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A Story of Trillionaires, Empires & The Richest Man Ever

The Unimaginable Fortunes of History's Wealthiest Individuals

By Franck SenpxPublished about a year ago 4 min read

In the world of immense wealth and fortunes, names like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates often come to mind. With fortunes surpassing $100 billion, these individuals are undoubtedly wealthy. However, when we consider the impact of inflation, their wealth falls short of making them the richest individuals in history. Today, we embark on a journey through time to explore the lives of the richest people in history and how they amassed their unimaginably large fortunes.

Let us begin with John D. Rockefeller, the oil magnate widely regarded as the richest self-made man in modern history. Born into a large family with an absent and dubious father, Rockefeller faced early financial struggles. He took on odd jobs, such as caring for neighbor's turkeys and selling potatoes and candy, to support his family. Despite the modest income, his entrepreneurial instincts were evident from a young age.

At the age of 16, Rockefeller dropped out of school and became a bookkeeper, earning a mere 50 cents a day. However, after two years of working there without a significant raise, he decided to start his own produce business. With a goal of earning $100,000, he recognized the need to build something of his own. Leveraging his experience, connections, and reputation, Rockefeller raised $4,000 to establish a business selling goods like meat, hay, and grain. The venture thrived, making nearly half a million dollars in its first year.

Rockefeller did not keep all the profits for himself, as a considerable portion went back into business expenses and loans. Nonetheless, the success of his first business provided him with the financial means to seize a significant opportunity – the oil industry. In 1859, the first American oil well was discovered, sparking the Pennsylvania oil rush. Rockefeller realized that the true profits lay in oil refining rather than drilling. At the age of 24, he used the money from his previous business to establish an oil refinery.

During this time, Rockefeller crossed paths with Henry Flagler, an investor interested in his business. Together, they formed the Standard Oil Company, which embarked on a mission to acquire smaller oil refineries in competition. When faced with resistance, Rockefeller resorted to selling oil at a loss, attracting customers away from competitors and forcing smaller companies out of business. These ruthless practices allowed the Standard Oil Company to expand rapidly, ultimately controlling 90% of the world's oil refining industry by the 1870s.

Rockefeller's shrewd business tactics, combined with strategic acquisitions, enabled the company to grow further. He hired the previous owners of the refineries he bought as board trustees, consolidating the expertise within the industry under his leadership. At its peak, the Standard Oil Company owned 20,000 oil wells, employed over 100,000 individuals, and possessed an estimated value of almost a trillion dollars in today's terms.

However, Rockefeller's ambition did not stop there. With oil conquered, he turned his attention to the railroad industry, mirroring his success with a new endeavor. As he expanded his empire, he became a symbol of corporate greed, attracting criticism and leading to the enactment of anti-monopoly legislation. Although Standard Oil was eventually broken up into subsidiaries, many of these entities later merged back together, some of which continue to exist today, including BP and Chevron. Even after the split, Rockefeller remained the richest person in the world until his death, solidifying his position as one of the wealthiest self-made individuals in modern history.

As we venture further into history, we encounter Mansa Musa, who is arguably richer than Rockefeller, yet relatively unknown to many. Ruling the Mali Empire in the 14th century, Mansa Musa presided over a region abundant in salt and gold. Under his leadership, the empire's trade routes expanded

, and cities were conquered, fostering economic prosperity. However, it was Mansa Musa's extravagant pilgrimage to Mecca that brought him international recognition.

In 1324, Mansa Musa embarked on his journey to Mecca, accompanied by an entourage of thousands. His caravan consisted of soldiers, officials, servants, and heralds, who carried an immense amount of gold to distribute along the way. His generosity was unprecedented, and he distributed gold to the poor and financed the construction of mosques and educational institutions.

Mansa Musa's lavish displays of wealth left a lasting impression on those who witnessed his journey, causing economic instability in the regions he passed through. Historians recount tales of his spending and gifts, highlighting the immense fortune he possessed. It is challenging to accurately quantify his wealth, but estimates range from $400 billion to $500 billion in today's terms, making him a strong contender for the title of the richest person in history.

While John D. Rockefeller and Mansa Musa are often cited as the wealthiest individuals in history, other names join the debate. Genghis Khan, the Mongol conqueror, amassed vast territories and accumulated untold wealth through conquest. Jacob Fugger, a strategic banker during the Renaissance, made his fortune through shrewd investments and taking advantage of changes in lending regulations. Even Caesar Augustus, the first Roman emperor, has been mentioned due to his ownership of Egypt and control over its vast resources.

Determining the richest person in history becomes increasingly challenging the further back we go. Ancient wealth, often tied to empires, conquests, and trade, is difficult to measure accurately by today's standards. Nevertheless, it is awe-inspiring to explore the fortunes amassed by historical figures. Despite their wealth, it is essential to appreciate the advancements of our modern lives, which offer access to technology, healthcare, and education that surpass the luxuries enjoyed by even the richest individuals in the past.

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Franck Senpx

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    Franck SenpxWritten by Franck Senpx

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