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Why do people die in Palestine?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most enduring and complex geopolitical disputes in modern history. Over the decades

By Sarang PanhwarPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Why do people die in Palestine?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most enduring and complex geopolitical disputes in modern history. Over the decades, countless lives have been lost and both Israeli and Palestinian communities have suffered greatly. Understanding the causes of people dying in Palestine requires examining the root causes and multifaceted nature of the conflict.

here is a Historical background

The roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict go back to the late 19th century with the emergence of the Zionist movement and the idea of ​​establishing a Jewish homeland in historic Palestine. After World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain took over the region under a League of Nations mandate, which led to a significant increase in Jewish immigration. This in turn increased tensions with the Arab population.

The conflict escalated with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, causing the first Arab-Israeli war and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Subsequent wars, territorial disputes and competing national aspirations have marked the conflict ever since.

Victims of conflict

Tragically, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has resulted in significant casualties over the years. The victims of this prolonged battle can be classified into several main areas:

1. Armed conflicts:

Ongoing military conflicts, such as the Gaza wars and the two intifadas (uprisings), were the most direct causes of death. These conflicts include Israeli airstrikes, artillery and ground operations, as well as Palestinian rocket attacks and armed resistance. Civilians, including women and children, are often victims of violence.

2. Extending the report:

Israel and settlement building in the occupied West Bank has been a major point of contention. These settlements, which are considered illegal under international law, have caused frequent clashes between settlers and Palestinians. There was violence and casualties in these clashes.

3. Obstacles and limitations:

The Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza has severely restricted the movement of people and goods in and out of the region. This has seriously affected access to basic needs, health care and economic opportunities, increasing suffering and loss of life.

4. Political disputes and ideological differences:

Political disputes between Palestinian factions, particularly Fatah and Hamas, have sometimes turned violent. These internal divisions made the Palestinian struggle more difficult and caused casualties.

5. Availability of medical care:

The conflict also affected the health system. Limited access to medical facilities, lack of medical supplies and damage to health infrastructure have seriously affected the health and well-being of Palestinians. Patients requiring intensive care often face significant challenges in receiving timely treatment.

6. Daily struggles and living conditions:

General living conditions in the occupied territories, including inadequate housing, lack of clean water and unemployment, contributed to high death rates. Living in these difficult conditions, Palestinians face daily hardships that can have life-threatening consequences. Efforts to achieve peace and resolution

Efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been going on for decades. International diplomacy, peace negotiations and various peace plans were proposed, but a lasting solution remained elusive. Key issues such as borders, status of Jerusalem, refugees and security have not yet been thoroughly addressed.

There have been hopeful moments in recent years, such as the Abraham Accords, which led to normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab countries. However, the conflict and its resolution remain a complex and deep-rooted issue with many stakeholders, different historical narratives and deep-rooted grievances.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a protracted struggle with a long history of pain and loss. Although the causes of human casualties are many and intertwined, the human suffering caused by the conflict is a stark reminder of the urgent need for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution. Only through meaningful dialogue, diplomacy and international cooperation can we hope to end the violence and loss of life in the region and ensure a future of peace, stability and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

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About the Creator

Sarang Panhwar

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