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Small-foot village and the secret behind that name.

Golden Foot in China. The symbol of familyism and beauty has been in China since the past, but has the female face been her true face, or has the story had a painful face that only ancient Chinese women know?

By mahmoud hakeemPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

Foot ligation in China

In China, there's a village where women have so small but so small that your iPhone phone is bigger than her! It's so small that children's feet are bigger than them. Yeah, that's true, and it's already there, but what village is this? And why is that?

A small-foot village is an agricultural Chinese village where most of the poor live and formerly have a large number of women with golden feet or lotus feet as they've been called, but now there are very few of these women left in old China. If you want to be a beautiful woman, your feet must be small.

For years, mothers had deliberately ruined their daughters ' feet so that they could stop growing and thus remain small. In ancient China, that habit was considered beautiful. The size of the foot was approximately 3 inches small, a symbol of what is known as the golden lotus foot, and it was sad that 40% of ancient Chinese women had been forced to get small feet for the rest of their lives, no matter how painful it might be.

Fortunately, that bizarre habit ended 90 years ago and most women with small feet were dead, while the last small-shoe factory was closed in 1999 and we can usually call the women's torture trip in China to attract and admire men where it was a prerequisite for marriage.

Lotus's foot.

Small feet in China were called Lotus's foot, and women with large feet were ridiculed and humiliated and seen as common field workers and unable to afford the welfare of Lotus' feet, and the process of folding in China was not simple, but an important science in ancient centuries and began to prepare psychologically to endure pain by convincing girls that folding would make them more beautiful and open up new prospects for marriage.

Then the folding process begins after the feet are washed well, the fingernails are cut, the fingers are cut off, the big fingers are tied, the heels are tied together, the bandages may be put together, and the bandages are properly tightened on that position, and then the feet are inserted into very narrow shoes. The bandages are changed daily to push the foot harder each time, which causes great pain to children because they obstruct their movements for several days and months.

In addition to the stench, during the summer it smells very difficult because of blood and vomiting. It freezes in winter due to a lack of oxygen flow in the blood. However, it is a very painful process that changes the body of a Chinese woman by putting all the pressure on her thighs and buttocks, causing their swelling and cramping legs, as well as the physical suffering that these women have for life.

The Golden Foot Legend of China

Many said that the custom had not been attributed to a person per se and had not come up with the invention of this sterile thought, but some legends stated that there was a beautiful Chinese dancer named "Yo" who once performed her famous dance with little lotus gold-shaped shoes, where men admired her dance moves and the shape of her little feet and thus became a symbol of beauty.

Fortunately, however, that practice has now come to an end because some institutions have called for the need to address these traditions, which cause countless sufferings to Chinese women, which was later called upon by the Government to ban that practice from being imposed once again once and for all. Nevertheless, some hard-line families have traditionally held their feet, but governments have taken control and have been banned once and for all.


There are many customs that rob women of their freedoms and make their lives more painful. For example, the tradition of folding feet in China has caused only enormous damage and has made them primarily dependent on men for women to be weak and always need to rely on men, whether husband, brother or otherwise, as a result of the destruction of their feet and the inability to stand or walk for distance.

The horror is that this tradition is over, but there are many in other cultures, for example, in China they make their feet smaller, Britain they make the waist smaller, and in America they make the chest bigger, there are many painful ways for women to look more beautiful in our society.

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mahmoud hakeem

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