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India's most haunted places

Bhanghar fort

By Abhishek singh Published 5 days ago 4 min read
Bhanghar fort

The Mystery of Bhangarh Fort

Deep in the heart of Rajasthan, nestled amidst the Aravalli hills, lies a place shrouded in mystery and whispered tales of the supernatural. This place is known as Bhangarh Fort, a once-thriving town now abandoned and frozen in time. Its eerie ruins and unsettling legends have made it infamous as the most haunted place in India.

Chapter 1: The Legend Begins

Centuries ago, during the reign of Raja Madho Singh, Bhangarh was a flourishing town. The fort was built by his younger brother, Man Singh, a skilled warrior and an ambitious ruler. Legend has it that the construction of the fort came with a warning from a hermit who lived in the area. He cautioned Man Singh that the fort should never cast a shadow over his humble abode, and if it did, disaster would befall the entire region.

Man Singh agreed to this condition, but as the fort grew taller, its shadow began to creep towards the hermit's dwelling. Enraged by this defiance, the hermit cursed the fort, prophesying doom and death upon all who dwelt within its walls.

Chapter 2: The Curse Unleashed

Soon after the completion of the fort, tragedy struck Bhangarh. A famine ravaged the land, followed by an epidemic that claimed many lives. The curse seemed to have taken hold, and the once prosperous town began to decline. People spoke of strange happenings within the fort—whispers in the corridors, eerie lights dancing in the night, and a feeling of unease that permeated the air.

Raja Madho Singh tried to restore the fort's prosperity, but all efforts were in vain. The town became deserted as people fled, leaving behind their homes and belongings. Bhangarh Fort was abandoned, becoming a ghost town frozen in time.

Over the centuries, Bhangarh Fort became a place of dread. Locals avoided it after dark, believing that the spirits of those who perished there still roamed the corridors. Tales of encounters with ghosts and supernatural beings spread far and wide, attracting thrill-seekers and paranormal investigators from all over the world.

One such investigator was Vikram, a young journalist intrigued by the mysteries of Bhangarh. He had heard stories of strange occurrences and wanted to uncover the truth behind the legends. Armed with his camera and a curious mind, Vikram set out on a journey to Bhangarh.

As Vikram approached the fort, he could feel a chill in the air. The ruins loomed before him, silent and foreboding. He entered cautiously, his footsteps echoing in the empty courtyard. The once-grand structures were now crumbling, vines creeping up the walls like fingers of some ancient specter.

Inside, Vikram found evidence of the fort's former glory—elaborate carvings, intricate archways, and remnants of what were once opulent chambers. Yet, there was an undeniable sense of sadness that hung in the air, as if the fort itself mourned its lost splendor.

Night fell, and Vikram prepared to experience the infamous hauntings of Bhangarh. Armed with his camera and a flashlight, he ventured deeper into the fort. Shadows danced along the walls, and strange noises echoed through the corridors. Vikram's heart raced as he captured images of orbs of light and eerie silhouettes that appeared and vanished without a trace.

Chapter 5: The Encounter

Just as Vikram was about to leave, he heard a faint voice calling out to him. Startled, he turned around and saw a figure standing in the shadows—a young woman dressed in ancient attire. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and her voice was a whisper carried on the wind.

"I have been waiting for you," she said, her voice filled with sorrow. "The curse that binds us must be broken."

Vikram listened intently as the woman revealed her story. She was Princess Ratnavati, the daughter of Raja Madho Singh, who had perished in the famine that befell Bhangarh. Her spirit had been trapped within the fort, unable to find peace.

Moved by her plight, Vikram vowed to help Princess Ratnavati find release from the curse. Together, they searched for clues hidden within the fort's walls, piecing together fragments of the past and unraveling the mysteries that had haunted Bhangarh for centuries.

Chapter 6: Breaking the Curse

Through their exploration, Vikram and Princess Ratnavati discovered the hermit's ancient prophecy and the conditions under which the curse could be lifted. With the help of local priests and historians, they performed rituals to appease the spirits and cleanse the fort of negative energy.

As dawn broke over Bhangarh, a sense of peace descended upon the once-accursed town. The shadows seemed to lift, and a gentle breeze carried away the echoes of the past. Vikram and Princess Ratnavati stood together, watching as life returned to the forgotten ruins.

With the curse broken, Bhangarh Fort began to attract visitors once again, not just for its haunted reputation but also for its rich history and architectural splendor. Vikram's photographs and recordings became a testament to the journey he had embarked upon—one that bridged the gap between the living and the dead, and brought closure to a centuries-old mystery.


Today, Bhangarh Fort stands as a testament to the enduring power of myth and legend. While its haunted reputation persists, so too does the memory of those who once called it home. Visitors come from far and wide to experience its eerie charm and uncover the secrets hidden within its walls.

As for Vikram, he continues to explore the world of the paranormal, sharing his experiences and photographs with those who dare to believe in the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding. And somewhere, in the quiet corners of Bhangarh Fort, Princess Ratnavati's spirit rests peacefully, her story a reminder of the enduring legacy of a place caught between history and myth.


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    ASWritten by Abhishek singh

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