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The Terrifying Truth About Antarctica

Unveiling the Astonishing Secrets and Uncharted Mysteries of Antarctica

By Shacovia StevensPublished about a year ago 16 min read

Antarctica is one of the weirdest places

on Earth and from the very beginning

Antarctica has pretty much been a

mystery to us now what the is it

doing on a map drawn in the 1500s which

we know was based on older Source Maps

when nobody knew it existed in the 1500s

to me the obvious answer is we are

dealing with the Fingerprints of the

Lost Civilization

but one the continent is sparsely

inhabited with less than 10 000 people

living there this is despite the fact

that Antarctica has a land mass of 13.66

million square kilometers as one of the

most uninhabited places in the world

Antarctica has been the subject of

significant exploration and many people

have done their best to uncover some of

its Biggest Secrets Joe Rogan arguably

the world's most popular podcaster has

been one such person over the years his

podcast has played host to several

scientists and explorers who've spoken

about some of the secrets of this region

that you might not know about follow us

on this journey with Joe Rogan into some

of the weirdest and most shocking facts

about Antarctica we'll also be looking

into external sources to find out

additional facts about this mysterious

landmass opening your eyes to one of the

weirdest parts of our entire planet

operation high jump and the missing

4-1-1 Joe Rogan has been at his podcast

for well over a decade now in that time

he and his guests have come up with

quite a lot of wild theories and

arguments because of that it's pretty

rare for you to ever see Joe's shocks

out of his mind however back in 2022 he

got a pretty shocking Revelation that

left him stunned on an episode of his

Joe Rogan Experience Podcast back in

August 2022 Joe head on Sam Tripoli a

fellow podcaster comedian as Sam explain

the event of operation high jump a

military exercise that happened in

Antarctica back in the 20th century one

which involved President Harry Truman

Nazis and even aliens to be fair

operation high jump did exist officially

titled the United States Navy Antarctic

developments program the exercise went

on from 1946 to 1947 and it was led by

Rare Admiral Richard E Byrd the

operation consists did of the 13

warships about 4 700 military personnel

and several aerial vehicles and machines

official records show that operation

high jump had a simple objective to

train military personnel in extremely

cold conditions and to determine the

feasibility of establishing military

bases in Antarctica President Harry

Truman and the American government had

been curious about Antarctica and the

fact that the area was largely untapped

and they were looking at to pretty much

establish American sovereignty over the

region however Sam explains to Joe that

according to journals written by Admiral

Byrd Navy Commander had made contact

with a Nazi unidentified flying objects


Sam explained that the Nazis had

essentially made a deal with aliens to

use their Superior technology in World

War II although we're not quite sure why

this was never used in the actual war or

what the aliens were still doing in

Antarctica following the conflict's

resolution anyways according to Sam

operation high jumps top brass

eventually went back to the president

and explained to him that they had to

bring the aliens on board and make a

deal with them the president obliged

cutting a deal with the aliens and

allowing them to conduct experiments on

people and he won't believe it where

those experiments were being conducted

wow who would have thought that our

national parks and forests were so

creepy and if you think this is the end

of the tale then you've got another

thing coming the story of America is

packed with the Nazi aliens ends up

leading to that of the missing 4-1-1 a

series of Unsolved cases surrounding

people who have gone missing in national

parks around the country the story of

the missing 4-1-1 is quite interesting

it documents people who have suddenly

disappeared on these National lands many

of whom seem to have several things in

common I think I'll just let Sam explain

some of these characteristics to be fair

some of what Sam is saying here seems

like one big conspiracy theory it also

doesn't necessarily bode well when he

says operation high jump was sanctioned

by President Dwight Eisenhower when it

was in fact sanctioned by President

Truman nevertheless it does raise the

question of what is really going on in

Antarctica and the types of military

exercises that could have gone down


if you sweat you die one of the biggest

reasons why Antarctica is so sparsely

populated is unsurprisingly the fact

that it's so cold of course it's no

secret that Antarctica is so cold

however I think a lot of us tend to

conveniently underestimate just how

freezing this place can be like many

secluded and Scenic places Antarctica

has attracted a lot of adventurers over

the years whether for digging running

skiing or hiking the adventurers have to

abide by a strict dress code if they

hope to survive even at that it is

important to also make adjustments to

your dress code timing again if you hope

to survive the unforgiving weather to

give a bit of an insight into this Joe

Rogan once interviewed Colin O'Brady one

of the most popular adventurers and

endurance athletes in the world Colin

made a name for himself after he

completed the first solo unsupported

human-powered Crossing of Antarctica's

land mass back in 2018 and on an episode

of The Joe Rogan experience he spoke

about the entire ordeal and the length

to which he had to work just to

accommodate the weather you might think

Colin was exaggerating here but he was

really not according to the official

tourism website for Antarctica you could

see a Stern warning against sweating

especially in the winter this is because

sweat essentially packs your clothes

full of moisture this in turn will

freeze the outer layers of your outfit

and pretty much melt causing potentially

harmful consequences for when you start

to warm up again for someone like Colin

who had to do a lot of lifting and

moving this can be especially

challenging I like to think of myself as

someone who loves a bit of cold from

time to time but none of this it looks

like fun if you ask me I mean how do you

even survive in an environment where you

can barely sweat without endangering

your life if you plan on visiting

Antarctica I sure hope you have your

sweatpaws under control

the Antarctic treaty by this point we've

pretty much established the fact that

you can't necessarily just Venture into

Antarctica to visit the massive slab of

ice and snow I mean with the cold and

the threat of frostbite the continent is

definitely not necessarily where you

just want to venture into willy-nilly

here's the thing though even if you did

want to visit Antarctica there's a limit

to how much you would be able to do that

this is because of something called the

Antarctic treaty system as I said

earlier the entire point of that

military exercise was to consider if the

United States could establish a military

base in Antarctica and eventually expand

its dominance to cover the entire

continent however the objective pretty

much failed in 1959 a treaty was signed

between 12 countries Argentina Australia

Belgium Chile France Japan New Zealand

Norway South Africa the United Kingdom

the United States and the USSR the

Antarctic treaty essentially States

continent doesn't belong to any single

country just as well all countries agree

to pretty much respect the rights of

each other on the continent and only use

it for research and a little bit of

Tourism the entire point of the treaty

is to ensure that the environment is

protected and that no man-made activity

including and especially

industrialization and War can threaten

the biodiversity of the continent so the

Antarctic treaty only ensures that all

human activity in Antarctica is properly

planned and managed from terrorism and

exploration to scientific research

everything needs to be done in

accordance with the treaty's rules and

regulations while it doesn't prevent

tourists or military person hell from

being present in Antarctica anyone

looking to be present on this continent

will need a permit from a treaty party

Antarctica's underground Lakes

exploration of Antarctica as well as the

Antarctic ocean has been pretty

extensive over the past few decades in

the 1970s scientists Came Upon a major

breakthrough that demonstrated just how

much of this region has been untapped

since the dawn of time they discovered

that an entirely different ecosystem was

existing and thriving in the Antarctic

Waters to date an estimated 400 Lakes

have been found beneath the surface of

the Antarctic floor these Lakes sit

under three kilometers Of Ice And

scientists believe that the Lakes were

formed during the separation of

Antarctica from gondwana Land a

supercontinent that broke up during the

Jurassic period and thanks to underwater

pressure the Lakes have managed to

continue flowing of all these years

instead of just freezing up becoming

moving blocks of ice Lake vostok which

was discovered in the 1990s Remains the

largest sub-glacial lake discovered in

the region laying at 2.5 kilometers

below the ice the lake had a temperature

that clocked in and minus three degrees

despite being covered by ice for 20

million years Lakes like this have also

been found to hold existing ecosystems

of microorganisms even though these

species haven't been exposed to light in

millions of years they continue to exist

and Thrive thanks to gases like methane

and ammonium which they can use to

create energy

the world's oldest pyramids whenever you

hear about pyramids your mind most

likely races off to reference Egypt hey

we've all been there the Pyramids of

Giza are the most popular pyramids in

the world showing a massive Ingenuity

and creativity on their own however what

if I told you that the Egyptian pyramids

aren't the oldest in the world now their

title belongs to pyramids that have been

discovered in Antarctica back in 2016

satellites hovering about the Antarctic

region found something rather strange a

weird formation that appeared to be

peering out the ice it appeared that the

ice had melted away in this formation

was pretty much peaking its little nose

out on the region it was difficult to

reach scientists believe that this was

the top they man-made pyramid that was

erected hundreds of thousands of years

ago at the very least the fact that

there are man-made pyramids in

Antarctica tends to lend some Credence

to the belief that humans are actually

settled in this area before we knew

anything some scientists even believe

that these pyramids show that there was

an entire civilization of humans that

lived in this region however for now it

is impossible to gather much evidence

since that area is pretty much


still though what are the possibilities

that a place so cold and uninhabitable

as Antarctica could actually have held a

civilization of people well in 2017 a

team of geologists from the Alfred

Wagoner Institute for Polar Marine

research in Germany went to Antarctica

and collected core samples from deep

within its frozen sea floor their

objective was to analyze what the

continent's climate might have been like

in earlier times and what they found was

quite interesting essentially the

geological team is hypothesizing that

while Antarctica's climate today might

not support much life it wasn't

necessarily always like that

Antarctica has survived a meteorite hit

meteorites are among the biggest

harbingers of Extinction in the known

universe whenever a meteorite hits a

planet or a surface it is pretty much a

recipe for catastrophe just think back

to the dinosaurs those animals were

probably living on their own in their

own prehistoric Utopia and boom a

meteorite hit and the planet quite

literally had to start again

interestingly however it appears that

there was an even bigger meteorite hit

that took place in Antarctica one which

could predate that the dinosaurs and

which according to sources including Joe

Rogan himself could have been much worse

recently Joe had YouTube earned

independent researcher Jimmy corsetti as

well as content creator and author Ben

van kirkwick on his podcast in it the

three men spoke extensively on Ancient

humans as well as their ability to

survive extinction level events as part

of this monologue Joe pulled up an

interesting report take a look we're to

create your 1.5 kilometers beneath the

Antarctica ice crust 482 kilometers in


482 kilometers in diameter holy the

report is actually quite an interesting

one and while the podcast episode

doesn't necessarily delve deeply into it

I think it's worth actually

understanding what this meteorite was

and just how massive it was according to

reports this meteorite crater was

discovered back in 2006 in a joint

Mission organized by NASA and the German

Aerospace Center the objective of this

Mission had been to try and measure

regularities in the earth's

gravitational field which would then

show the distribution of mass across the

planet as well as changes in the metric

over time scientists believe that the

meteorite that must have caused such a

massive crater could definitely have led

to a global extinction level event the

belief is that the Collision caused a

huge amount of dust to rise into the air

making the entire planet incredibly

hostile towards all forms of life months

of darkness and Caustic Acid Rain must

have made the planet uninhabitable with

only a few primordial shellfish

surviving the Fallout the shellfish

themselves would have gone on to be the

ancestors of the dinosaurs which ended

up becoming the dominant species on the

planet for the next 200 million years

before another meteorite came and

cleared them out as well

Antarctica's forbidden sector so earlier

in the video I spoke about the fact that

Antarctica appears to be very secluded

place unless you have a clearly defined

objective gaining access to the

continent can be pretty tricky even if

you did gain access to Antarctica you

wouldn't be able to explore it in its

entirety tourist hikers and more are

only given access to a portion of the

landmass where they'll be able to engage

in their activities and enjoy it several

sectors the continent are closed off

only available to researchers and

military personnel think this region as

the area 51 of Antarctica no one

necessarily knows what's going on there

and many believe it could easily be a

secretive spot or experiments into other

operations are being carried out

According to some sources some people

have tried to take a sneak peek into

this secluded area have been seized and

immediately taken Inside by guards no

one has been able to say what happens

after that and it's believed that these

people were never seen or heard from

again the official line is that this

area is closed off because governments

are trying to protect biodiversity and

possible endangered species living there

however I won't be so surprised to find

out there is something else fishy going

on down in this region it all just seems

a pretty weird doesn't it

the third man Factor if you're not an

Explorer or a daredevil there's a chance

you might never have witnessed the

phenomenon of the third man Factor

however for many who have explored

especially areas such as Antarctica this

phenomenon seems as real as daylight the

third main fact is a term used to

describe the overwhelming urge or

presence of someone around you in most

cases this urge comes when you're

insignificant distress or facing a lot

of danger you can feel the spect of

someone walking with you or guiding you

even though they're not actually there

due to Antarctica's unusual periods of

light and darkness tons of people who

have visited the continent reported that

they have felt this urge others have

even claimed to have felt hallucinations

and seen Shadows that were cast by

nothing while traversing the Region's

infinite planes one notable experience

came in the early 1900s saranis

Shackleton a famous British explorer led

an expedition to Antarctica his

expedition was looking to attempt the

first land crossing of the Antarctic

continent they ran from August 1914 to

January 1970. according to shackleton's

tale he and his two companions were

trying to travel by boat to South

Georgia Island they eventually decided

to stop and search for some food and

shelter but while they were trekking the

companions suddenly felt the presence of

someone else walking with them the group

walked for 36 hours over mountains and

Glaciers all the while believing and

there were actually four people since

then tons of other people who have felt

lost or stranded while exploring

Antarctica have reported the same

phenomenon maybe it has something to do

with the desperation of the situation or

maybe it just might be related to the

environment surrounding Antarctica


The Blood Falls

quite a lot of creepy things have been

discovered in Antarctica over the past

few years and as far as weirdness goes

this one definitely ranks high on the

list located on the continent McMurdo

dry valleys you have blood Falls a

stretch of water that unsurprisingly got

its name because of its unique color The

Falls extend over a backdrop of white

snow and Glaciers making for a pretty

fascinating look Blood Falls is five

stories high pouring out from a glacier

into a lake the waterfall runs

continuously as well with red water

gushing out of the glacier like an open

wound Blood Falls was first discovered

in 1911 by Thomas Griffith Taylor a

geologist who had led several

expeditions to Antarctica the glacier

from which the waterfall comes out was

eventually named after Taylor to honor

him and his Discovery for a long time

scientists were unclear as to why this

waterfall had its unique color when he

initially discovered it Taylor believed

that the water had gotten its red color

due to algae discoloring it however

scientists later found out that blood

Falls was once a very salty lake that

had now been cut off from the atmosphere

due to the formation of ice due to this

cutoff the water has seen an increase in

salt content which has also prevented it

from freezing even in the harshest of

weather and besides this the water has a

very high content of iron which gives it

its color and the water also doesn't get

any access to oxygen or sunlight so it

has an even darker hue

UFO sightings remember when Sam Tripoli

told Joe Rogan that the commander on

operation high jump might have made

contact with alien life while on an

expedition to Antarctica I bet you

thought he was just some crackpot

conspiracy theorist who didn't know

anything well what if I told you that a

lot of people have actually made UFO

sightings in this region back in October

2020 someone was scanning satellite

imagery of Antarctica when they came

across an interesting Discovery they

immediately shared it with author Brad

Olson and he was quite shocked to come

upon the same thing a metallic looking

object half covered in ice appeared to

have been peeking out of the land

surface and it looked suspiciously like

an alien spacecraft Orson believes that

an alien spacecraft must have been left

there thousands of years ago only to be

covered up by the immense layers of ice

in the region however why would it be

that an alien civilization visiting the

Earth would choose Antarctica of all

places settle well according to experts

the fact that Antarctica has grown to be

such a cold uninhabitable place for

humans doesn't necessarily mean that

other life forms won't be able to thrive

there it is possible that an alien race

looking to visit our planet would feel

more comfortable in a place like

Antarctica than they would feel

elsewhere hey maybe the next time the

aliens come to play on Earth we can set

up an Airbnb on Antarctica or something

for them to relax and refresh before

they hop into their Flying Saucer head

back home just one thing aliens please

don't kidnap anyone again all right

singing her eyes telling you that

there's ice and Antarctica is a bit like

telling you that the sun is hot it's

pretty obvious but there's something

quite interesting about the ice in this

region some of it actually gives off

sound when some researchers set out to

explore the high shifts in Antarctica

they were pleasantly surprised to come

across a glacier that gives off melodic

sounds the Ross Eye shelf as it was

named appears to have a thing for giving

off sounds and making music the Ross Eye

shelf is the largest of its kind in

Antarctica with a size that Rivals all

of France when Winds of blow across its

dunes and crash against its surface this

Collision creates vibrations that

produce continuous seismic tones this

means that the Shelf pretty much sings

at all times however the sounds aren't

audible to human ears scientists had to

use seismic senses to listen to them

take a listener to his Tunes

another interesting fact is the sounds

appear to change is that weather change

is too so scientists now use the sounds

as well as changes in the sounds to

measure the eye shelf stability and

vulnerability to climatic conditions I

feel like we could send that file to a

composer or producer and they could

create a fire beat with it hey Dr Dre

give me a call it's pretty fascinating

to think that there is an expanse of

land on our planet that hasn't yet been

fully explored Antarctica is the coldest

region on Earth with an estimated 90

percent of the world's ice and with the

continent being incredibly secluded it's

pretty obvious that we're just

scratching the surface when it comes to

things that can be found in this place

what do you think about these

discoveries it did aliens really land on

this continent are their secret

government experiments being carried out



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    SSWritten by Shacovia Stevens

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