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Shadows of the forgotten

P.S this story isn't for those who get scared....

By Mohamed Nour ElabedPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a moonlit night, in the heart of a dense forest, stood an old and weathered house. It was rumoured to be haunted, its walls echoing with whispers of a dark and tragic past. The house's windows were shattered, its doors creaking with a haunting melody, as if warning all who approached to turn back.

In the nearby town, a group of adventurous kids gathered around a flickering campfire, their faces illuminated by dancing flames. Among them was a young girl named Lily, known for her bravery and unwavering curiosity. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she proposed a thrilling idea.

"Hey, guys! Let's spend the night in that old, haunted house!" Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with an exhilarating mix of fear and excitement.

The group of friends exchanged hesitant glances, their minds filled with stories of the haunted house's horrors. But their youthful spirit and Lily's persuasive words eventually convinced them to embark on this eerie adventure.

As the midnight hour approached, they cautiously approached the decrepit house. The creaking floorboards and the howling wind created an unsettling symphony. The moon cast long, sinister shadows that seemed to dance with the whispers of the night.

Inside the house, the air grew heavy with anticipation. The children's footsteps echoed through the empty halls, their heartbeats racing in synchrony. Each creaking step sent shivers down their spines, as if the house itself was alive and watching their every move.

As they explored the dimly lit rooms, they stumbled upon a forgotten diary, pages yellowed with age. Intrigued, they gathered around, reading aloud the chilling tale inscribed within its ancient parchment.

The diary revealed the tragic story of Emily, a young girl who had lived in the house long ago. She had been unjustly accused of a crime she did not commit and suffered a horrific fate. Her anguished screams were said to still echo through the halls, her restless spirit haunting the house.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the silence, jolting the children out of their trance. Fear gripped their hearts as they realized they were not alone in the house. The ghostly presence of Emily had awakened, and she sought revenge against those who had disturbed her eternal slumber.

In a desperate bid for survival, the children scattered, their footsteps echoing through the labyrinthine corridors. Panic consumed them as they desperately sought an escape from the clutches of the vengeful spirit.

Lily, leading the way, stumbled upon a hidden passage, a secret door obscured behind a dusty tapestry. She beckoned her friends to follow her, and they found themselves in a long-forgotten attic. The room was filled with ancient relics and forgotten memories, casting an eerie glow in the moonlight.

As they caught their breath, they realized that Emily's spirit could not enter this sacred sanctuary. They were safe for the moment, shielded from her wrathful grasp.

With the dawn breaking, the children emerged from the attic, the haunted house finally behind them. Their faces carried a mix of relief and awe as they realized the magnitude of their harrowing experience. They had survived the night, forever bound by the shadows of the forgotten.

And so, as the group of friends returned to their campsite, their bond grew stronger. They carried with them the weight of the haunting tale, a story that would be forever etched in their memories. They had faced their deepest fears and emerged victorious, forever united by the echoes of that fateful night.

From that day forward, whenever they gathered around a campfire, their conversations always circled back to the haunted house, the screams that pierced the darkness, and the unbreakable bond forged.


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