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The Good Listener

The adventure of a good listener

By eyongPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Good Listener
Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted girl with curly brown hair and a big smile. She always wore a purple dress and a sparkly silver necklace. This girl loved to listen to stories. She would sit very quietly and listen to her parents, her friends, and even strangers. She liked to hear about their day, their dreams, and their favorite things.

One day, the girl went for a walk in the park. She saw an old man sitting on a bench, looking sad. She went up to him and said, 'Hello, sir. Is everything okay?' The old man sighed and said, 'I miss my family. They live far away, and I haven't spoken to them in a long time.' The girl listened intently to his words and felt his sadness. She decided to help him.

The next day, the girl wrote a letter to the old man's family. She told them how much their grandfather missed them and asked if they could call him. She put the letter in an envelope and mailed it right away. A few days later, the old man received a phone call from his family. He was overjoyed and thanked the girl for her kindness and good listening.

As the girl walked home from the park, she passed by a group of children playing. She noticed that one of the children was sitting alone and looking upset. She went up to him and asked, 'What's wrong?' The boy explained that he didn't have anyone to play with because he was new in town. The girl listened attentively and came up with an idea.

The girl invited the boy to join her and her friends in their games. She introduced him to everyone and made sure he felt included. The boy's frown turned into a big smile, and he thanked the girl for being such a good listener and a kind friend.

From that day on, the girl continued to listen to others with all her heart. She learned that listening was a way to show love and make people feel important. And she discovered that by being a good listener, she could make a big difference in someone's life.

As the years went by, the girl with curly brown hair and a big smile grew up to be a young woman. She continued to listen to others and help those in need. Her kindness spread throughout her community, and people knew they could count on her whenever they needed someone to talk to.

One day, the young woman received a letter from an old friend she hadn't seen in years. The friend wrote about how much their conversations meant to them when they were younger and how grateful they were for the young woman's listening ear. Reading the letter brought tears to the young woman's eyes as she realized just how much of an impact she had made on others simply by being there for them.

The next day, while walking through town, the young woman heard someone calling out her name. It was one of her former classmates who had always been shy and reserved. The classmate explained that after seeing how kind and compassionate the young woman was towards everyone in school, it inspired them to become more outgoing themselves.

The two chatted for a while longer before parting ways with warm smiles on their faces. As she walked home that evening, emotions surged within her heart - gratitude at having impacted so many lives positively over time; happiness knowing that even small acts of kindness can make such significant differences; sadness at all those moments where perhaps somebody was struggling but unable or unwillingly admitted it aloud until somebody else like herself lent an empathetic ear.

But most importantly - hope! Hope that if everybody learned just one lesson - which is "to be kind" - we could create a world filled with compassion rather than conflict; understanding instead of intolerance; love instead of hate.

And thus ended another beautiful day full of life lessons for our heroine – reminding us all once again why listening is crucial not only for ourselves but also those around us: because sometimes what people really need is not advice or solutions but merely someone willing enough just TO LISTEN.

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    EWritten by eyong

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