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The Candy Man

By Stede Lindgren

By Stede LindgrenPublished 3 years ago 13 min read

This flash fiction would be a tv show that I would like to write. The music being played in the intro is “Candy” by presidents of the united states of america. It helps to listen to the song. Here is a link to it.


The intro starts out with a camera panning over a dusty old candy shop. Images of the candy jars being dusted of flash on screen, then zoomed in images of the candy being eaten are seen. Red licorice being torn in half and so on. Images of someone injecting heroin also flash briefly in between the other images. As the music picks up at 1:40 minutes in, so do the images intensity. Jars of sugar being smashed, animals tearing flesh from carcasses and drugs being consumed. It ends at 1:56 minutes on the song, with the main character looking up at the camera with his strange red eyes and paper white skin. His expression is sad but serious. Then the intro is over and the episode begins.

Christopher was just as careful that day as he had been any other. He wore a hoodie and large sunglasses. He didn’t stop to talk to anyone and left later in the day when people had mostly settled down. Even so the grocery store had a number of shoppers around quietly gathering their groceries. Christopher felt like he was holding his breath the whole time as he borderline jogged from aisle to aisle grabbing the things he needed for the next month. This particular store allowed you to check out your items in the back by the deli if the lines were too packed. That was one of these reasons he came to this one. The lady groaned as she saw him wheel up with his packed cart. SHe glanced down the aisle at the nearly empty lines up front, She shook her head and began reluctantly scanning the items. A crunch sound came from behind him and he quickly spun around and backed up against the deli counter. The speed at which he whipped about caused his sunglasses to fall to the ground. The sound had come from a woman pushing a ful cart with her toddler in it. The toddler had thrown out a bag of pretzels onto the ground. Christopher quickly bent over to grab his glasses, but to his terrier the woman had grabbed them first, saying “Oh i’m sorry, let me grab those for you.” As she did. They were both bent over but as she looked up at him she saw his white face and red eyes. “Oh my word your a Kandaja. No wonder I startled you.” She chuckled. Just then every one nearby turned to look at him. He quickly scanned the faces to see if they had looks of curiosity or something more sinister. The blank faces and inquisitive eyes left him unsure. He watched as a butcher behind the counter hacked his cleaver into a piece of meat while still maintaining his stare. “I need to go, now” Christopher thought to himself as his heart beat picked up it’s pace. He stood up and looked at the lady scanning his items. “I’m sorry, this will be all I can get.” He said frantically handing her his card. She looked at all the items she would have to return and sighed. She ran the card and Christopher quickly sntached up what was there and bolted out the door. Everyone's heads turned to watch. He rushed to his car and fumbled with the keys. Out of the sliding glass doors came the worker jogging twarod him. “No, oh, no. Not like this he mumbled with his soul full of dread. He finally got it open and tossed his food into the passenger seat. The worker had nearly caught up to him when he peeled out and sped away into the setting sun. “You forgot your card.” The lady said one more time , then she shook her head and walked back in. “Siri bring up my map.” Christopher said, as his heart continued to race. A holographic map popped up littered in red Xs. “Siri, add Stan’s fresh market to my do not return list.” He said and another X popped up on the map. He glanced at the map it was riddled with Xs “2 hours, to get to this store. My options are getting further and further away.” He thought with a sigh. Then he closed out the map. A few moments later he was out of the city and on his way home. When red and blue lights shown in his rear view mirror. “Damn.” He said, glancing at his speed. He was so eager to escape that he was driving well over the limit. He pulled over past a bridge. A small stream rolled underneath the bridge and dozens of trees followed it down the way. While the officer got out and walked up to his window, Christopher spoke to his phone. “Siri begin recording now.” He said as he watched the officer motion for him to roll down the window, which he did. He was bald and had gray short facial hair. “Could you give me your licence and registration?” He said as if bored with his duties. Christopher had his hands on the steering wheel. “They’re in the glove box, can I grab them?” Christopher asked. The officer nodded, almost irritated at Christopher's precise following of protocol. He turned to look at the bugs swarming around the headlights. Christopher opened the glove box and grabbed the papers. From the camera angle we can see a loaded gun underneath other papers in the box. Christopher shut the box and then handed over the papers. “Hang tight.” the officer ordered then walked back to his car. Bugs attracted to Christopher breath entered in the car and buzzed around. He didn’t dare swat them or roll up his window. Trying not to alarm the officer. A mosquito landed on his cheek. The officer came back. “I’m sorry I was driving way too fast. I deserve whatever ticket you see fit.” Christopher said humbly. “I’ll give you a warning this time. I know you aren’t going to hit anybody on this dead highway, but we’re looking out for your safety too.” the officer said, handing the papers back. Then he noticed the mosquito on his check getting rather swollen with blood. “You’ve got a bug there on your face.” The officer pointed. Christopher swatted it and the mosquito burst. The officer took in a deep breath then took off his sunglasses. “I’m going to need you to step out of the car.” He said out of seemingly nowhere. His eyes were dilated and his face was eager. “Shit, he’s a Batalisto.” Christopher thought as his hair stood on end. “This is it, this is how I die. I always knew it was coming, but now it’s finally here. Strangely I feel more at peace than I thought I would. No more hiding, no more looking over my shoulder wondering who will get me.” Christopher thought as he got out of the car. A single car was passing by. “Turn around.” The officer demanded with a smile. Christopher listened. The cop slammed him on the car hood so hard it left a dent and his nose began to bleed. The officer took in another pleasurable breath, then leaned in next to his ear. “It’s been 8 years since i’ve eaten a Kandaja. 8 miserable years. I haven’t thought of anything except it since. Every idle thought clings to the memory of the taste. You need to know that what i’m about to do isn’t personal. I literally have no choice. That being said, I can’t help but enjoy myself. Thank you.” The officer expressed. Suddenly like a second wind, the desire to survive surged up in Christopher. “I’m not ready to die.” Christopher said then smashed the back of his head on the bridge of the officer’s nose. The blow had such force it would have dropped any normal man but it barely staggered and blurred the officer’s vision. With that window, Christopher slipped into his car and locked the door. The officer stood in front of the car.Christopher turned it on and tried to run him over, but the car just hit into him and he held it there. “Siri, call the police.” Christopher said and his phone dialed. The officer smiled as he leaned over and licked Christopher’s blood off the hood. “Hello 911, what’s your emergency?” The voice asked. Christopher tried to go reverse but the cop held it in place. “I’m a Kandaja and one of your officers is attacking me. He is clearly a Bataliso.” Christopher said as his wheels spun fruitlessly. Suddenly in the distance headlights appeared, both he and the officer looked back at them. “We’ve got your location, but it will be a while before anyone can get to you.” The voice said obviously worried for him. “Try to stay-” The voice began to instruct but the Bataliso officer shoved the car down the hill. It tumbled several times before hitting into a tree by the stream. The officer clearly didn’t want the upcoming car to see what the evil deed. The car’s windows were cracked and shattered. His food was thrown about, some of it outside the vehicle and the car had stopped upside down. The glove box was opened and papers were everywhere. Christopher lay there unresponsive. The bataliso trudged down the hill to him. He crouched down and grabbed him. “Lets see if we can get you home still warm.” He said to the shallowly breathing Kandaja. He sat there and waited for the car to pass. Once it did, he threw Christopher over his shoulder with ease and took him up to his car and popped the trunk open. He took one more look at him with a prized grin. “8 years planning how i’d prepare you. Sleep long and easy. Get out all that stress. It makes the meat tough and gamey.” He said looking at him, then the temptation again overcame him and he began licking the blood from Christopher chin, lips, and even under his nose from where it came. His eyes rolled back into his head with pleasure. Then bang! Christopher stopped pretending to be passed out and pressed the gun under the bataliso’s chin and pulled the trigger. He had hidden the gun in his hoodie pocket after the roll. The officer dropped to the ground and writhed in pain. The shot would have killed a normal human, but Bataliso were designed to cling to life and even heal. Christopher could see the police lights in the distance. He didn’t have to kill this man. The would come and take care of it, but he also knew that the Bataliso would likely get a slap on the wrist a few months in jail and maybe a fine, since his actions were beyond his control. Then he’d be out and would track Christopher down and finish what he started, so Christop shot him in the head once more. Finally the Bataliso died. The police showed up and questioned him. He had Siri play back the recording. Both he and the cops didn’t want to draw anymore attention to this and decided to sweep it under the rug. They gave him a few stacks of hush money. “Would you like us to give you a ride home?” one of the police officers asked. She had dark skin and curly hair. His home was still far away and he knew none of these officers here were Bataliso because they didn’t respond to his fresh dripping blood. Still he didn’t feel safe with them. “No, it’s a nice night for a walk.” He said. The cops gave him somber sympathetic nod and off into the night he limped, bruise beaten and bleeding. The camera pans slightly up and the title of the series appears in red letters. “Mr.Sweet Body” The candy man by Suzi Quatro plays. The credits roll as we contour to watch Christopher walk into the distance. At the end of the song the pilot is over. Here is the link to the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxa9mpsKaak

The Introduction

Very quickly into the series we learn that a few hundred years ago world war three went down and it was the most desperate and vile mankind has ever been. Plagues and diseases were engineered, water sources and soil poisoned. Resources were singled out and attacked around the world. One of the prominent warring factions decided that since resources are targeted so badly that the most efficient thing to do was genetically alter the soldiers to be food sources themselves. So when they died on the battlefield they became food for the other soldiers. Since no one wanted to eat another human they made them taste amazing and addictive, several times more addictive than heroin. The humans modified like this were called Kandaja. They also made another type of soldier perfect for combat, Incredibly strong, fast, and durable called Batalisto. However as the war seemed to be winding down after many decades, they decided to freeze large swaths of soldiers so they wouldn’t have to waste resources on them, but still had them if needed. A few centuries later the world was settled down with a casual world government. They had the world seem like the 90’s only greener technology. These frozen Kandaja people were found and thawed out and integrated into society. 50 years later the frozen Batalisto soldiers were also found and thawed out and integrated. The only problem was that they had tasted the Kandaja before and were heavily addicted to their flesh and blood. Over the next decade the Batalisto would secretly kill and eat any Kandaja they found. Because of this the Kandaja are on the brink of extinction and live in fear. To make matters worse some Kandaja sold their blood as a drug to make money, so even some non-Batalisto are addicted to murderous degrees. The government had passed a law when they found the Kandaja that protected the identity of them and did their best to blend them in with society, however the Kandaja look albino and have bizarre red and white eyes, so unless they take measures to dye their hair and wear contacts, they are easy to spot. This law however protected the Batalisto very well when they came around. So much so that nothing could be done to separate the two groups once the problem began.

The next episode is titled “Candy Says”

It would follow Christopher the Kandaja who falls in love with the daughter of a Bataliso holding a high military position. She was born with the addiction but being half normal human she controls her temptation better. Also her superhuman abilities are less because of the mixed genes. Things get rocky as they run away together.The father finds out that his daughter eloped with a Kandaja. He gets his Bataliso friends from the war together and they hunt him down, but all of this becomes trivial as another cache of frozen soldiers is found and thawed. These abominations threaten the very fate of the world in an unexpected way.

science fiction

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