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Secret of natarajar temple in india

One of the most popular temple in india....

By Ram KumarPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Located in the Tamil Nadu town of Chidambaram, India, the Chidambaram Nataraja Temple, also called the Thillai Nataraja Temple, is a Hindu temple devoted to Lord Shiva. One of the five most sacred Shiva temples, or Pancha Bhoota Stalas, which stand for the five elements, is this one.

The Chidambaram Temple is highly regarded for its magnificent architecture, profound spiritual meaning, and rich cultural legacy. It symbolizes Akasha (ether).

Situated on 40 acres, the temple complex is encircled by an enormous wall. It is well known for its historic Dravidian architecture, which is distinguished by elaborately carved pillared halls, gopurams (gateway towers), and pillars.

Lord Nataraja, the presiding god, is housed in the main sanctum sanctorum, also called the Chit Sabha, where he appears as a cosmic dancer. Precious stones and jewels are used to embellish the Panchaloha, an alloy composed of five metals, that represents Nataraja.

The history of the temple is rich with myth and folklore. A tradition states that the temple stands where Lord Shiva demonstrated the five heavenly acts of creation, preservation, destruction, concealment, and grace during the Ananda Tandava, the cosmic dance of bliss.

In a different version, the temple was built in Chidambaram as a result of Lord Vishnu, who was dressed as a mendicant, challenging Lord Shiva to a dance event.

The temple has an extensive past that goes back more than a millennium. Its building and ornamentation were funded by a number of dynasties, including the Chola, Pandya, and Vijayanagara emperors. Over the ages, the temple complex had numerous extensions and modifications that gave rise to its current state as a marvel of Dravidian architecture.

An iconic event at the Chidambaram Temple is the yearly Natyanjali Dance Festival, which honors Lord Nataraja and features dancers from all across the nation performing classical dances as a sacrifice to the god. The event highlights India's rich cultural legacy and draws lakhs of devotees and visitors.

The Tamil Shaiva Siddhanta school of thought, which emphasizes Shiva's worship as the ultimate deity, is another reason for the temple's notoriety. Shaivites hold the Chidambaram Temple in high regard for its spiritual significance and heavenly energy, making it a hallowed site.

It is thought that blessings, spiritual enlightenment, and freedom from the cycle of life and death can be obtained by visiting the Chidambaram Nataraja Temple. Travelers and devotees swarm to the temple in order to feel the spiritual atmosphere of this historic and hallowed site of devotion as well as to ask Lord Nataraja for his heavenly grace.

One of the most important Shaivite temples in India is the Nataraja Temple in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. It honors Lord Shiva as Nataraja, the cosmic dancer. The temple is well known for its elaborate sculptures, stunning architecture, and lengthy history.

The "Chidambara Rahasya," or the secret of Chidambaram, which is connected to the innermost sanctum of the temple, is one of its most fascinating features.

Legend has it that the deity is hidden behind a curtain (called the "Chidambara Rahasya") in the temple's sanctum sanctorum. In contrast to other temples where the god is visible, Lord Shiva's form as Nataraja is represented by a single, empty area in the sanctum. The curtain represents the idea that God is all-pervasive, which is why it is significant.

There is symbolism and mystery around the hidden meaning behind the curtain. Some see a golden idol of Nataraja hidden behind the curtain, while others see it as a symbolizing the formless essence of the holy.

Recalling the deep philosophical and spiritual aspects of Hinduism, the Chidambara Rahasya highlights the notion that the holy can be experienced in a multitude of ways.

World History

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Ram Kumar

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