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The Revenge

Final Payback!

By Joseph Roy WrightPublished 23 days ago 6 min read
A killer revenge!

This is a tale of revenge, about a young man who finally snaps one day, letting his frustrations vent, in the worst way possible. His whole life he always let people control him, never standing up for himself and demanding freedom. He always did exactly what his mother and father said, no matter how difficult. His wife bosses him around too, he had failed at dating a million women before her, so was willing to obey just to remain married. He had become weak willed, tired and still very timid of everything and everyone around him. This man was named William Smith and he had been moulded into a victim of modern society, where masculinity was frowned upon and he was often called a creep for daring to approach women, back when he was a single male. His wife, Romana Smith, knew exactly the type of guy William was and manipulated his every life decision since they had met. It was a mostly loveless marriage, that only lasted because they were financially dependent upon each other. Although it wasn't her that drove William mad with rage, it was all the horrible men who thought they were so much bigger and stronger than him, pushing him around when he was in work or out drinking back in his youth. For decades the humiliation of being thrown out of the nightclub in Runcorn old town, and then beaten by the doormen there, was something that still angered him to this day. It was all because he was a little "too drunk", or perhaps weakened by the alcohol, so they saw him as an easy target to pick on. He tried to report their abuse, but the owner, Mack Oaks, defended their corrupt security and called him the drunken idiot who deserved what happened to him. Oh, William refused to believe getting kicked around like a football was a worthy punishment, for simply having too much of a good time. He still had the scars from that attack from several years ago, before he met Romana and eventually got married. Yet it was still very much fresh in his mind. Another time, a few years later after he was assaulted outside the nightclub, William had a night job in a warehouse. The work environment was toxic. There was a supervisor who was also named Mack, who worked there. This guy was very different than the nightclub owner, but the name still unsettled William, who remembered the severe beating that boss allowed outside his club. So he ignored the name and continued working, but this second Mack would prove to be even more ruthless. This supervisor was an absolute tyrant, he'd order William about like a general and the shy young man would do whatever he asked. He felt worthless under Mack's rule, breaking his back lifting stock far too heavy and getting insulted on a weekly basis. It was pure slave labour and he couldn't stand it, William was eventually pushed to his limit and yelled back at his supervisor who then smacked William hard against the mouth for speaking out of line. William fled in terror and reported the abuse, but the company didn't believe him and fired William instead. This incident didn't result in a senseless beating, but the injustice of it was beyond upsetting. For several years, William carried this hate he had for these despicable people who had insulted him physically. He had moments where he forgot, then other days, especially at work, where he'd remember this abuse. It wouldn't be until he lost everything, that William would finally snap and lash out at the world. He and his wife were out drinking one night, a very friendly business man approached them casually, hiding his true intentions. They were so drunk, William and Romana didn't think to suspect this smiling man, who even bought them a few drinks from his own pocket. This so-called business man was actually more of a con artist, who ran his own independent company which "diversified" peoples money into multiple stocks, which often sank below the initial value. The customer could always withdraw, but the stocks would typically cost less than they first invested. Yet it was the high service charges, that the con-artist charged his customers for, which is where he got rich. He would write up these convoluted contracts that meant his customers couldn't withdraw too often, so that he could keep most of the money for himself. Giving back the short change through a legal loop hole. Most wouldn't fall for this, neither would a drunken William or Romana if they were sober. Yet the con-artist preyed on these two like a lion and that night, got them to sign over half their life savings. This one single stupid decision cost them their house, Romana blamed William for the mishap and they soon got divorced. When they finally managed to withdraw their money it was a faction of the original value, and the con-artist took a heavy cut too. William soon discovered that this con-artist was also named Mack, just like the other two men who had betrayed him before. Now William was alone, poorer than he'd ever been and absolutely full of wrath with nothing else to lose. So he vowed revenge on all of them, one by one, William planned on murdering all three of them. First there was the nightclub owner in Runcorn, the incident happened so many years ago, the owner didn't even remember him. This was the perfect opportunity to "apply for a job" there, as the owner had no idea who William was. The plan worked out perfectly, he was invited to the job interview and William snuck in some rat poison on his jacket. He hoped the owner would be drinking a coffee or tea, but the opportunity did not present itself, so William did his best to make a good impression and get the job, which he succeeded at. He asked his new boss if he wanted a coffee one afternoon before they opened for the night, Mack was beyond pleased and accepted William's generosity. He thanked his killer before taking a long gulp of the tainted coffee, that was poisoned with ricin (as William discovered it was untraceable). A few days later, that nightclub owner died of "natural causes" and William got away with the murder. So then there was the second Mack, this kill was a lot easier. All William had to do was wait for his target to leave from work, early in the morning when nobody was around except for him and Mack. William confronted Mack down a dark alleyway and screamed "fired am I?!" then shot his old work bully to bloody pieces, fleeing the scene immediately after. Soon a murder investigation was opened and the news was on TV, even the nightclub owner's death was suddenly questioned too, as both targets were named Mack and that they both had many enemies (because of all the poor people they had bullied). William knew his time was running out and his nemesis was still out there, Mack the con-artist. This final Mack lived in a huge mansion within the countryside of Chester, no doubt paid for by the many people he had scammed over the years. If anyone deserved death more than the others, it was this guy for sure! The original plan was to just kill this Mack like the others, but after seeing the luxurious home he had, William wanted to see that building on fire. So he did just that, waited until three in the morning, outside the impressive mansion until everyone was asleep. Then William poured petrol around the mansion's outer walls, all the way around the building so there was no escape. He poured extra around the doors, all so the exits would be especially harder to access. Then he lit a match over the petrol he had poured, and a small fire began form, which soon ballooned into a much larger one that soon swallowed the mansion up whole. William smiled to himself, as Mack's voice screamed in agony, alongside his children and wife. The sound filled William with the utmost glee, as he danced along to their screams of terror like it was disco music. Finally, William had gotten his revenge. The killer fled the country soon after his final kill, taking the last of his money abroad to Spain. He hasn't been spotted since.


About the Creator

Joseph Roy Wright

Hello there!

My name is Joseph Roy Wright, the British author of 12 Independent novels!

I like to write about movies, pop culture, fiction and horror! I review all the latest films (and classics), I also like to write short stories.

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