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3 True Disturbing Neighbor Horror Stories

True Disturbing Neighbor Scary stories

By Mehidi Hasan Published about a month ago 8 min read

The Silent Neighbor

In the heart of a quiet suburb, nestled among cheerful homes, there stood one house that cast a pall of darkness over the entire street. It was a modest bungalow with faded paint and overgrown bushes, but there was something about it that sent shivers down my spine

.It was a hot summer's day when I moved into the neighborhood, eager to start fresh in a new place. But from the moment I laid eyes on the house next door, I knew that my peace wouldn't last long.

The neighbor who lived there was an elderly woman named Mrs. Thompson. She rarely ventured outside, and when she did, it was always under the cover of darkness, her movements slow and deliberate.

At first, I tried to be neighborly, offering a friendly wave whenever I saw her. But Mrs. Thompson never acknowledged me, her gaze fixed on some distant point as if she were lost in a trance.

As the weeks went by, I began to notice strange things happening around Mrs. Thompson's house. Lights flickered in the windows at odd hours, and I could hear muffled sounds coming from within – whispers that seemed to echo through the night.

I tried to ignore it, telling myself that I was being paranoid. But then, one night, I heard a blood-curdling scream coming from Mrs. Thompson's house, followed by an eerie silence that sent a chill down my spine.

I debated calling the police, but fear held me back. What if they thought I was crazy? What if Mrs. Thompson was just a harmless old woman, and I was overreacting?

But the next morning, when I saw the flashing lights of a police car outside Mrs. Thompson's house, I knew that something was terribly wrong.

I approached one of the officers, my heart pounding in my chest. "What happened?" I asked, my voice trembling.

The officer shook his head gravely. "I'm sorry, ma'am," he said. "It appears that Mrs. Thompson has passed away. We're still investigating the circumstances, but it seems she died under... unusual circumstances."

My blood ran cold as I realized the truth – Mrs. Thompson's house was not just a home, but a prison for something far more sinister. And whatever had claimed her life was still lurking in the darkness, waiting for its next victim.

I tried to move on, to forget about the horrors I had witnessed next door. But no matter how hard I tried, the memory of Mrs. Thompson's scream haunted my dreams, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked just beyond my sight.

And as I lay awake at night, listening to the silence that now enveloped Mrs. Thompson's house, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, that the darkness was closing in around me, waiting for its moment to strike.

The Apartment 404

Moving into a new apartment complex can be exciting, but for me, it quickly turned into a nightmare. It all started when I noticed the strange behavior of my neighbor in Apartment 404 .

At first, I didn't pay much attention to him. He seemed like an ordinary man in his mid-40s, always keeping to himself. But as the weeks went by, I began to notice something unsettling about him . he never seemed to leave his apartment.

Every time , I passed by his door . I could hear the faint sound of shuffling footsteps inside, as if he was pacing back and forth. And whenever I glanced through the keyhole, I could see him standing in front of his window, staring out into the night with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. things took a turn for the worse.

I tried to ignore it, chalking it up to my overactive imagination. But then, things took a turn for the worse.

One night, as I was getting ready for bed, I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find my neighbor standing there, his eyes wide with fear.

"They're watching me," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I can't take it anymore. You have to help me."

I didn't know what to say. I could see the fear in his eyes, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Still, I couldn't turn him away.

I invited him inside and listened as he poured out his story. He told me about the strange occurrences that had been happening ever since he moved in – the whispered voices in the walls, the shadowy figures that lurked outside his window, the feeling of being constantly watched.

I wanted to dismiss it as paranoia, but deep down, I knew that there was something sinister going on in Apartment Four Zero Four .

The next day, I decided to do some investigating of my own. I knocked on my neighbor's door, but there was no answer. I could hear movement inside, but when I called out, there was only silence.

Determined to uncover the truth, I enlisted the help of a friend and together, we managed to pick the lock and sneak inside.

What we found sent chills down my spine.

The apartment was empty, devoid of any furniture or personal belongings. But that wasn't the most disturbing part – scrawled on the walls in what looked like blood were strange symbols and sigils, symbols that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

As we made our way further into the apartment, we came across a locked door at the end of the hallway. With a sense of dread, we forced it open, revealing a small, windowless room bathed in darkness.

And there, in the center of the room, sat a solitary chair surrounded by candles. On the chair lay a tattered book bound in human skin, its pages filled with arcane symbols and incantations.

I felt my blood run cold as I realized the truth – my neighbor had been dabbling in black magic, summoning forces beyond his control.

But before we could react, we heard a sound behind us – the sound of shuffling footsteps approaching from the darkness.

We turned to see my neighbor standing in the doorway, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

"It's too late," he whispered, his voice no longer his own. "They're already here."

And with that, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a cold chill that seemed to seep into my very bones.

To this day, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched, that the shadows are closing in around me. And as I lie awake at night, I can't help but wonder . what other horrors lurk just beyond my sight, waiting to be unleashed?

Despite the passage of time, the memory of Apartment Four Zero Four and its sinister inhabitant haunts me still. Some nights, I wake to the feeling of unseen eyes boring into my soul, and I can't shake the sense of impending doom that hangs heavy in the air.

I've tried to move on, to forget the horrors I witnessed in that accursed apartment, but they refuse to be forgotten. The whispers of dark incantations linger in my mind, and the symbols etched into my memory haunt my dreams.

I've considered moving away, leaving this nightmare behind once and for all. But deep down, I know that wherever I go, the darkness will follow. For the Watcher in Apartment Four Zero Four was just the beginning . A harbinger of greater terrors yet to come. And as long as I draw breath, I fear that I will never be truly free from their malevolent gaze.

The Unexpected Visitor

In a nice neighborhood where everyone smiled and waved, there was one house that gave me the creeps. It looked normal outside, but something felt off about it.

One stormy night, there was a knock at my door. I peeked through the hole and saw a soaked man asking for shelter. His name was Jack, and he seemed really scared. He said he needed to hide from something.

I felt sorry for Jack, so I let him in. He told me spooky stories about being followed by shadows and hearing scary whispers. I tried to calm him down, but I was scared too.

I gave Jack a room to sleep in, but when I checked later, he was gone. The window was open, and I panicked. Where did he go?

Then I heard a voice from the dark saying, "He's mine now, and soon you will be too." It was chilling. I ran away, knowing there was something evil in that house.

I escaped, but I'll always remember the fear I felt that night. And I know that whoever goes into that house next might not be so lucky.

Months passed, and I tried to forget about that terrifying night. But the memory haunted me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was still wrong with that house.

Then, one evening, as I was passing by the house on my way home from work, I noticed a new family moving in. They seemed happy and excited, oblivious to the dark history of their new home.

I wanted to warn them, to tell them to stay away from that house, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. After all, who would believe such a crazy story?

But as I watched them unpacking their belongings, a sense of dread washed over me. I knew that they were walking into a nightmare, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before strange things started happening. I would see the family looking pale and frightened, whispering to each other in hushed tones. And late at night, I could hear the sound of footsteps echoing through the empty streets, accompanied by a soft, mournful wailing that sent shivers down my spine.

I wanted to help them, to save them from the horror that lurked within that house. But deep down, I knew that some nightmares never truly end, and that the darkness that dwelled within that house would always find a way to claim its victims.

And as I lay awake at night, listening to the sounds of terror coming from the house at the end of the street, I couldn't help but wonder – who would be next to fall prey to the evil that lurked within its walls?


About the Creator

Mehidi Hasan

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