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The REAL story of the 900 UNDEAD Army

Bathed in Valor: The Unforgettable Battle of Osovich Fortress

By Franck SenpxPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 3 min read
Osovich Fortress

In the heart of World War One, a small band of Russian soldiers valiantly defended Osovich Fortress in Poland. This tale is no ordinary war story; it is a haunting mix of horror and inspiration, unlike anything you've ever heard. Picture the scene: August 3rd, 1915, the massive stone walls of Osovich Fortress looming before a young Russian soldier named Vladimir Kotlinski. For six long months, he had surveyed the same landscape, fighting off relentless German assaults.

Osovich Fortress was a prized location, strategically positioned with a railway passing straight through it, making it a coveted prize for both sides. Despite their numerical disadvantage, Vladimir and his modest force of 900 soldiers had managed to repel the Germans time and time again.

One morning, as Vladimir surveyed the fortress from the top of the walls, he noticed something peculiar unfolding in one of the nearby trenches. German officers were engrossed in some unseen phenomenon, their actions stirring unease in Vladimir's heart. But being a young and untested junior officer, he hesitated to voice his concerns, fearing the judgment of his superiors. So, he descended from the walls and joined his comrades below.

Three days later, the soldiers stationed on the fortress walls made a chilling discovery. Amidst the darkness, an eerie grayish-green cloud crept closer, emanating an otherworldly aura. Alarmed, they watched as birds dropped lifelessly from the sky with soft thuds. Panic set in, and the alarm bells rang throughout the fortress. The air turned acrid with a harsh chemical scent, while the sound of coughing echoed through the halls. Unbeknownst to the Russians, the Germans had meticulously planned a chemical attack.

This deadly gas, a diabolical combination of chlorine and bromine, transformed moisture into a corrosive agent, dissolving its victims from the inside out. Helpless against this invisible menace, the Russian soldiers began bleeding from their eyes, mouths, and ears. Their bodies convulsed, coughing up fragments of their own lungs.

But amidst the chaos, Vladimir, a man known for his unflinching bravery, saw an opportunity for one final stand. He gazed out from his window, witnessing a torrent of Germans rushing toward the fortress, guns blazing and artillery pounding. A surge of determination flooded Vladimir's veins. He was a man unafraid of death, having risked his life to save fallen comrades on multiple occasions.

Leaving his window behind, Vladimir strode purposefully to the open courtyard, addressing his nearly lifeless comrades. He rallied them, declaring that this was their moment, a chance to make their actions define them. With unwavering resolve, the hundred soldiers, teetering on the brink of death, joined Vladimir's cause.

He laid out a plan, and as they charged towards the oncoming Germans, they methodically picked them off, one by one. When ammunition ran dry, they pressed on, staggering forward, collecting fallen German weapons to continue their onslaught. In a frenzy of bayonets, they dispatched any enemy soldiers who dared to stand in their way.

In the midst of the chaos, a German soldier lunged at Vladimir, impaling him in the stomach. But even in the face of imminent death, Vladimir's spirit remained unbroken. He spat blood and chunks of lung tissue onto the terrified German's face, screaming defiantly at the heavens. Paralyzed by fear, the Germans hesitated, refusing to leave their trenches.

Vladimir's life force slowly dwindled, yet he mustered his final command: if they couldn't have the fortress, no one would. When the Germans finally claimed victory, they discovered the fortress held no further strategic value. Vladimir, even in death,

was posthumously honored with Russia's highest military distinction.

This tale of Osovich Fortress stands as a testament to the extraordinary bravery and sacrifice of a handful of Russian soldiers. It serves as a reminder that in the face of unimaginable horrors, the human spirit can rise, defying all odds, to leave an indelible mark on history.


About the Creator

Franck Senpx

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