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My journey throught the unxpected coma

My Real Experience When I Was in a Coma

By faqih MuhammadPublished 10 days ago 3 min read

When I was in a coma, it happened so suddenly. One moment, I was living my everyday life, and the next, everything went dark. It was a day like any other, filled with routine tasks and normal activities, until a sharp pain shot through my head. I remember feeling dizzy, then everything went black.

The incident that led to my coma was unexpected. I was at work, sitting at my desk, when I suddenly felt an intense headache. Before I could make sense of it, my vision blurred, and I collapsed. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital bed weeks later, with no recollection of what had happened in between.

During the coma, I was in a deep, dreamless sleep, completely unaware of the world around me. My family and friends were in shock, struggling to understand what had happened. They visited me every day, holding my hand, talking to me, hoping that I could hear them. The doctors did their best to explain my condition, but the uncertainty of my recovery was a constant source of anxiety for everyone.

In the void of the coma, there was no sense of time passing. It felt like an eternity, yet also like no time at all. I had no dreams, no thoughts, just an endless, empty darkness. Meanwhile, life continued around me. My loved ones later told me about their fear and despair, waiting for any sign of improvement. They held onto hope, even when the doctors couldn't provide any certainty about my recovery. It was their love and faith that kept them going, praying for a miracle.

After what felt like an eternity, I began to show signs of waking up. It started with small movements – a twitch of a finger, a flutter of the eyelids. Slowly but surely, I emerged from the darkness. When I finally opened my eyes, I was disoriented and confused, not fully understanding what had happened. The faces of my family and friends were both familiar and strange, and it took time for me to piece together the reality of my situation.

The road to recovery was long and challenging. I had to relearn basic skills like walking and talking, and it took time to regain my strength. The support of my family and friends was crucial during this period. Their constant encouragement and unwavering belief in my recovery gave me the motivation to keep pushing forward.

As I regained my health, I realized how fragile life can be. The experience taught me to cherish every moment and appreciate the people around me. It also showed me the incredible power of love and hope, and how they can make a difference even in the darkest of times. Today, I am grateful for every new day. The coma was a life-altering experience that changed my perspective forever. It reminded me that life is unpredictable, and we should never take it for granted. I now live with a renewed sense of purpose, determined to make the most of the second chance I've been given.

Reflecting on my journey, I understand that the human spirit is incredibly resilient. Despite the physical and emotional challenges, the will to live and the support of loved ones can pull us through the toughest times. My experience in a coma was not just a period of unconsciousness, but a profound lesson in the value of life and the strength of human connection.

Now, as I share my story, I hope to inspire others to appreciate the simple joys of life and to hold on to hope even in the face of uncertainty. Life is a precious gift, and every moment is an opportunity to create beautiful memories and meaningful connections. My journey through the coma and back has given me a deeper understanding of life's fragility and the importance of living fully and with gratitude.


About the Creator

faqih Muhammad

I am a person who loves writing stories and is active on Quora Indonesia

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