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the History of Man's best drink Coffee

from beans to your cup

By DtrailPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Now Think About It: The Fascinating Journey of Coffee from Bean to Cup

Coffee is a staple beverage that is enjoyed by billions of people worldwide. Almost anywhere in the world, you can find a cup of coffee to enjoy. But have you ever wondered how coffee became so popular, and what it takes for coffee to go from a bean to the delicious Java in our cups? Let's take a closer look at the journey of coffee from bean to cup.

Ok so I know this is all written but use your imagaination with me for a moment and lets Meet Carla, who comes from a Brazilian family that owns one of the most successful coffee farms in the world. She is going to show us around the farm and give us a behind-the-scenes look into the process of coffee production.

Firstly, coffee is a fruit that grows in medium-sized shrubs known as the coffeea plant. The fruit itself is called a cherry because it's red in color. Carla is part of the team that picks cherries by hand since they mature at a different pace. She walks around with a large handmade basket and picks up to 55 pounds of cherries every day.

Carla's family farm works with arabica beans, which are superior quality beans with a richer flavor than the Robusta variety. Arabica beans are usually found at heights of four thousand feet to thrive. They need high altitudes and a drier climate, which Carla's Farm has. High altitudes allow coffee to have a richer taste since the oxygen in these regions is scarcer, and it takes longer for coffee of beans to grow and evolve.

The next stage of coffee production is necessary to get the beans out of the cherries. Producers need to do that without compromising the taste of coffee. So there are two ways to do that. One process is called washing, the one that Carla does, and the other is known as a natural process.

After picking cherries, Carla washes the beans. First, she'll put the beans in a wet mill, which separates the seeds, also known as the coffee beans, from the fruit. Water is then used to wash away any remaining fruit, leaving only the coffee beans. The beans are then left to dry in the sun, and the outer layers are removed to reveal the green coffee beans.

The green coffee beans are then roasted to bring out their unique flavors. Different roasting methods produce different flavors, so it's essential to find the right roast for the beans. Finally, the roasted coffee beans are ground and brewed to make the delicious Java that we all love.

Coffee has come a long way since its discovery in Ethiopia back in the 15th century. Today, it's a global commodity that is enjoyed by billions of people worldwide. The journey of coffee from bean to cup is a fascinating one, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to produce the perfect cup of coffee. So, the next time you sip a cup of coffee, think about the journey it took to get to your cup, and savor every sip.

Now that the coffee beans have been roasted, it's time to grind them. Grinding the beans is what releases the flavor and aroma of the coffee. Different brewing methods require different levels of grinding, so it's important to get the right coarseness for each type of brew.

Once the beans are ground, they can be brewed into a delicious cup of hot or cold java. The most common way to brew coffee is with a drip machine, which slowly filters hot water over freshly ground coffee to make a cup of joe. For cold brews, such as iced or nitro coffees, cold water needs to be filtered over coarsely-ground coffee grounds for at least 12 hours.

After being brewed, the coffee is ready to drink! Carla loves nothing more than to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of her family's coffee and share stories with friends.

In conclusion, Carla has given us an insight into the intricate steps involved in producing the perfect cup of coffee. Through her experience, we have seen that it takes a lot of care and attention to detail to produce a quality brew. From picking the cherries to grinding and brewing, each step needs to be done carefully for the best tasting cup of coffee. So next time you grab a hot or cold brew, remember all that went into making it!

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    DWritten by Dtrail

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