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The Forgotten Peak

A Glitch in the Treasure Hunt

By WadezikPublished 15 days ago 3 min read

Erica, a wisp of a girl with eyes that shone like polished emeralds, squinted at the faded map clutched in her sweaty hand. "This doesn't make any sense, Leo," she grumbled, wiping a stray strand of hair from her forehead.

o, her older brother by a whopping three years, adjusted his backpack. "Maybe we just suck at reading pirate maps, Eri." He winked, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners.

They were on a summer mission - to conquer Black Peak, a gnarled mountain looming over their sleepy town of Pinewood, and find the legendary Captain Blackheart's treasure. The faded map, discovered tucked within the dusty pages of a forgotten library book, promised untold riches hidden somewhere on the peak.

Their trek had been brutal. The relentless summer sun beat down, and the path, more of a suggestion than a trail, was littered with loose rocks and thorny bushes. Yet, the thrill of the hunt kept them going.

"There!" Leo exclaimed, pointing at a jagged crevice in the mountain face. "That must be it! The map says 'skull-shaped passage.'"

Erica peered into the darkness. The opening resembled a gaping maw, and a shiver danced down her spine. "Looks more like a monster's mouth than a skull," she mumbled, but her voice lacked conviction.

Taking a deep breath, Leo shouldered his backpack. "Well, are you in, Captain Erica?"

Erica straightened her shoulders, channeling her inner pirate captain. "Always, Captain Leo. To adventure!"

The passage was a tight squeeze. Cobwebs brushed against their faces, and the air hung heavy with the smell of damp earth and something... metallic? They emerged into a vast cavern, its ceiling lost in shadows. An eerie luminescence emanated from strange, glowing crystals scattered around the cavern floor.

"Whoa..." Erica breathed, her voice echoing in the vast space.

In the center of the cavern stood a massive stone pedestal, and upon it rested a chest, intricately carved with swirling patterns. It couldn't be... Captain Blackheart's treasure!

They approached cautiously, their footsteps crunching on the crystal shards. As they neared the chest, a holographic image flickered to life above it. A wiry man with a bushy black beard and a mischievous glint in his eye materialized.

"Ahoy, mateys!" boomed the holographic Captain Blackheart. "You seem to have found yer way to me treasure."

Erica and Leo exchanged wide-eyed glances. A talking hologram? This was way cooler than any dusty gold doubloons!

"But there's a catch," the hologram continued. "This treasure ain't gold or jewels. It be knowledge! Aye, the greatest treasure a pirate can possess."

The hologram chuckled, a deep, hearty sound. "To claim this treasure, ye must answer me riddle. What be the one thing a pirate can never steal?"

Erica furrowed her brow. Steal... what can't be stolen? She glanced at Leo, who was chewing on his lip, a thoughtful frown etched on his face.

"Time!" Leo blurted out.

The hologram's laughter filled the cavern. "Aye, young lad! Time be the one thing even the greatest pirate can never plunder! Now, this knowledge be encoded within these crystals. Take a handful, and use them wisely!"

With a final wink, the hologram flickered and faded. Erica and Leo stared at each other, then at the glowing crystals. Knowledge as treasure? It wasn't exactly what they expected, but a thrill of discovery buzzed through them.

Carefully, they each pocketed a handful of crystals. As they turned to leave, a glint of gold caught Erica's eye. Tucked in a corner, half-hidden by shadows, was a small, ornately carved wooden box.

They exchanged a knowing look. Maybe a little traditional pirate booty wouldn't hurt, after all. Besides, knowledge and gold – now that was a truly legendary treasure.

Emerging from the Black Peak, they looked back at the mountain bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun. Their adventure might not have been what they expected, but it had been filled with wonder, discovery, and a twist that would forever be etched in their memories – the day they found a treasure far greater than gold on the Forgotten Peak.


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    WWritten by Wadezik

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