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Mark’d for Journey’s End

By: Karlton A. Armistad [Part of the Vocal Creators Spooktacular Challenge 2021]

By Andrew LittlePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Grim Reaper Portrait, Courtesy of Trve-Racoon via FBFP

By : Karlton A. Armistad Date : 8th October, 2021.

Before you continue, check out the first six parts of this spooky tale, by clicking the links below 👇

A Mother’s Undying Love

Abigail’s Truth

Charlotte’s Sorrow


Twins in the Garden

Silence Is Chilling

Mark had seen the world change so constantly since he started this gig, that any change in what he had to routinely do, brought the most ecstatic feeling to his undead soul.

From the beginning and end of the Ming Dynasty in China, which was a very messy affair that saw him having to work overtime, to the very sad and awful years of that was the fall of the Roman Empire. Then came the amazing rebirth that threw a new spin on society with the end of the dark Ages and the beginning of The Renaissance, he had been a part of it all.

The Grim Reaper’s job was never an easy one; not like those grandiose angels had it; ushering heavenly souls into the great and bountiful Utopia that was Heaven, like posh bouncers at a decadent London private club.

Yet in this moment, dealing with a soul that had died so instantly trying to save another, he was so conflicted, excited and anxious as this mission involved scoring points either side of the void between heaven and hell. He knew what he had to do but wasn’t for the 1st time in a millennia sure that he should do it.

As Camille pressed her hands to her chest, she felt an ice-cold chill go through her whole body, the kind of chill that tells the body something had changed.

Something that once changed, can’t be repaired or fixed and as no heartbeat from her chest could be felt; everything she dread started to play on the screen of her mind.

Mark stood there waiting for her to ask the question, the one question every sad and scared soul take a short time to figure out and that he had answered a thousand times before.

Shaking to her very core and frightened to hear the Grim Reaper’s answer back, Camille forced herself to utter the terrifying words from which there would be no coming back….”Am..am…Am I dead?” she asked.

Mark, who turned to face her clearing, so she could see his glistening silver sheath in his hands; ‘Yes, but your work isn’t finished yet’ he replied. Once the words had left his lips with a frost like cloud around them, Camille looked down and could see her bloody life-less corpse in front of her.

The twins or the demons who had taken the form of her nephews, mangled her body so brutally, the scares to her neck and right side of her face made her almost unrecognisable.

One her beautiful dark green eyes had popped from its socket in her head and landed by her throat leaving thick warm blood spurting from where it used to be. As she saw all this and took it with a bravery that only young soldiers know going into war, she started to see clearly what she needed to do to help Abigail and save the others in her family.

These demons needed to be vanquished, sent back to scorching pits of hell from whence they had come to claim her sister and now her soul.

Camille took Mark’s hand, gentle, but once their hands touched; all she held dear, familiar, normal was turned inside out and through Mark’s eternal eyes, Camille was given a woeful gaze through time, space and all things mortal since the world knew what it was live.

This glimpse included a distinct look at the Twin Demons she would battle, and the what she needed to end this tragedy that had taken her from her daughter, and Abigail and the boys away her niece and brother-in-law.

Albacush & Belthazarian were anger demons that prayed on fear, regret and pain. they were sent to drag Abigail from her paradise of a garden because her spirit wouldn’t leave until it has made peace with Charlotte her daughter, as she felt had they not argued, they would all still be alive and a family.

Satan in his unyielding quest for lost souls like Abigail’s; sent his two most successful creators to haul poor Abigail back, he didn’t even need her but to just hand her over to God was not on the agenda at all. God had happily received the twin boys, this soul was to be his and nothing would stop that, or so he thought.

'The Dark Garden P1'; photo courtesy of Cup of Cats Images FBFP

Camille and Mark were transported to Abigail’s favourite place in her garden on the farm, as they appeared they saw her tending to her Pear Tree as usual, and the bright red flashing eyes of Albacush & Belthazarian still dressed as the twins in red devil costumes heading towards her with a dark wood carved lengthy dagger, that had a gilded handle that featured a large black gem in it.

'The Dark Garden P2'; photo courtesy of Cup of Cats Images FBFP

This was the moment, and everything from this point would need to be precise if her soul and that of her sister were to be reunited with the twins in heaven.

[Stay tuned for Pt. 7 by Angela, Happy Halloween when it comes]


About the Creator

Andrew Little

Carlton A. Armistad is the pseudonym for Andrew R. Little. I prefer writing under this as it allows me to look at any body of work I complete separate to my personal day-to-existence, and safeguards my relationships and family.

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