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The night of terror

A fictional story

By Zoya AliPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Oh the screams! The blood! And those eyes! Those eyes that sought murder and blood. Oh what an ill-fated Halloween that was!

Life is all about ups and downs. It is a combination of emotions, a roller coaster of feelings and events. It can be ironic : joyful or miserable or successful or prejudicial. The only thing is, you never know what turn or choice can go wrong.

It was the night before Halloween. The whole of Ghost Valley was struck with silence. They knew what had happened last year and they knew it would happen again. The devils would come back! And they did.

The wind howled and the trees trembled in fear. The houses were hidden by the fog as the thunder and lightning began. Oh it was the perfect scenario for a horror movie set only, this was real. The clock had struck twelve rather, it had struck Halloween midnight, the time at which the portal opened and fate itself would close its eyes. Out came the vampires walking eerily as their pointy teeth squeezed out fearfully frenzied cries from the children of the town. Oh those cries! They were music to the ears of the ghosts who sucked up the souls of the youth, stabbing a dagger of grief on the parents who lost something even more precious than their own lives. The giggles of the oppressive dolls reminded one of Annabelle. They built mountains of fear and flowed rivers of hopelessness. Their eyes were the creepiest. They were dark black and killed whoever they stared at. The werewolves howled and the creatures shrieked. The myth had now been proven true. The hopes of a new future, a new life had drowned like a person who just crashed from a plane and into the sea.

Everyone was beleaguered and anguished. The population was a million but at this time of the year, there was a lull. It was as quiet as a graveyard. Fear had swallowed all of them alive. Those who whispered for help were left alone and soon enough their bad luck had come to death. The creatures lurked in the shadows and their shadows would leave a person crying, frozen in grief, for now death had approached them and there was no escape.

I was one of the victims of their cruelty. I had seen and heard everything. The blood, the cries of the oppressed, the shrieking of the creatures that burst the human ear. My father had disappeared a few moments ago, ending up as one of the victims, and upon finding nowhere to go I had hid myself under the hostel bed. But what God had planned, he had planned and there was no escaping that. A few minutes past midnight, I heard the shrieks and shouts. They had come from downstairs where the nun had hidden behind the curtains. I trembled and cried to myself, “Oh, what should I do now?”

Once my heart beat went back to normal, although there was nothing normal about what was happening, I softly tip toed downstairs to see what was going on. If only I didn’t, there would still be hope in my life but the curiosity to see what was happening was too much for me to bare.

I quickly went downstairs and saw the blood. The dark red blood. Right next to it was the dead body of the nun and beside that was the monster. Its teeth dripping in blood as it tore apart the the body, piece by piece. Her bonnet dangling on one of its fangs as it tried throwing it off by wiggling and shaking around. Its eyes full of revenge and each cackle, torture. It stepped towards me. Each step closer to the knock of death. Was he death itself? Its body was covered with fur and the mane on its head dripping with not water but blood. His hair as black as coal and his claws! Oh his pointed claws, making screeches and they contacted the surface. Each screech was gruesome and each roar sparked thunder and lightning. The house was spinning, at least for me, as I ran outside the house, trying to escape this beast. Then suddenly it happened. The event that changed my life occurred.

I ran out of the house and into the garden, hidden behind the bushes. I thought I was safe until the bush flew in the air and all I remember seeing was the same monster picking me up and looking me in the eye. That was it and right after that I became unconscious.

The next day I regained consciousness. Or perhaps it was night…I had lost all sense of time and place. What had happened, had I not died? The next thing I noticed was the fact that I was in the middle of a circle, tied up with chains and surrounded by thousands of monsters and creatures. The one nearest to me was the same monster I had encountered the day before. My feelings were unexplainable. I was scared yet curious. Frozen in fear yet shocked and surprised. Why had I survived? Where was I? And why was I in this circle where no creature would even think about entering? Was this some kind of spiritual routine or black magic. All these questions built inside me and soon enough my patience ran out. I screamed, “Why am I here and what are you doing to me?” It seemed that my questioning was not appreciated by them and they roared back in reply.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from behind. A creature who seemed like a mixture of all the creatures appeared in front of the circle and raised his claw towards me, I did not know what to do so I repeated my question. It was obvious he was the king, the leader, the big cheese. Now all the creatures had raised their claws and hands and paws. Rapidly, a red light approached me and my body started moving. My head started shaking up and down, ripping the flesh of my body piece by piece until all there was, was blood. It continued ripping until it transformed into the head of a monster with a mane and fur and even sharp teeth. My body had transformed into a creature as well and now there was nothing human about me that was left.

Soon I jumped out of the circle, breaking the chains. My eyes red and full of cruelty and hatred. What had I become? What was happening to me? Fear and grief struck me. I was confused and frightened. I was now one of them.

I spoke their language and craved of blood and murder. I felt restless and hopeless as if only blood could cure me. Seeing me newly transformed, the creatures roared their welcomes and surprisingly I actually understood them. I repeated my question instantly only in a language I knew I didn’t speak or learn but the most astonishing thing was the reply I got and comprehended.

One of them answered, “You are special. Your blood runs in our veins too. You are different than the others and we are forbidden to kill you.” All of a sudden the king approached from behind. I shared the same appearance as him and wondered why. Our eyes were the same and so was our body. Our tail was long and furry and our mane had a little drawing, a drawing that seemed like a crown. He looked at me from top to bottom and I stared into his eyes. He felt familiar, like someone who I had met before.

The night sky was dark and scary. The moon shining brightly from above, looking at us as if it was watching a blood curdling film. I lifted my eyes from his eyes and looked at his face. Within moments I realized who he was and he did too. “Papa ?!!”, I screamed, and a pitiful roar came in reply.


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    ZAWritten by Zoya Ali

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