, check in with your co-workers—they might have seen something too!

  • Confront her:

If your wife is cheating on you, there's no room for doubt. You need to confront her immediately, before she can get away with it again.

Be prepared for the worst—your wife might be angry and hurt after finding out about her infidelity. In this case, it's best to keep things civil and try not to let anything get too heated or heated up until after you've spoken about it together.

  • Get her confessed:

Once confronted by their partner (or even if they're caught in the act), most cheaters will confess their wrongdoing in order for forgiveness and reconciliation with their spouse(e).

This doesn't necessarily mean they'll stop cheating; some people aren't willing to change their ways despite being caught red-handed doing something wrong..

Confront her: Your wife may not confess.

If your wife has admitted to the affair, you will have to decide whether or not you want to stay with her. The same goes for if she denies the accusation and tries to make up stories about what happened.

In both cases, confront her with evidence that proves otherwise (i.e., screenshots from their conversations).

Check her phone, emails and social networking sites: Look for suspicious behavior.

If this doesn't convince her of her guilt, hire a private investigator who can help expose their relationship on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram; it's important that everyone knows how shady they're being!

  • Look for text messages that would indicate a secret rendezvous or meeting with another person. If she has multiple phones, check each one and see if there are any signs of secret messages or conversations on them.

  • Check her email account history to see what kind of correspondence she's been having with other men in the past month or so; this will give you some insight into whether this is something new or just an old habit that's resurfaced now that the two of you are back together again.

  • Get rid of all those apps from your spouse's iPhone/Android devices — they might contain evidence of cheating!

Follow your wife.

This one is the most obvious, but it's also one of the most effective forms of surveillance. When you're out with your wife or going anywhere together, follow her—on her smartphone, in person and on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

You'll see what she's doing at work (or at home), where she shops for groceries and clothes, who she hangs out with during downtime from work and even how much time she spends watching television or playing video games between appointments with clients or customers.

If you notice any suspicious activity on these sites that corresponds to something suspicious happening within your relationship (e.g., getting caught cheating), then write it down!

Install a spy-cam in your house.

You can set up a hidden camera in your house. If you're not comfortable with the idea of having an electronic eye on your home, there are several other options that will work just as well.

Make sure that it's hidden from sight but still has a clear view of what you want to see.

Use one with motion detection so it only records when something happens, rather than recording all day long even if nothing happens.

Have your wife followed professionally.

If you're looking for a more hands-on way to catch your wife's lover, hiring a private detective can be the best option.

This is especially true if your spouse is cheating on you for the second time or has been unfaithful in the past. When hiring a private detective, make sure that he or she will take care of all aspects of their job:

From tailing your wife and gathering evidence against her to making sure that you both know where each other are at all times (and when).

You should also look for someone who has experience with how technology works and how it could possibly help with exposing infidelity by using apps such as Grindr or Tinder.

The last thing anyone wants is having their privacy invaded due to someone else having access into their private life!

Install a keystroke logger on your computer, or install spy-ware on her computer.

If you suspect your wife is cheating, the first thing to do is find out if she’s been doing it. Once this is done and verified, install a keystroke logger on your computer or install spy-ware on her computer.

Spyware is a program that collects data about your computer activities and sends it to a remote location where those activities are recorded and stored indefinitely in case you want them later (I guess).

You can also buy spyware for $50-$100 depending on how much information they want access too; $99 gives full access over everything including chat logs etc..

If all else fails, hire a private detective.

If all else fails, hire a private detective. This is a great option if you don't want to risk your wife's safety, or if she won't let you have access to the information that would be necessary for an investigation in order to prove her infidelity.

A private investigator (PI) will help expose your cheating wife by following her around town and recording everything they see with hidden cameras, installing spyware onto her phone or computer so they can capture any activity between herself and other men while they're together—and even hiring GPS tracking systems if needed!

It's not that hard to catch a cheating wife if you know what to look for and how to look for it.

It's not that hard to catch a cheating wife if you know what to look for and how to look for it. You need to be careful and not get caught by your wife.

If possible, use a private detective if you can afford it because they are more professional than just asking around on social media sites like Reddit or Facebook (which is where most people go when they want to cheat).


I hope that these 10 techniques will help you catch your wife and expose her for what she really is: a cheater. Remember, though, that the most important thing is to get over it.

If you're still mad at her, then maybe it's time to move on from this relationship before someone gets hurt.

Please check out more of my blogs here.


About the Creator

Demetrius Pearson

I’m no one special, just an ordinary man that seeks extraordinary wisdom.

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