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This is Sparta!

My life as a spartan.

By MidasPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read

My name is Midas, and I am a Spartan soldier, a proud servant of the city-state of Sparta nestled between the rugged ranges of Taygetus and Parnon. In this austere realm, my existence is shaped by the relentless pursuit of discipline, strength, and valor. My tale unfolds in the dawn of a day, much like any other, in the heart of the 5th Century BC.

As Helios begins his daily ascent, scattering the remnants of the night with his brilliant rays, I awaken in the Spartan barracks, my home and my sanctum. Each morning, the cool stone floor greets my bare feet, a harsh yet familiar welcome. My surroundings are sparse; there's nothing that doesn't serve a purpose. A hard cot serves as my bed, and my belongings are few: a simple tunic, a cloak, a battered helmet, and my trusted weapons. This minimalist existence is not a punishment, but a conscious choice, an embodiment of Spartan austerity, discipline, and equalitarianism. I share this space with my fellow warriors, my brothers-in-arms, all products of the same rigorous path – the agoge.

The first light of dawn signals the commencement of our training. On the expansive Spartan training grounds, a stage of dusty earth hemmed by stoic olive trees, we engage in grueling exercises to sharpen our bodies and minds. We spar with wooden swords and run races clad in heavy bronze armor. As we train, the symphony of grunts, the resonance of wood striking wood, and the sporadic commands of our superiors are the only sounds that break the silence. Despite the relentless exertion, I savor these moments, each drop of sweat a testament to my resolve, each bruise an emblem of my dedication.

Later, under the blazing sun, we break for our midday meal, a Spartan repast in its truest sense. The meals are simple, frugal even, primarily consisting of the famed Spartan black broth. Its taste is a potent mix of blood, vinegar, and salt, an acquired taste indeed. As I gulp down the thick soup, I am reminded of its purpose - not for pleasure, but for sustenance. Around the communal dining area, banter flows freely, discussing past victories, strategies for future battles, and news from the ephors and the Gerousia. Despite our individual prowess, we are a collective, a single entity bound by our love for Sparta and our shared duty.

Once satiated, we return to our training, diving deeper into the intricacies of warfare. I train with my spear, my sword, and my shield, the three trusted companions of any Spartan hoplite. The shield, especially, holds a special place in my heart. It's not just a piece of bronze; it's an extension of myself, a guardian of my comrades, and a symbol of my city. The heavy weight of it against my arm feels like a comforting whisper, reminding me of my purpose, my duty, and my destiny.

The sun starts to dip, and with it comes a brief respite from our strenuous routines. It's a time for personal reflection, a chance to ponder the wisdom of our laws, the strength of our society, and the beauty of our lands. Here, in these stolen moments of solitude, I connect with the gods, seeking their guidance and offering my humble thanks for the strength they imbue in me.

As dusk gives way to the night, we gather for an evening of camaraderie and celebration. In the soft glow of the crackling fire, we sing, dance, and share stories of valor and courage, the melody of our voices blending with the nocturnal symphony of Sparta. Amidst the laughter and the jests , we're not just soldiers; we're brothers, bound by shared experiences and shared purpose. I find joy in these moments, a sense of belonging that fills my heart.

As I lay on my hard cot under the watchful gaze of the Spartan moon, I ponder the day gone by. The rigors, the lessons, the camaraderie – all linger in my mind, each memory a fragment of the mosaic that is my Spartan life. I close my eyes, the image of my shield burning bright in my mind, its polished bronze surface a mirror reflecting my soul. I am not just Midas; I am a Spartan. I belong to a city of warriors, a society where honor is prized above all.

Here, amidst the whispering olive groves and under the watchful gaze of the mountains, I find peace. As sleep gradually takes over, I know I am ready for another day, another chance to live my purpose, another opportunity to serve my city. For I am a Spartan, and this is my story.

MedievalWorld HistoryPerspectivesNarrativesGeneralBiographiesAncientAnalysis

About the Creator


Hello! I'm Midas, the storytelling enthusiast. From mythical tales to high-stakes adventures, I bring life's magic to paper. When not weaving words, I delve into books or on a global escapade. Join me, as every tale is a golden adventure!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • D. D. Leeabout a year ago

    I selected your submission at random and I'm glad I did. Your writing in this piece is captivating and reads as if its a first-hand account in the day-in-life of a spartan. What you've written is really great and I could've read more. It made me want more. Have you done extensive research on what life was like for a spartan? Or did you just write based on limit knowledge you gained from popular media?

MidasWritten by Midas

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