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Dybbuk Taffy

By Stede Lindgren

By Stede LindgrenPublished 3 years ago 36 min read

Dennis brushed his wavy blonde hair off of his brow as he placed his hand there in an effort to hold up his head as it was meandering downward out of drowsy boredom. He had been making phone calls and punching numbers into the stupid glowing screen for hours and he still had 3 hours left. Somehow these last three hours were crawling by slower than the first 8. He’d rather scrape the gray matter off his brain with a cheese grater then make another sales call, but he knew this mindless grid was what it took to get to the upper floors. Where they have big open offices and make obscene amounts of money. A place where you're in charge and your opinion is law. He had started very young and spent the last 7 years working his way up each floor. Every floor became more competitive and cutthroat than the last. He was now on the 24th floor out of 50, he was almost halfway there. The 50th floor, that's what he wanted more than anything in the world. Well more than almost anything. Leah Northrum, the company's sales executive. She was his number one. She was beautiful, powerful and had an office on the 50th floor. She was the package deal and Dennis spent most of his waking hours fantasizing about her. “Kyle has been in there a while.” Dennis thought peering over his cubicle at his boss Edward Morris’s office. Though 12 years his senior, Kyle Rambunk was Dennis’s best friend and like Denis, did rather average work for the 24th floor, but for some reason Edward made him the office whipping boy. He called him out on any little mistakes he made and would shout at him for sometimes hours depending on his mood. Dennis had heard that Edward’s wife asked for a divorce so he figured he’d be yelling at Kyle for a while, but 4 hours was a bit much. Finally the muffled shouts became clear as the door burst open. “The company can’t afford to deal with your incompetence any longer and neither can I. You're Fired!” Edward screamed. Kyle backed out of the door slowly holding his binder close to his chest with both arms. Edward noticed the whole office looking at him. His face was red and he was breathing heavy. “Pick up your shit and get out of here.” he said, trying to calm down. Then he slammed his office door. The sound caused Kyle to flinch. “Fired?” Dennis whispered in disbelief. Kyle’s company was the only thing that made Dennis’s mundane work bearable. Kyle went to his cubicle and started gathering things up. The secretary brought a box for him. Dennis went over to help. The two quietly packaged up his things. Then Dennis put his hand on Kyle's shoulder. “Easy street in 3 hours. Do you think you can make it until then?” Dennis asked. Kyle sadly nodded and left with the box in hand. Easy street was the name of a bar on the edge of town where the two often met after hard days.

The last hours at work were quiet and awkward. Once over, Dennis got into his old white car and sped off to easy street. It was dark and the city lights danced around him as he drove. In the bar he found Kyle sitting at the counter already a few drinks in. Dennis went and sat down next to him. “10 years of my life I gave to Atlas International. And for what? I can’t put, I made it to the 24th floor on my resume. I’ll have to start over, at floor 1 at another office.” Kyle said, raising the glass to his wet lips. His watery eyes glistened with the neon lights of the dark room. Dennis took off his suit coat and loosened his tie.

”Hey Kyle, you have skills. Atlas international didn’t see them and that’s their loss. There are tons of jobs out there that will be lucky to have you and you’ll climb their ladder ten times faster.” Dennis comforted.

“Thanks Dennis, you're a great friend, but i’m tired of climbing ladders.” Kyle responded looking down at the strange designs in the wood countertop.

“Hey don’t talk like that. You're only 40 years old. You still have lots of time to figure things out.” Dennis said, while ordering a drink.”Well that's just it. I’ve lived 4 decades and I only have 2 or 3 left. No wife, no kids, and now no job. I’m starting to think I’m not very good at this whole life thing.” Kyle said, taking another swig.

“Listen, it's just a bad day. You’ll be back on track in no time and you won’t have Morris barking down your neck all the time.” Dennis offered. The two drank away the night until Dennis felt Kyle was stable enough to go home. Dennis returned home to his dismal little apartment building.

”Out late again I see.” His cranky old landlady remarked peeking from her door. She was very nosey and seemed to camp out by her door listening for footsteps up the stairs. Even during the dead hours of the night. Probably a tactic to catch some of her tents whose payments were overdue. “Yeah my friend lost his job.” Dennis responded as he trudged up the steps. “Well better him then you Mr.Cobb.” She hollered up after him. Dennis opened the door to his apartment. It was dim and depressing. Dennis made fairly good money, but the cost of living in the city was high and this was the best he was willing to do. He checked his fridge in vain then flopped on his bed. When he opened his eyes it was morning and it felt as though he hadn’t slept at all. He got ready for work and headed out. Work was devoid of the warmth and humor Kyle had brought. Edward needed a new whipping boy and since Dennis was Kyle's friend he was the natural choice. It wasn’t long before Edward started monitoring Dennis work over his shoulder and barking meaningless critics. The day was long and anxiety filled. When it was finally over, Dennis called Kyle to check in and talk things out some more, but there was no reply. He tried a few more times, but still no response. “He wouldn’t do something stupid would he?” Dennis wondered then dismissed it, deciding that he might just need some time alone. Days went by and work was becoming increasingly more miserable for Dennis. He was nearly at the breaking point, but then Leah came down to give a seminar. Dennis was hypnotized by her beauty and confidence. It made all the misery worth it just to know she was in the building and that one day if he put his nose to the grindstone he might work on the same level as her. But even this dream was shattered at the water cooler when Dennis overheard his colleagues talking about how Leah started dating the infamous mafiso Leone Fontona. Leone wasn’t much to look at, but he had power and money, two things Leah could never have enough of. Dennis always knew in the back of his mind that he had no chance with Leah, but now he didn’t even have a prayer. If Leone so much as though someone should be dead, his gang had it arranged. On top of that, the rate that Edward was coming down on him, he’d likely be fired soon as well. His whole world was crashing down and all his dreams with it. Dennis couldn’t take it anymore; he had to talk to someone. After his shift he sped down the road to Kyle’s apartment. He knocked on the door but there was no answer. He called his phone still nothing. He began to get frantic worrying that Kyle might have killed himself, a thought that had previously kept him from visiting in person. He slammed the door harder, and shouted his name. Soon Kyles' neighbor came out. She was very attractive and had dark eyes and black hair. Her ethnicity was hard to pin down, though Kyle had told him before that she was hispanic. Kyle had often talked about her to Dennis. She was his Leah. “Kyle’s not home. He left on a vacation to Hawiiai a few days ago.” She said, taking sympathy on the utter mess of a person Dennis was at the moment. “Why didn’t he tell me?” Dennis accidentally said out loud. “Don’t be hard on yourself. He didn’t tell me ether, well at least not tell the day of. That joker asked me to go with him with less than 24 hours notice. I wanted to but I couldn’t just up and leave my job like that. He’s a spontaneous guy jumping from one thrill to another. I love him, but I can’t keep up with him.” She chuckled fondley.

Spontaneous was about the furthest thing from what Kyle was Dennis thought. “Love him? Are you two dating?” Dennis asked confused. “Yeah for about a week now. It’s crazy to think I’ve been living next to him for all these years and had no idea how great he is. I can’t wait for him to get back.” She said with a smile. Kyle finally snagged the woman of his dreams and didn’t say anything about it to him. Dennis could hardly believe it, but why would she lie? He thought. “Cool, well alright thanks for letting me know where he went. I’m glad to hear everything is okay.”Dennis said as his thoughts now retracted back into his own sad predicament. Dennis left and returned to his new life cycle which consisted of waking up, going to work, being yelled at until he clocked out, then going home, hitting the hay and waking up to do it all over again. 2 weeks went by and despite Mr.Morris's continual interruptions, his numbers were great and he knew he’d likely get promoted to the 25th floor before Edward would have the chance to fire him, but this held little excitement for him now. It seemed hollow and life seemed colorless. Kyle seemed to have largely forgotten him and his fantasy girl was in the bed of a dangerous gangster. Without hopes and dreams to protect him, the day today grind was crushing his soul. Then out of seemingly eons of silence his phone rang.”Hey Dennis, this is Kyle. Would you come pick me up from the airport?” The voice asked. “Kyle! I haven’t heard from you in so long. Is everything okay? Your neighbor said you went to Hawaii, and-”Dennis interrogated until he was interrupted.

“Cuba actually, but she doesn’t need to know that. Here, I’ll tell you all about it on the way home. Just come grab me alright?” Kyle requested.

“Yeah for sure.” Dennis responded. When he pulled up to the airport he found Kyle waiting in a hawaiian shirt with several suitcases. Kyle gave him a big hug, which was only a little out of place, then Dennis helped him load up the suit cases nearly filling his car to the brim. Kyle told him all about his trip.The animals he saw, how he went skydiving, women he hooked up with and so on.

“What is up with you?” Dennis finally asked.

“Dennis, you're a good friend. My best friend, so I think I owe it to you to show you rather than just tell you. He punched in an address on his phone and held it up to guide him.

“Where will this take us?” Dennis asked following it.

“As you know, I was feeling down in life. Darn near suicidal. A friend of mine told me about this doctor working on an experimental drug that increases your confidence, it gives you more strength and energy. It even gives you clarity of mind. I felt like I had nothing to lose so I went to her and now my world has changed. Remember when I told you I was bad at life?” He chuckled. Dennis sat silently in dismay. “Lets just say because of this drug, I’m good at life, really good.” Kyle said with a grin.

“Wait so you were taking me to your drug dealer?” Dennis said flipping the car around so abruptly that he got honked at. Kyle looked back at the honking car, then at Dennis.

“Come on Dennis, it’s new enough that it’s not illegal. You just have to sign a few papers and you’re good. It’s at a clinic and everything. I wouldn't recommend it to you unless I thought it was safe and helpful. I mean look at me. Life is going great!” Kyle said opening a briefcase. The case was full of pink hair rollers. He pulled the tape off of one's end and pulled out a cuban cigar.

“Whoa those are illegal. Did you smuggle them?” Dennis asked shocked.

“Well the trip wasn’t gonna pay for itself.” Kyle laughed. Dennis reached his hand to the back seat and felt around on one of the other bags until he found the zipper he pulled the case wide open revealing hundreds of hair curlers. Upset he briefly took his eyes off the road to glare at Kyle. “Well I needed some spending money too.” Kyle said unashamed. Dennis stopped talking to him and stared wide eyed at the road ahead. He knew if they got pulled over he’d get stuck with the same sentence.

Dennis pulled into Kyle’s parking lot. He didn't help him unload his bags. Leaning in to grab the last bag off the passenger seat Kyle looked at Dennis. “Thanks for the lift. Let me know if you change your mind.” He said. Dennis didn’t even look at him. Which caused Kyle to roll his tongue in his mouth irritated.

“Dennis, the rules are made by people who want to rule you. People who want to hold you back so they can stay rich. Me selling these cigars isn’t gonna hurt anybody. We both know the people who are gonna break the law and by these cigars are the same rich jerks who lobby to make the laws that cage you.” Kyle said then took a load of bags up to the apartment.

Dennis sat in his car watching. Kyle's neighbor came out and embraced Kyle planting a bedroom kiss on his grinning lips. She walked down with him to help carry the bags. She looked in at Dennis and waved. Once they tossed the last bags into Kyles apartment. She pulled him into her own and started peeling off his clothes. The door slammed shut and Dennis drove off slowly.

He went home and ate dinner alone. He crept into his unmade bed and just looked at the ceiling trying to sleep, but he couldn't. As he looked at a flyspot next to the chipped dry way he kept thinking about work and how bored and sad Kyle looked then and how happy he was now. He kept seeing the screaming face of Edward Morris, and thought about how much he hated the thought of going back to work in the morning. Then he thought of the neighbor lady’s lusty look in her eyes as she snatched up Kyle. Finally Dennis picked up the phone and dialed Kyle's number. He had hardly said hello before Kyle responded.

“I thought you might call. I’ll be over in a minute.” Kyle said smugly. True to his word, Kyle was outside his apartment only moments later. Kyle drove them to a sketchy part of town.

They pulled up to a white square shaped building and got out. The building was devoid of advertisements or marking of any kind including graffiti which made it stand out.

“Well it’s hardly brand name.” Dennis remarked.

“Yeah Dr. Witchel’s product speaks for itself. You find her, she doesn’t find you.” They went in. There was an empty waiting room and no security at the desk. The waiting room was fancy and modern in design. Kyle kept walking and just opened the doctor’s office door.

“Shouldn’t we wait to be let in?'' Dennis cationed.

“Naw, Barbra is cool. She values self confidence and taking what you want. Besides she’s used to it since her drug boosts those behaviors.” Kyle said walking in.

The office was nice and clean. It had a brown shaggy carpet, several shelves full of old books. There were 3 doctorat degrees posted on the wall under the name Barbra Witchel. Her desk had a fetish of an african hunter. Her book shelves also had little statues of ancient african design, but the doctor was nowhere to be found. Dennis wanted to leave but he was enthralled by the decorations. They appeared to be very old and authentic. One in particular caught his eye. It was an african mask carved from gopher wood. He seemed to meet it’s gaze and be lured in.

“That one is actually babylonian.” A woman's voice said coming from right next to him. Startled, he turned to see a very intelligent looking woman in a white lab coat, her hair pulled up in tight braids. “My whole collection is from the home land, but that one.The hair was added by Africans a few hundred years ago so I count it. Besides, my dad gave it to me. So I’m reminded of him every time I see it.” She said, still looking at it.

“I’m sorry, we shouldn’t have just barged in like we did.” Dennis nervously apologized.

“No it’s quite alright. I’m glad to see Kyle any time and since you’re here, that means you need me right?” She asked with a pleasant understanding smile.

“Uh, yeah. Kyle claims you gave him something that made him more confident and cleared his mind of stress and worries.” Dennis said.

“Yes, it does that and more. You’ll be stronger, faster, smarter and more charming. You’ll be like a whole new man.” She said, while walking back to her desk and sitting down. “I’ll be honest, this sounds like a hoax. Nothing can be that great.” Denis said skeptically.

“Well you came to me. I didn’t seek you out. You saw Kyle shed his shell of insecurity and continue forward like a real man. He sees what he wants and he holds nothing back. Even if it were a placebo, wouldn’t that be a placebo you want?” She asked, intertwining her fingers and resting her elbows on the desk. Dennis couldn’t argue with her. He had seen the result. He wanted these things and that was why he was there.

“How much?” He asked, releasing a deep breath.

“Ten grand. I take, debit, cash or credit.” She said confidently.

Jeez, that’s a lot of money. Do I really believe this? Dennis thought as sweat began to manifest on his forehead. Then he thought about Kyle kissing his dream girl.

“Fine. I want it.” He said fumbling through his wallet. She grabbed a small wood box from her desk and walked them out to the secretaries desk. He took care of the payment with his card. Then she handed him the box. He opened it and there were 6 strips of yellow gum. “Gum?” Dennis said feeling scammed.

“It’s called Dybbuk Taffy. The chemical agents are best absorbed through continual mastication. There are 6 in the box. You can come back for as many refills as you like. Free of charge, though I doubt you will need any more than that.” She said with a nod.

The two drove back home. Kyle went on about how he made the right choice and how he wouldn’t regret it and how happy he was for him, but Dennis kept thinking about how many hours at the office 10 grand was. That night he lay awake in bed with the little box next to him on the nightstand. In the morning he got ready for work. While sitting on the bed pulling his socks on he grabbed the box and put it into his pocket. Work was going on as usual. Edward was screaming at him about a memo of somesort. Dennis zoned out thinking about the box. Finally during the rant he lifted the box from his pocket, set it on the desk and opened it. He grabbed a strip and popped it into his mouth. As he chewed his vision darkeden until it was pitch black.

Then it cleared up and he opened his eyes. He was now laying in bed. Only it wasn’t his bed. He looked around confused, it was night time. The room was spacious and beautiful. The large window looked over the city from a great height. “What happened, where am I?” He wondered very concerned. Then a soft warm hand slid up and down his chest. “Ready for round 3? Or did you just have a bad dream?” The tired voice next to him flirted. His eyes widened as he realized he was in bed with Leah. He stopped asking himself questions and enjoyed this dream come true. It was the best night of his life. She was everything he had dreamed of and so much more. In the morning he awoke to find that it wasn’t a dream at all. He was still with her. They got up and had breakfast together. Talked about interesting things until they couldn’t keep their hands off one another. The phone began to ring as she slammed him against the wall. They kissed passionately and just let the phone keep ringing. She was pretty agressive and even bit his bottom lip. It was painful but he was thrilled. Then the phone clicked as it played the voice recording out loud. “Leah I know you're there. My boys said they saw you hanging out with some chump last night. Leah, I want answers. If it is what I think it is, then that chump is dead meat, you hear?” the voice shouted then ended with a click. It was the voice of Leone. Dennis turned his head to look at the phone. Leah was still biting his bottom lip so it stretched it awkwardly. “Leone?!” He exclaimed inaudible as his lip was held at the weird angle. She released him and looked at him.

“Shit, I’m dead. Oh I’m so dead.” Dennis sheriked running around the room gathering his clothes up.

She looked disappointed. “Last night you said not to worry about Lenone. You said you could handle him.” She protested.

“I did? Of course I did.” Dennis said holding his lump of clothes as the blood flushed from his face. “I’m gonna catch up with you later. I’ve got to go deal with this.” Walking out the door still in his underwear.

“Fine go, you running around like a frightened girl was a big turn off anyway.” She hollered at him.

Dennis knew he would be killed. He put on his clothes in the car then drove around all day not daring to stop. He called Kyle several times but he never picked up. It was getting dark and he knew he couldn’t do this forever. Finally he decided to go back to Dr. Witchel and get some answers about what the Dybbuk taffy did to him. As he pulled up she was about to get into her car. He rushed over and stopped her.

“Dr.Witchel. I took the Dybbuk taffy and I slept with a Mafioso's girlfriend. He’s gonna kill me. What is in this drug? What did it do to me?!” Dennis begged.

“I’m sorry but this problem seems beyond my scope of practice, so if you'll excuse me.” She said opening her car door. Dennis pushed it shut.

“You’ve killed me. I would never have done this in my right mind.” Dennis accused angrily.

She looked fed up. “You know what Dennis, you're right, you would never have gone after that girl. If I hadn’t intervened. In fact you wouldn’t have done anything of note, then, now or ever. You’re a loser Dennis self diagnosed in fact, that's why you came to me. You've been granted this perfect healthy body and you haven’t done shit with it. There are thousands of souls who did do great things with their bodies when they were alive, but now they are dead and without form. They deserve bodies but don’t have one anymore. I let them use yours. They got to be alive again, they got what they wanted, and it sounds like you got what you wanted too, only now that they’ve left you, you can’t handle the actualization of your dreams. Because even if your goals are handed to you on a silver platter, you're too much of a loser to heft it’s freight.” She rebuked.

Dennis was insulted but also in utter disbelief. This woman with 3 doctartes was talking about ghosts and spirits. All he could think to mutter was. ”You’re evil.”

“You're a white man, so you're probably christatin right? Your god, Christ came across a man possessed by a thousand spirits. Just fighting to have a body again. They called themselves legion. Christ purged the souls from the body, but he didn’t send them to hell did he? He took pity on them and let them possess the bodies of the pigs. Dennis I'm just doing the same thing. I can’t stand hearing these souls cries of torment any longer, so I'm giving them the bodies of the worthless swines of society. If you can’t handle the reality of your hopes and dreams, then give the reins back to them. Take the taffy again.” She said then yanked her door open and got in.

Dennis watched her drive off. He pulled out the box and looked at the gum. He could hear many quiet voices pleading to give them a chance to solve the problem. He felt sad and hopeless. He got in his beat up car and drove to where he always went after a hard day. Easy street. He sat at the bar and drank contemplating his enevadable death. After a while the large mousy haired gangster came strolling in alone. Dennis was terrified, but he didn’t run, he knew there was no point in running. Leone sat down next to him. As he sat his suit coat moved and Dennis saw his gun tucked into his pants. Leone noticed him notice and smiled then ordered a drink.

“Dennis? Is that right?” Leone asked. Dennis said nothing but looked at him as if looking at the skeletal face of the grim reaper himself. “I hate to do this. You look so young, full of life. I mean look at those puppy dog eyes on this baby face. But I have a reputation to uphold. If I let you screw my girl and still go about walking these streets, then everybody who walks these streets will think they can screw my girl. I don’t think that’s what either one of us wants. So lets make this easy eh. You can finish your drink, then follow me out. That way only you alone dies today. If you don't come with me then I’ll kill you right here and I'll also have to kill all these witnesses and that would be on you, and you don’t want to meet your maker with all that blood on your hands.” Leone explained calmly. Dennis could hear the whispers calling to him. He pulled out the box and opened it. Leone put his hand on his gun but relaxed it when he saw the box only contained gum. Dennis threw a stick in his mouth and everything went black when he came to Leone was still sitting there next to him in the bar, only he was wearing a different suit. Dennis was wearing a nice new suit himself and had an expensive watch on. He was handing over a suitcase to Leone. Leone took it and opened it. It was full of tight stacks of cash. After a brief counting Leone turned to him. “I have to admit, I had my doubts Mr. Cobb. But one more payment like this and we are square. You have 7 more days. I don’t have to remind you what happens if you don’t deliver.” Leone said standing up and flashing him a small picture of Leah took from his coat pocket. After showing him, Leone looked at it himself. “I give credit, where credit is due. You’ve got big balls Cobb. She’s lucky to have you.” Leone said then walked out of the bar.

It worked! Dennis thought excitedly, But another payment that size? How am I going to do that, how did I do that? Dennis thought to himself as he left for the parking lot. He didn’t see his car in the lot so he clicked the unlock button on his key fob. The car that responded was a jet black bugatti veyron. Dennis smiled and shook his head in disbelief. He drove to work and sat at his desk glad for a little bit of normality to sort out his thoughts. He started his computer and realized that the date was incorrect. Upon further inspection he realized it wasn’t incorrect. 1 month had passed since he had taken the Dybbuk taffy at Easy street. Edward came over to him.

“Taking a stroll down memory lane?” He asked. Dennis just looked at him unsure what to say. “But really bud you're making the others nervous. Head back up to your floor I’m sure Leah is waiting for you to start the sale pitch to Avalon Steel.” Edward urged. Dennis cautiously went to the elevator. Had he really lost a month and was he now working on the 50th floor? He wondered as he watched each number increase on the elevator light. Sure enough there was a large meeting waiting for him. Leah ushered him in. There was a powerpoint about steel sales. Dennis fumbled his way through the meeting and the deal was insured through the CEO of Avelon steel did remark that Dennis’s silver tongue had lost it’s edge. At the end of the day Leah met up with him in the parking lot and he walked her to her car. “I’ll see you at home Babe.” She said, giving him a kiss that nearly knocked his socks off. Then she got in her car and shut the door. Dennis gathered himself and knocked on her window. She rolled it down. “Your place or mine?” He asked. “Our place, where else?” She said confused. Dennis was embarrassed to ask anything further. So she drove off. He sprinted to his car and tried to follow her, but she was long gone. He went to where he used to live. His landlady sprung out as usual. “Oh Denis I thought you were someone else. What are you doing here?” She asked. “I was wondering if I gave you an address to forward my mail to.” He asked, rubbing the back of his head. “Yes you did.” She responded. “Could I look at it just to make sure it’s right? I haven’t been getting my mail lately.” He bluffed. She handed him the address and he put it into his GPS on his phone. “Thanks, it looks right.” He said, then scurried down the stairs. She watched him with a suspicious look as he went. He pulled up to the house. It was massive. The whole front face of it was windows. He could see a small yacht in the background. He walked in. The inside was stylistic and highly decorated.

“You’re late.” Leah said, sitting at the table with a few take out bags infront of her. “I ordered us dinner. I hope you like chinese, since you weren’t here for the decision.” She said digging into the bags and pulling out white styrofoam boxes. The two had a pleasant evening and a pleasurable night.

The following day Dennis struggled to keep up with the high demands of the 50th floor and it was starting to show. The next day was worse, he botched a meeting with the Harvy construction company and cost Atlas international 2.3 million dollars. That night Leah got after him. “Dennis, what’s going on with you? Your subpar at work, your confidence is low and even your sense of humor is less witty.” Leah finally said.

“I know, I know. It’s just all this pressure from Leone. It’s hard to breathe let alone get anything done.” Dennis lied, he knew it was because he was less qualified than the spirits, but he wanted to believe his own excuse. He wanted to believe he could handle this life he dreamed of.

“Well that’s just it Dennis. Leone will kill us both if you don’t. You acted like you had this, no problem, until this week. Now i’m worried you won’t be able to make this last payment.” She cried.

He embraced her and held her close. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this. It will all be okay.” He said trying to sooth himself as much as her. However the affirmations proved to be misplaced as the week summed up and his judgement day arrived and he had made no notable progress on the payment. He tried to sell the yacht but didn’t have the paperwork for it. At work he made one monumental flop after another. Leone hadn’t yet arrived. Dennis and Leah were panicking as the sun went down. Then Dennis remembered Kyle was on the taffy as well and was likely making plenty of money. He called his phone hoping to get a loan from him but couldn’t get a hold of him.Then he drove to his house.

“Kyle!” He shouted after a few unsuccessful knocks on the door. “Kyle! I need your help! Please I need you!” He screamed. He saw Kyle's neighbor sitting in her poorly lit front room. The lights from her tv screen bouncing around on her depressed face. Dennis tapped on the glass. She looked up then came to the door. She had visible tear stains down her cheeks and looked like she never got ready for the day.

“Do you have any idea where Kyle is?” Dennis asked. She let out a sad sigh and started to close the door. Dennis grabbed it. “Please, this is a matter of life and death.” He begged.

“He’s at the nightclub on 8th street. That's where he spends all his nights now.” She said as a new tear traveled down the dried path of its predecessors.

Dennis sprinted to his car and sped off. The club on 8th street was exclusive and even had a bouncer. Dennis approached and tried to enter.

“What's your name?” The gorilla of a man asked. “Dennis Cobb.” Dennis responded. The man looked through the names on his clipboard. “You’re not on the list. Sorry guy.” He said.

“Kyle Rambunk is and I’m his friend.” Dennis said knowing it was a long shot.

“Killer Kae? Really you know him?” The man said, surprised.

“Yes his number is one four-” Dennis began but was interrupted. “Don’t bother, I know his number. I’ll give him a call. If he knows you, you're in.” The giant punched in the number into his little phone with his fat fingers. The purple neon lights of the club jittered above them as the loud music of the club beat through the walls. Finally Kyle picked up. “Hey Kae, there is a Dennis Cobb out here saying he knows you. Do you know this guy? Hmm, okay, sorry to bother you.” The man said then hung up.

“He doesn’t know you, get lost.” The bouncer growled.

Dennis took off his wrist watch and offered it to him. “Even if I wanted to let you in, there is no room for any more guests. You should have come earlier.” The bouncer said, showing a little empathy. “I don’t need to party, I just need to talk with a guy for a few minutes. Please, if I don’t I’m a dead man.” Dennis pleaded.

“I’m really sorry, I can’t just take your word for it.” The man said.

Dennis clicked the lock button on his car fob flashing its lights. The bouncer looked at the Bugatti.

“If I'm not back in 15 minutes you can keep the car. Dennis said, holding out the keys. The man snatched the keys and opened the door.

“Enjoy.” He said with a smile.

Dennis rushed in. The crowd was dancing. They bobbed up and down to the music looking similar to turbulent waves of a trash covered sea. Dennis waded in deafened by the DJ’s suraptic beats. He looked around until finally he saw Kyle heading to the bathroom. It took Dennis a while to push through the crowd to get there. Finally he walked in. Kyle was washing his hands.

“Kyle, I really need to talk with you.” Dennis said. His voice now audible as the sounds of the party were kept at bay by the steel bathroom walls. Even in this quiet room, Kyle ignored his plea and didn’t acknowledge him as he washed his hands. Frustrated Dennis grabbed his shoulder. “Kyle, I need-” He began to say, but Kyle wrapped around and slammed Dennis into one of the mirrors. The glass shattered and bits of it remained on Dennis's shoulders. Dennies feet dangled 2 feet off the ground. Water and soap dripped from Kyle’s partially washed hands. “Kyle is gone and he is never coming back.” Kyle said with an angry unfamiliar look in his eyes as he held Dennis up with ease. He then dropped Dennis in the glass pile, finished washing his hands and left back to the party. Dennis sat there for a minute defeated. He could hear the voices speaking from the wooded box in his pocket. “We can fix this, you’re running out of time. Use us. You’re not strong enough on your own.”

Remembering his car, Dennis got up and left. “Cutting it awfully close.” The bouncer chuckled as he tossed back the keys. Dennis drove home a lost and broken man. At home he found his door wide open. He crept in. things were broken and Leah was nowhere to be found. Two burly men came out of nowhere and clubbed him. They then drug him to a chair and sat him down. They opened a skype video with Leone.

“Hey Dennis, where is my money?” Lone asked while sharpening a knife in a dark room. Leah could be seen strapped to a table sedated in the background.

“Leone, there was no need for all this. I have your money, I've had it for a while. I just forgot the due date was today. Let me grab the case and I'll be right over. Sheesh Leone, you’re a very impatient man.” Dennis chuckled.

Leone looked a bit confused as he scanned Dennis’s face looking for signs of deceit. “Yes I am. Get the money and my boys will bring you over.” Leone agreed then hung up. The men let him stand up.

“The money is in the yacht.” Dennis said, pointing out back. They followed him with their guns drawn. On the yacht Dennis pulled down a ladder to the upper floor. And started climbing.

“No, you stay here, I'll get it.” One of the thugs barked.

“Okay it’s up there under the bed.” Dennis bluffed. The thug crawled up there. As soon as the other thug looked away Dennis tried to rush him and push him over the edge of the boat. Though surprised, the thug held his ground and pushed Dennis onto the floor. His wood box slid out of his pocket. Dennis grabbed it. When he turned around the gun was in his face.

“You don’t have the money you weasel. I’d kill you right now, but you have to watch Leah die first, Leone’s orders.” The thug said then smacked his face with the side of the gun knocking him back down. “What condition you are in while you watch is up to me.” He laughed.

While down Dennis pulled out a stick of gum and began to chew. His vision faded black. When he came to he was in a strange room. The walls were covered in blood and bodies were everywhere. Dennis was breathing heavy and his hands were wrapped around Leones neck. “You're not human.” Leone spat as blood trickled from his heavily beaten face. “I’m more humans than you.” Dennis heard himself chuckle. Then break the neck of the man with a single twist much like a tight lid of a pickle jar. Leah lay on the table still sedated but unharmed. “Each dose weakens your soul longer than the last. We could possess this body for at least 4 months this time, but we figured we’d give it back early. So that we can have this frank discussion.” The spirits said using Dennis’s mouth. “What discussion?” Dennis responded, taken aback by the now evident reality of the spirits he had been so affected by.

“Dennis, we’ve given you every dream you have ever conjured up for your life. Sadly there were only two of note. Leah here on the table, and working on the 50th floor. You couldn’t really handle either one. You nearly ran the company into the ground with the mere 7 days you had behind the wheel. When you lose your job what interest will Leah have in you? Not to mention she also noticed the reduction in your wit and charm when you're running your body. Lets face it, in time she will leave you. The only reason you hung around this life was because of the hope you clang onto of one day reaching your dreams, but now you’ve reached them and you’ve realize you are inadequate in the face of them and that their weight is too much for you to handle. So tell me Dennis. What reason to go on living do you have now?” The Spirits asked pacing around in his body. Then they stopped and gave him control. He thought long and hard about the question. The blood on his hands began to dry. At last he responded. “I don’t have any, but I still don’t want to die.” “Just give us the reins for good. We’ll take care of Leah, the two of you will stay together. You’ll make the company thrive. You’ll be an important person. You’ll be more than you could ever be. Or keep the reins and live your life knowing a failure is all you will ever be.” The spirits offered. “What would you have me do?” Dennis said, feeling hopeless. “ eat the remaining three taffyies and hand us control permanently.” They pleaded. Dennis sat there with the 3 sticks in his hand pondering until Leah began to wake up. Then everything went black.


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